Ruby uniniatialized constant in Calabash Step - ruby

I am writing some interface tests using Cucumber as skeleton for Android-Calabash. The tests are written in Ruby.
I am receiving the following execution error:
uninitialized constant MultiTouchGesture
The code generating it is:
require 'calabash-android/calabash_steps'
require 'calabash-android/gestures'
When(/^When I touch the spaceship and an asteroid at the same time$/) do
gest = []
multi_touch =
gestures.add_touch(touch("* id:'spaceship'"), 0)
gestures.add_touch(touch("* id:'asteroid'"), 1)
I guess Ruby does not find gestures.rb where MultiTouchGesture class is, even if I have imported it using 'require'. I have checked for gestures.rb and it is not missing in my computer, it is in the following path:
What can I do to make Ruby find the class?
Here is the documentation for MultiTouchGesture class:
Thank you,


Not able to call method in a gem

This might be an easy question but I was unfortunately not able to find the answer on Google.
I am working on a project of my own, and I am externalizing some code in a gem (FrenchTaxSystem). It is the first I create a gem and I have difficulties using it properly.
When calling a method (like testit) defined in the main file (french_tax_system.rb) of my gem I get a "NoMethodError: undefined method `testit' for FrenchTaxSystem:Module", though I can call constants from this same file (like FISCAL_NB_PARTS_FOR_MARRIED_COUPLE) and it puzzles me.
E.g in IRB I get that when calling a method:
And it is the same in my Rspecs tests inside my gem
However when calling a constant I have no error:
Main file in my gem:
module FrenchTaxSystem
class Error < StandardError; end
# Constants
# Methods
## Main method
def testit
"test me"
Gem file structure:
Thank you in advance for your help,
This should work:
module FrenchTaxSystem
def self.testit
"test me"

Ruby unit testing - access test result (success/failure)?

I'm using Ruby 2.2. I need to run a unit test and get information if it succeeded or failed. I'm browsing through docs of both test-unit and minitest (suggested gems for unit testing in Ruby 2.2) but I can't seem to find a method that would return or store somewhere information about the test result.
All I need is information whether the test failed/succeeded, and I need to access it from the level of Ruby. I imagine I would have to use a specific method to run the test - so far, I was only able to run a single test by running the test file, not by invoking any method.
Maybe it's just my poor knowledge of Ruby, anyway I would appreciate any help.
May be you can run the tests using Ruby's ability to run shell command and return results.
Here is an example for test-unit:
test_output = `ruby test.rb --runner console --verbose=progress`
failed_tests = test_output.chomp.split('').count('F')
passed_tests = test_output.chomp.split('').count('.')
puts "P: #{passed_tests}, F: #{failed_tests}"
We are using --verbose=progress option so that we get minimum output. It will look something like below:
We count number of F to figure out how many tests failed.
For about test output, the sample program will print:
P: 4, F: 2
Another option is to use passed? method:
Not sure if it's still available in the latest versions of Ruby, so please check that before using.

Call one Ruby Script from Another

I am having a perplexing problem. I want to call one ruby script from another.
With this in mind, I create a testscript.rb and executed it, it contains this code,
require './paypal.rb'
puts paypal['L_AMT0']
This code returns a number, which is my paypal balance. It relies on a paypal.rb file which uses the ruby-paypal gem. When I do ruby testscript.rb I get the output of my paypal balance, which means it is working properly. This tells me that my method for calling one RB from another is okay, since, in the above scenario, testscript.rb is getting a variable that is returned from paypal.rb.
Using this same logic, I inserted the above code into another program which is called SiriProxy. It is a ruby program. I need it to get my paypal balance.
So Inside that program, I did a require paypal.rb, it failed because it could not find it, so I set an absolute path in require which fixed it.
However, when SiriProxy (the other ruby rb giving me an issue) trys to run puts paypal['L_AMT0'] it results in an error and ends the program.
This is the error,
[Info - Plugin Manager] Say: Checking Paypal Balance
/home/siriproxy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194#SiriProxy/gems/siriproxy-0.3.0/plugins/siriproxy-example/lib/siriproxy-example.rb:47:in `block in <class:Example>': undefined local variable or method `paypal' for #<SiriProxy::Plugin::Example:0x931a228> (NameError)
from /home/siriproxy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194#SiriProxy/bundler/gems/cora-1edcfb9073d5/lib/cora/plugin.rb:47:in `instance_exec'
from /home/siriproxy/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194#SiriProxy/bundler/gems/cora-1edcfb9073d5/lib/cora/plugin.rb:47:in `block (2 levels) in process'
In the above output it appears the issue is it does not understand "paypal", as seen here:
undefined local variable or method `paypal'
However, I do not understand why, since in testscript.rb I do the exact same thing and it works.
Can anyone help? Thank you.
Seems like #CodeGnome is right.
From the Kernel documentation:
require(name) → true or false
Loads the given name, returning true if successful and false if the
feature is already loaded.
require_relative(string) → true or false
Ruby tries to load the library named string relative to the requiring
file’s path. If the file’s path cannot be determined a LoadError is
raised. If a file is loaded true is returned and false otherwise.
Loading Files from the Current Directory
I don't know anything about your library or its internals, but it looks like your require statement may be wrong. If you want to load a file from the current directory in Ruby 1.9.3, you should use:
require_relative 'paypal'
Bundler and Gems
If it's a gem that you've installed as part of a bundle (e.g. the gem is defined in a Gemfile), then providing a path in your require statement is wrong. Instead, you need to require the bundled gem as follows:
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'paypal'

Trouble w/ Rubymine and unit tests

DISCLAIMER: I am very new to ruby, still trying to get my feet wet, so this could be hugely stupid issue.
I'm trying to get a very simple project and one unit test working, and the Universe is throwing a LifeException (I just can't figure this out)
Using Rubymine 4.0.1 on Mac OS X, 10.7.3.
Launched RubyMine and created a new project (not Rails) "TestExample"
Created a new Ruby Class, file is my_class.rb.
class MyClass
def say_hi
puts "Hi!"
my =
Create a new TestUnit Test Template, file is "my_test.rb"
require "test/unit"
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_create
#my =
At this point I have two issues:
1. How do I 'require' my class in my tests? If I change the above test case to:
require "test/unit"
require "my_class"
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_create
#my =
and attempt to run my "All tests in: TestExample" configuration, I get a "Exception message: cannot load such a file -- my_class". The Tests folder and working directory are pointed to the location of the files. (every file is in the same folder)
The other is a "Unable to attach test reporter to test framework".
I've googled and attempted to figure this out to no avail. I realize this is two questions in one, and if I could just get tests working, I'd be happy.
Thanks for any input and don't laugh to hard at my uber-ruby-noobness.
[Update] - This only happens when using the RVM: ruby-1-9.3-p125 SDK. If I use the ruby-1.8.7-p249(/usr/bin/ruby), it does work. This has to be some configuration issue.
For the first question, try:
require_relative 'my_class'
I can't answer the second.

Mocha Mock Carries To Another Test

I have been following the 15 TDD steps to create a Rails application guide - but have run into an issue I cannot seem to resolve. For the functional test of the WordsController, I have the following code:
class WordsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test "should get learn" do
get 'learn'
assert_response :success
test "learn passes a random word" do
some_word =
get 'learn'
assert_equal some_word, assigns('word')
In the Word class I have the following code:
class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.random
all = Word.find :all
When I run the tests, I experience the following error (shortened for brevity):
1) Failure: unexpected invocation: Word(...).random() satisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, already invoked once: Word(...).random()
I have tried changing changing the order of the tests along with a multitude of other things, but time and time again I continue to receive the same test failure - that Word.random() has already been invoked.
I'm running Rails 3.0 beta 4 and Mocha 0.9.8. I've searched long and hard for a solution to my problem, but I can't seem to find it. I'm new to Ruby/Rails so am rather unfamiliar with the language and the frameworks.
Thanks in advance!
mocha needs to be loaded last. I struggled a lot with this problem too.
group :test
gem 'mocha', '~>0.9.8', :require => false
#at the very bottom
require 'mocha'
I had the same problem, mocked functionality was not isolated to a test, it seems to be a problem with the load order of Mocha.
I had some issues getting Mocha to work with Rails3. I found a few stackoverflow posts regarding, but didn't stumble across the solution until I found a post on
Basically, in the Gemfile of your project, the require for Mocha should look like:
gem 'mocha', :require => false
Then in test/test_helper.rb, add a require line for mocha:
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
require 'rails/test_help'
require 'mocha'
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
I think the require line for mocha in the Gemfile means that you need to already have mocha installed as a gem, bundler won't take care of it for you.
How are you requiring mocha? Are you using bundler? It sounds a bit as if the mocha teardown hook isn't being called?
Additionally, it seems mocha_teardown is not being called with rails31. Mocks that are setup are never removed... (this additional hack fixes it)
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
def teardown
Those solutions didn't work for me on their own, using Ruby 2.2.2, Rails 4.2.2, mocha 1.1.0, shoulda-context 1.2.1, factory_girl_rails 4.5.0 and a few more testing related gems.
What did it was also moving these two lines at the bottom of my test_helper.rb:
require 'mocha/setup'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
I also removed require 'test/unit'. It appears that mocha/test_unit already does that for me.
