Cube Scramble Algorithm [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need a Rubiks cube generator for my project. I searched a lot but I only found websites that provide me a scramble but do not provided a method/function to do so. Is there a way for me to make my own or is an algorithm already available. Thanks

Find yourself a way how to represent the cube (each side and each cell of a side)
Determine, how your representation changes when rotating a horizontal section once clockwise and how your representation changes when rotating a vertical section once clockwise.
n times, randomly select a horizontal or vertical section and rotate it once clockwise.


Identifying Triangles using Flow Chart [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Our professor asked us to create an algorithm using flowchart, the program will ask for the following input, either 2 sides and 1 angle, or 2 angles and 1 side, after getting the input, the program will identify the following, The type of triangle (ex. Scalene, Equilateral, Right, etc.) or if the triangle doesn't exist.
Thank you in advance.
Here's a pretty good link, it should have all the information you need to do your assignment.
In general, what you're trying to do is solve the triangle, and then use the triangles angles to figure out what kind of triangle it is.

how to calculate the diameter of an ellipse? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a work to calculate the diameter vertical and horizontal of an ellipse to determine the value of the cup to disk ratio of glaucoma. from the journal was im read, they are using fit ellipse methode. How might I do that?
You can try to fit an ellipse using the Hough Transform.
But you can also find what you want using:
PCA => it will give you the main and secondary axises.

rotate and change image in canvas javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want do something like in this post but a more advanced version of that..
I want to also change image when mouse drag distance is not in some user defined range than want to change image in canvas, check if mouse move point is between those two circles (not less or greater).
You didn't provide code in your question, so here is a non-code answer:
You can use Math.atan2 to get the angle of the mouseclick and apply that same angle to your image.
You can use pythagora's theorm to determine the distance from the click to the image center. Then test if that distance is between your 2 circles' radii.

cocos2d. Matrix calculations? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I draw a graphical primitives using functions ccDraw... and I need to calc for example a scale and transition using 3x3 matrices.
How to solve this issue in cocos2d? I can't simply use sprites/nodes because all the calculated points belong to the same object. Is it possible without converting CGPoint->matrix->CGPoint?
It sounds like you are trying to do scale/rotation on the CGPoints. You can do this using CGAffineTransform functions and structure that are part of Quartz 2D.
See these references:
Apple's Documents.
A single example of rotating a rectangle formed by four points.
SO Example(s).
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How to make a water ripple animation from a grid of squares? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm looking for an algorithm to make a ripple effect on a grid of squares so having a grid of squares how can I make it so when the user clicks on a square this produces a wave like animation of the surrounding squares? the following image illustrates the desired effect.
Here's a working example in JavaScript.
You can of course enhance it further, but your requirements were a bit vague.
You could represent each grid square as a node in a finite element model and assume the mouse click to be equivalent to an impulse response at the node associated with the grid square that was clicked. Read up a bit on Modal Analysis, Normal Mode shapes, and Finite Element Analysis Methods for some ideas of how to approach this.
