i want to run a batch script into my pc when it is locked - windows

i want to run a batch file on my pc for an overnight activity. The problem is that i can't do that because the pc is locked.
I am using this code:
#echo off
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq \\Desktop\notepad.exe" | find /i "\\Desktop\notepad.exe"
start notepad.exe
goto EXIT
and it works only the pc is unlocked.
Any help will matters.

Create a new Scheduled Task. Set the task to run when user is logged in or not. Then set the interval of your task time.
On Windows 8 etc you are able to set triggers on when the task should be kicked of by using either a set time or when PC goes on idle, when an event occurs etc.
There is also an option for On Workstation Lock
If this is not your intention to use scheduler. Then right a script that runs in a permanent loop by adding some sleep time and only rerun the taks every now and again, something like this (untested, just used yours as example)
#echo off
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq \\Desktop\notepad.exe" |find /i "\\Desktop\notepad.exe"
start notepad.exe
timeout 300
goto START
timeout 300 is basically sleeping the script for 300 seconds and will start from START again. We can then run the batch file before locking the PC and it wil lrun in a continuous loop. Even though it might not be the right way, it is an option. Perhaps some more detail around how often the batch file should run?


.bat to check if a window or process is open or running and if it is do this if it is not do something else

I need a little help here.
I need to create a .bat file to check if a process is running every 5 seconds. If the process is running then it simply resets and checks again in 5 seconds. If the process is not running, then it closes all other .bat files and restarts everything.
This is for a game server. So right now the whole process includes a few .bat files of which do different things. The initiate.bat starts the process by starting startserver.bat. startserver.bat then starts the game server, it's window opens and the server starts, it the starts the .bat file schedule.bat which sets a timer and is meant to restart the server once the timer has run out and then startserver.bat starts up anticrash.bat of which the code for it is below.
I have a feeling the code is not finding the server window or the process. I've double checked the process file name and have made sure that is correct. The title in the window for the server is simply the path to the .exe, but no matter what I've tried I can't get it to function correctly. It always ends up in a loop and not identifying the open or closed process and it simply defaults to "Server was not found!". If I swap the code it will simply loop "Server was found!" and proceed that way.
This is not the only example I've tried either. I've looked at literally every article I could find on how to check if a process or window was open. I've tried to add a title to the window and search for the title, I've tried other code configurations and if then statements and nothing works.
In the end I'd like the .bat to simply check if the server process is running or if the window is open, either way as I don't care how it identifies it, and if the server window is open and the server is running then simply recheck every 5 seconds. If it finds that the process or window was closed or ended, then it should close all other .bats and restart the process of initiating the server. It's mainly for when the server crashes I want it to restart if it does.
#echo off
goto check
echo Starting Anit Crash... Check every 5 Seconds...
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
set EXE=program.exe
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND
echo Server was not found!
echo Server may have crashed...
timeout /t 5
echo Shutting Down Other Processes First...
taskkill /f /im "schedule.bat"
echo Server Restarting...
start cmd /k call initiate.bat
echo Exiting Anti Crash...
timeout /t 3
goto FIN
echo Server Was Found...
echo Server Is Active... Rechecking In 5 Seconds...
timeout /t 5
goto check
It may solve your Problem
#echo off
set EXE=safeincloud.exe
echo Starting Anti Crash... Check every 5 Seconds...
tasklist /fi "ImageName eq %EXE%" /fo csv 2>NUL | find /I "%EXE%">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto FOUND
echo Server was not found!
echo Server may be crashed...
timeout /t 5 >nul
echo Shutting Down Other Processes First...
taskkill /f /im "schedule.bat"
echo Server Restarting...
start "" "initiate.bat"
echo Exiting Anti Crash...
timeout /t 3 >nul
goto End
echo Server Was Found...
echo Server Is Active... Rechecking In 5 Seconds...
timeout /t 5 >nul
goto check
Source : How to check if a process is running via a batch script

Is there a way to run a batch of asynchronous commands a few at a time? [duplicate]

I have a main batch file than calls 4 other batch files so we can run in parallel.
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
I want the Main.bat to exit after all the batch1 to batch 4 has stopped executing. In this way, I can get the total run time of the batch file. Problem is Main.bat exits even before batch1 to batch4 finishes executing.
I tried to compute for %errorlevel% for each batch file, but it always return 0 even though the 4 .bat files are still running.
Hoping someone could help me!
Thank you! :)
I think this is the simplest and most efficient way:
#echo off
echo %time%
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
) | set /P "="
echo %time%
In this method the waiting state in the main file is event driven, so it does not consume any CPU time!
EDIT: Some explanations added
The set /P command would terminate when anyone of the commands in the ( block ) outputs a line, but start commands don't show any line in this cmd.exe. This way, set /P keeps waiting for input until all processes started by start commands ends. At that point the pipe line associated to the ( block ) is closed, so the set /P Stdin is closed and set /P command is terminated by the OS.
give a unique title string to the new processes, then check if any processes with this string in the title are running:
start "+++batch+++" batch1.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch2.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch3.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch4.bat
timeout /t 1 >nul
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq +++batch+++*" |find "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :loop
echo all tasks finished
(find is used, because tasklist does not return a helpful errorlevel)
Give this a try.
#echo off
echo %time%
start "" /wait cmd /c bat1.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat2.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat3.bat
echo %time%
You could have batch1..batchn4 create flag files when they finish running.
e.g echo y > flag1 in batch1.bat
Then in the main batch file check for the existence of the flag files before exiting. You would need some sort of sleep utility to do something like this at the end of the main batch file:
IF EXIST flag1 GOTO check2
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check1
IF EXIST flag2 GOTO check3
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check2
IF EXIST flag3 GOTO check4
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check3
IF EXIST flag4 GOTO xit
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check4
The downside of this technique is that your timing is going to be off a little because you're polling for the flag files instead of being event driven. This may or may not be a problem in your situation. Batch files are pretty limited in this way. You might be better off trying to do it in PowerShell or python or some other more capable scripting language.
No one mentioned this solution, which I find to be the best. Put this at the end of your script, modify your process name if needed and the search strings.
This includes modifications necessary to have this work remotely too which was a headache. Originally I used tasklist instead of WMIC and checked named window titles defined when START is called, but windowName is N/A in tasklist when using it remotely. The powershell command worked better than timeout in our circumstances, which required us to run from this from a Jenkins agent.
ECHO Waiting...
powershell -command "Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000" > nul
WMIC PROCESS WHERE Name="cmd.exe" GET commandline | findstr "searchString1 searchString 2" > nul && goto :WAIT_FOR_FINISH
ECHO Processes are Complete!

My batch file that runs other batch file won't wait before the first is finished (using /WAIT command). Can anyone help me do it? [duplicate]

I have a main batch file than calls 4 other batch files so we can run in parallel.
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
I want the Main.bat to exit after all the batch1 to batch 4 has stopped executing. In this way, I can get the total run time of the batch file. Problem is Main.bat exits even before batch1 to batch4 finishes executing.
I tried to compute for %errorlevel% for each batch file, but it always return 0 even though the 4 .bat files are still running.
Hoping someone could help me!
Thank you! :)
I think this is the simplest and most efficient way:
#echo off
echo %time%
start call batch1.bat
start call batch2.bat
start call batch3.bat
start call batch4.bat
) | set /P "="
echo %time%
In this method the waiting state in the main file is event driven, so it does not consume any CPU time!
EDIT: Some explanations added
The set /P command would terminate when anyone of the commands in the ( block ) outputs a line, but start commands don't show any line in this cmd.exe. This way, set /P keeps waiting for input until all processes started by start commands ends. At that point the pipe line associated to the ( block ) is closed, so the set /P Stdin is closed and set /P command is terminated by the OS.
give a unique title string to the new processes, then check if any processes with this string in the title are running:
start "+++batch+++" batch1.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch2.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch3.bat
start "+++batch+++" batch4.bat
timeout /t 1 >nul
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq +++batch+++*" |find "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :loop
echo all tasks finished
(find is used, because tasklist does not return a helpful errorlevel)
Give this a try.
#echo off
echo %time%
start "" /wait cmd /c bat1.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat2.bat |start "" /wait cmd /c bat3.bat
echo %time%
You could have batch1..batchn4 create flag files when they finish running.
e.g echo y > flag1 in batch1.bat
Then in the main batch file check for the existence of the flag files before exiting. You would need some sort of sleep utility to do something like this at the end of the main batch file:
IF EXIST flag1 GOTO check2
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check1
IF EXIST flag2 GOTO check3
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check2
IF EXIST flag3 GOTO check4
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check3
IF EXIST flag4 GOTO xit
sleep <for a short amount of time>
goto check4
The downside of this technique is that your timing is going to be off a little because you're polling for the flag files instead of being event driven. This may or may not be a problem in your situation. Batch files are pretty limited in this way. You might be better off trying to do it in PowerShell or python or some other more capable scripting language.
No one mentioned this solution, which I find to be the best. Put this at the end of your script, modify your process name if needed and the search strings.
This includes modifications necessary to have this work remotely too which was a headache. Originally I used tasklist instead of WMIC and checked named window titles defined when START is called, but windowName is N/A in tasklist when using it remotely. The powershell command worked better than timeout in our circumstances, which required us to run from this from a Jenkins agent.
ECHO Waiting...
powershell -command "Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000" > nul
WMIC PROCESS WHERE Name="cmd.exe" GET commandline | findstr "searchString1 searchString 2" > nul && goto :WAIT_FOR_FINISH
ECHO Processes are Complete!

Monitor a start of process in windows, then execute something (stop another process/service)

can someone think of a solution for something like this? :
Program/script logic: It would constantly monitor the windows OS for a process starting within it (***1.exe) (I guess it could constantly run via task scheduler to do the constant monitoring?) , while it sees that ***1.exe is running, it would kill/end another process ***2.exe, and once ***1.exe would go away, it would no longer be stopping the ***2.exe process.
I think it could be either a bash script, powershell script, or a windows service?
You can use the Register-CimIndicationEvent cmdlet to register for events raised by Win32_ProcessStartTrace WMI class:
# Define which events to listen for
$NewProcessQuery = "SELECT ProcessId,ProcessName FROM Win32_ProcessStartTrace WHERE ProcessName LIKE '%1.exe'"
# Define the code to run every time a new process is created
$ProcessAction = {
# See if any instances of *2.exe processes are running
if(($TargetProcess = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "Name LIKE '%2.exe'"))
# Terminate them
$TargetProcess |Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate
# Register for the event
Register-CimIndicationEvent -Query $NewProcessQuery -SourceIdentifier ProcessCreated
So since the solution above was for only windows 2012 and up, I decided to try another solution. This should work for regular processes, but I'll have to try something else rather than %ERRORLEVEL% because the process I'm monitoring is originally an msi installer and seems like it returns and errorlevel of 1 all the time (running or not) while regular processes return 0 or 1 depending on the status. The process I'm ending starts back up automatically, that's the reason there's no start service command included in here, timeout was set to 62 seconds because the service starts back up automatically every 60 seconds, a /NOBREAK can be added if wanted to eliminate the possibility of user input starting it (if this would be ran without a task scheduler,etc.)
TASKLIST /FI "IMAGENAME eq process.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "process.exe">NUL
IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (
GOTO stop_process2
) ELSE (
GOTO loop_check
ECHO killing task
TASKKILL /F /IM process2.exe
GOTO loop_check
Read my previous reply/comment before this one for more clarity. This is the final solution that worked for me. A star(*) is included at the end of the 'BeginningOfApplicationName' because the installer/msi I'm detecting has sometimes different names based on it's version, so it finds/finishes the ending (wildcard). Since the name of the process I'm monitoring can have different names, I couldn't compare it to a static string, so I'm comparing it to INFO: , seems thats what windows (2008 and 2012!) both print out when a process is not found.
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq BeginningOfApplicationName*"') DO IF %%x == INFO: (
GOTO loop_check
) ELSE (
GOTO stop_process
TASKKILL /F /IM process.exe
GOTO loop_check

windows task scheduler: how trigger task then program has closed?

I'm building a specific task.
I need to track when a program ends, make report and analyze it. So, I want to create a schedule for it.
For example, I have process called testing.exe, and I want to check for it's log after it finishes job. I have analyze.bat file. I just need something to run it, just after testing.exe finishes it's job and closes.
I can't change anything in program code, so I believe, that task scheduler is the only way.
Help me please
Task Scheduler is not even required for this! It can be done under just batch!
#echo off
set batdir=____________
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq testing.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "testing.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto start
goto begin
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq testing.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "testing.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto start
start %batdir%\analyze.bat
Just replace _________ with the directory of analyze.bat and it should work. What it does is: it first waits for testing.exe to start. If it started or was already on, it switches and now waits for testing.exe to close. Once it closes, it starts analyze.bat which is exactly what you wanted without the need of Task Scheduler. Hope I helped!
