Can sqoop run without hadoop? - hadoop

Just wondering can sqoop run without a hadoop cluster? sort of in a standalone mode? Has anyone tried to run sqoop on spark, please share some experiences on it.

To run Sqoop commands (both sqoop1 and sqoop2), Hadoop is a mandatory prerequisite. You cannot run sqoop commands without the Hadoop libraries.
Sqoop works in local mode too, so it is not a requirement that the Hadoop daemons must be running. To run sqoop in local mode,
sqoop [tool-name] -fs local -jt local [tool-arguments]
Sqoop on Spark is still In-Progress. See SQOOP-1532


Sqoop command not found when running through Oozie

When I am running Sqoop script in CLI, it is running fine without any issue. But when run it using Oozie, it failed with Sqoop command not found. It seems sqoop is not installed in other data nodes. So to run Sqoop script using Oozie, sqoop should be installed in all data nodes or is there any alternatives for that. Currently we have one master and 2 Data nodes.

How to connect Sqoop to multiple hadoop clusters

Is there anyway to have Sqoop connected to different Hadoop clusters so that multiple Sqoop jobs can be created to export data to multiple hadoop clusters?
to export data to multiple hadoop clusters
If data is going into Hadoop, that's technically a Sqoop import
Not clear how you currently manage different clusters from one machine, but you would need to have the conf folder of all environments available for Sqoop to read
The sqoop command-line program is a wrapper which runs the bin/hadoop script shipped with Hadoop. If you have multiple installations of Hadoop present on your machine, you can select the Hadoop installation by setting the $HADOOP_HOME environment variable.
For example:
$ HADOOP_HOME=/path/to/some/hadoop sqoop import --arguments...
$ export HADOOP_HOME=/some/path/to/hadoop
$ sqoop import --arguments...
If $HADOOP_HOME is not set, Sqoop will use the default installation location for Cloudera’s Distribution for Hadoop, /usr/lib/hadoop.
The active Hadoop configuration is loaded from $HADOOP_HOME/conf/, unless the $HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable is set
Depending on how you setup Hadoop, Hortonworks only has Sqoop 1, while Cloudera (and maybe MapR) have Sqoop2, and those instructions are probably different since Sqoop2 architecture is different.

Configuring pig relation with Hadoop

I'm having troubles understanding the relation between Hadoop and Pig.
I understand Pig's purpose is to hide the MapReduce pattern behind a scripting language, Pig Latin.
What I don't understand is how Hadoop and Pig are linked. So far, the only installation procedures seem to assume that pig is run on the same machine as the main hadoop node.
Indeed, it uses the hadoop configuration files.
Is this because pig only translates the scripts into mapreduce code and send them to hadoop ?
If that's the case, how could I configure Pig in order to make it send the scripts to a distant server ?
If not, does it mean we always need to have hadoop running within pig ?
Pig can run in two modes:
Local mode. In this mode Hadoop cluster is not used at all. All processes run in single JVM and files are read from the local filesystem. To run Pig in local mode, use the command:
pig -x local
MapReduce Mode. In this mode Pig converts scripts to MapReduce jobs and run them on Hadoop cluster. It is the default mode.
Cluster can be local or remote. Pig uses the HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME environment variable to find Hadoop installation on local machine (see Installing Pig).
If you want to connect to remote cluster, you should specify cluster parameters in the file. Example for MRv1:
You can also specify remote cluster address at the command line:
pig -fs namenode_address:8020 -jt jobtracker_address:8021
Hence, you can install Pig to any machine and connect to remote cluster. Pig includes Hadoop client, therefore you don't have to install Hadoop to use Pig.

Does HCatalog require installation before being used?

Can anyone please tell me that, does HCatalog require installation before using? Or it can be used just as a jar file?
I have Cloudera running on a VM, and I can use HCatalog for my MR job, Pig, Hive with no problem. And I thought the same MR code would work with another hadoop installed platform, but obviously it's not the case, exception thrown on the HCatInputFormat.setInput(). When I use Pig -useHCatalog, I'ved been prompted that the usage was wrong, meaning that it didn't know what's -useHCatalog as a parameter.
Didn't thought about this before as have been using HCatalog on Cloudera...
Yes, you need to install and start HCatalog server. HCatalog should come with the latest Hive tar package.
Check here of Apache Hive documentation for details,
Basically you need to,
Setup MySQL database for HCatalog
Run server install script
share/hcatalog/scripts/ -r root -d dbroot -h
hadoop_home -p portnum
Start the HCatalog server
export HIVE_HOME=hive_home
$HIVE_HOME/sbin/ start
As pointed out, you do not need to install hcatalog separately if you are working with hive 0.12 or later versions.

Installing Hive (Hadoop) on windows (Cygwin)

I've just installed hadoop on windows using cygwin which works fine, and now I am installing Hive. I am running it as:
bin/hive -hiveconf
bin/hive -hiveconf
(both give the same problem) as I have found out there is a bug with the windows naming convension (
When I run the above command, Hive seems to load fine, but when I enter "show tables;" I get no response. This is the same for all queries. CREATE TABLE etc, there is no response
Its the same problem as this guy:
Any ideas?
I resolved a similar issue and successfully ran HIVE after starting all Hadoop daemons
Task Tracker
Running queries from files using hive -f <filename>, instead of writing queries directly at the HIVE command prompt. Additionally, you may also use bin/hive -e 'SHOW TABLES'
