Unable To Load Moved Visual Studio Project - visual-studio-2010

I am in a real bind here. A programmer long before me made several applications in VS2010. We needed to move all these old applications to a file server so they can be backed up etc while awaiting updates. I am attempting to open this solution "Intranet". However, when I attempt this I receive the following error message:
\fs01\it$\Application-Source-Code\Projects-Important\Projects-Important\FFL Programs\Intranet\ :
error : Error opening web \fs01\it$\Application-Source-Code\Projects-Important\Projects-Important\FFL Programs\Intranet.
Unable to open the Web site '\fs01\it$\Application-Source-Code\Projects-Important\Projects-Important\FFL Programs\Intranet'.
The Web site '\fs01\it$\Application-Source-Code\Projects-Important\Projects-Important\FFL Programs\Intranet' does not exist.
We have a big customer coming in tomorrow morning and I need to take a look at the code to fix an error "a master page error". However, I cannot open this using VS2017 Version Selector. I have attached a screen shot of the sln file into to help assist with a resolution.

Option 1:
Copy your code from your file server (VS2010) see if it is opening/working on your local dev machine (in VS2010 orvs2017)
Option 2:
Still you'll need the above project files, now...
Create a blank solution in VS 2017 (relative to your programming language i.e. C# or Vb.Net etc) - also look for target framework
Locate the project file(s) (for e.g. ".csproj" files for c# projects) one by one manually.
Try to build the individual project( should there be any missing assembly references) and followed by complete solution build.

#NBaua, My brain has been overwhelmed lately. I was attempting to open a project when I needed to open a website. I just went to File --> Open --> Website and all works. Thanks again.


Visual Studio Project within the solution not loading (load failed) and appearing with errors

I have cloned code from our company ADO area (someone else's code files) and when loading it in visual studio 2022 I cannot load one of the projects in the solution (unloaded). I get the following two errors:
Error 1: The Web Application Project is configured to use IIS. Could not find the server on the local machine. Make sure the local IIS server has been configured to support secure communications.
Error 2: A project with that name is already opened in the solution.
My colleague who originally wrote the code can clone the code and doesn't get the same issue.
I am also getting a lot of dbl files and debug files automatically populating in the changes and every time I make a change to the code it generates more changes for these kinds of files which is quite hard to then see in git changes what changes are mine and what have been autogenerated.
Can anyone help?! I am new to the Development world, and this is really stumping me!
I have tried going into the user file and setting use IISExpress to false. Was expecting that to resolve the error 1 message but it hasn't.
I have tried putting a gitignore file into my project but it isn't ignoring the files in the changes being auto generated in git changes.

Blazor webassembly unable to put breakpoints

The goal is to be able to debug the client part of my blazor application. For this, in the sources accessible in the browser, I need to put breakpoints. The problem is that the sources are not apparent in the browser.
When I start my project in debug, I go to the localhost with the port of the sslPort property of the lauchSettings.json file
Then with Shift+Alt+D I will retrieve the instruction to execute.
I have the new window that appears, if I do Shift+Alt+D again I have the source tab that appears but there is no file:// folder as mentioned Debug ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly in the Debug in the browser section
For information, at first I could not access part 2 because I had the following error:
websocket disconnected
I managed to make progress by following this post:
Has anyone encountered this error or have a clue?
I finally found the problem, but I don't know the real cause.
Below I explain my problem in case it can help someone, because I spent a lot of time to understand.
My post was intended but to help me put breakpoints in my client side code of a Blazor WASM application.
While setting the breakpoints in Visual Studio, I had an error telling me that the source code was not found, which is why I wanted to try the method through the browser sources.
I decided to go back to my original problem in Visual Studio.
I noticed that I can only debug projects that are stored in the source/repos directory in the folder. I tried in a VM, in it I can store my projects anywhere on disk.
On my pc, I found that Visual Studio is installed on disk C, but it also has settings on another disk, my 2 disk organization seems to be the cause. Because if I create or move the projects anywhere on the other disk, it works every time, if I take this project and put it on disk C, it doesn't work anymore. Unfortunately I didn't have the problem for a test project I created while trying to figure it out, so I see it can possibly be fixed.
To recap, if you have 2 disks with Visual Studio present on both, try testing on the other disk.

Unable to build project output group Content Files from

currently I'm trying to create an WebSetup Project for one of our ASP.net4/Silverlight-Web Applications using Visual Studio 2010.
I created the setup Project according to this tutorial, but when I'm trying to build the Setup Project (I did a build of the whole solution before), I get the following error:
Unable to build project output group 'Content Files from MyWebProject (Active)'
According to this and almost any other site I found, this error refers to items that are included in the web-project but missing on disk.
I checked all my projects twice, there is no missing file.
Are there any other solutions to this problem?
Other things I tried:
This post: I do have .xml Files accompanying our .dlls. I also removed the xml File from my project, but it didn't help either
This post: Setting the startup project to my web application changed nothing.
Both of the above Posts are from this thread on forums.asp.net.
I had this problem also. (Visual Studio 2010 Pro, .Net 4.0) I found the missing file using "Publish..." option. Right click on the web app. Up near the top of the menu (5th from the top for me) is "Publish...". Click that. I did "Publish method: File System". Publish fails for the same reason that building the setup fails. The difference is that when Publish fails, it gives an error message.
In most cases it's due to missing files.
Expand all your projects and check that none of them is marked with the Yellow Exclamation mark.
For web applications the usual suspect is config.web and more specifically the Debug/Release versions , click on the '+' next to the Web.Config and see if they are marked as missing.
Good luck
I have faced the same issue at my side. `
[how to resolve ERROR: Unable to build project output group 'Content
Files from XYZ.xyz (Active)]
so solution ==> as per my project resolution I was just removed the reference file same name as the reference shown in the error block as [XYZ.xyz (Active) ] from the WCFSetup project followed by clean with Rebuild the solution.
The problem will be resolved and .MSI, as well as .setup file, will generated

Project unavailable if Solution Contain Multiple Projects. [VS2010]

When I am downloading sample projects from various websites.
And if it contain multiple project in One solution.
And when i clicking on the main solution file……it opens only one main projects other projects remain unavailable though it is present in folders…with their project files………
and though i am trying to add manually each project in Solution though it gives me errore
see image of error message also....
NOTE: i am using VS2010 and i am trying to load SilverLight Projects
See below image
error when manually adding project in solution
Maybe this link will help you
It seems maybe SDK is not installed or badly installed..

Visual Studio keeps running the old build

I have a simple Silverlight program that displays a bunch of images. I modified it do display more images, but it when I hit "run without debugging" is keeps running the old build with fewer images. When I copy the code into a new project and run it, it works fine for the first time, but then each subsequent change is not displayed. What could be the problem? I'm using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express.
Always check "Configuration Manager" option on "Build" menu in Microsoft Visual Web Developer. The checkBox "build" has to be checked, otherwise it won't build.
Happened to me, I hope this helps others.
I just had this happen to me in VS 2013 for Web. Had to change the Project URL in:
"Project properties"
 "Web" tab
To a different localhost number and recreate Virtual directory.
Before my Project URL was:
I changed it to:
Then clicked "Create Virtual Directory".
Would like to know why this happened in the first place.
I found that I had to close all open instances of Visual Studio before I got it working again
This happens because your cache memory is full. just go to you bin and obj folder and delete all the temporary files. Now it will run properly.
Maybe it's a caching issue (webbrowser / proxy).
To fool the browser try to embed the xap file with an additional parameter that changes every time you open the plugin:
<param name="source" value="ClientBin/BubuApp.xap?<%=Guid.NewGuid().ToString() %>"/>
If this don't help, try to clean the project (delete obj / bin folders & xap file).
I was also suffering from this issue and none of the suggestions worked. I was building a Office.js add-in and debugging was with IIS Express.
What fixed the issue for me was deleting files in
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET
Actually, I went ahead and and deleted the entire C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp folder out of spite :)
I also had this issue and while some of the fixes above helped temporarily, the one that worked for me was to remove the history and caching in Internet Options.
Go into Internet Option (also available in VS via Tools > options > Environment > Web Browser > Internet Explorer Options).
On the General tab click Settings in the Browsing History section.
On the Temporary Internet Files page select Every time I start
Internet Explorer
On the History tab set the Days to keep history to 0
On the Caches and Database tab make sure Allow website caches and
databases is NOT ticked.
I'm not sure if all of the above are required, but I've made a number of changes to files and so far they have been reflected straight away in the dynamic versions without any noticeable performance problems.
I've also since realised if I set 'Every time I visit the webpage' instead of 'Every time I start Internet Explorer' I don't have to stop and restart the project to see the changes. Which is how it should be!
I used to suffer this. All of this used to be (for me) a folder's contents issue.
Maybe you can check this:
Delete %windir%\microsoft.net\framework\v4.0xxx\Temporary
IIS Express: even if you change the output file for compiled results, you will see in applicationhost.config that many times IISExpress is really "looking" to the default bin folder of your project.
It is even possible that you have different configurations for Debug or Release, so maybe IIS is looking BIN with Release code, and you are now compiling in Debug to another folder, do you understand me?
Happened to me too. Well i dont know the exact reason for this behavior. But when i close the visual C express 10 and then open again and build it builds the new saved file. I guess it still hangs on to the old file when there is an error in some debug mode or something.
Stop all incntance of VS.
Delete all /bin, not just /bin/Debug. All /bin
Remove user option .suo file in solution dir. It will create on self.
Remove all restore windows point
Stop IIS.
6 Start IIS after 1 minutes.
Rebuild solution, Buid projects
It happing on me too. Very nasty. You may restart your computer.
Check for global asembly dll.
Just delete folder 'Release' in project with old code build.
I had the same problem and none of the answers were working for me. It turns out that building the ASP.Net project did not build the Silverlight project, so running without debugging didn't update the Silverlight.
Fix: Right click the Asp.Net project. Build Dependencies > Project Dependencies. Check the Silverlight project. Now building should work.
If this is a web application, change the Project URL with a new port number.
Example :
Change from http://localhost:3688/
To http://localhost:36881/
To do this:
Navigate to Project properties -> Web
Change the URL
Hit "Create Virtual Directory"
Finally, Build and RUN
I had this issue in a web site.
The site referenced 1 of the projects in the solution, and changes to it would not reflect in the debug.
Issue was a third project was referencing an outdated dll of the same same referenced project.
I removed the project and all references in other projects and readded and re-referenced everything and it worked fine.
Check you haven't got two versions of whichever file you're updating (one for one group of users, one for a different group of users).
In my case(VS 2015) it was because of the missing dll in the .exe directory... I made a "clean solution", then additionally deleted all bin and obj folders' contents. Reason to do so was VS keeping to load old dll build. Solution was to select folder of the running debug config, i.e. everytime I rebuild project destination location with dll and a reference to it stays with warning mark for some time until intellitrace does its job. After doing the setup mentioned above, I still have to do a manual rebuild on a project that generates a dll into specified dir. Pressing F5 does nothing, I don't have time to find out why... Main thing is its working for me
I had this recently too and I didn't see the answer here. I was changing an MMI to get rid of redundant buttons, and they didn't go away.
Really old legacy code. To make it keep user settings - like language - someone had made it keep the Settings. I was not allowed to change this, they want it like that.
To get rid of the old settings and allow new ones:
open regedit
navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - MyProject - SubProject
here you see Recent File List and Settings.
Delete Settings completely - don't worry, it will make a new one.
Please check is there any old .tlb file present in someother folder. In my case i was using the .tlb file generated using .NET dll and then created the .tlb file using RegAsm. I tried to use the .tlb file in vb6 code, it still refers old code only. After a long search i found same .tlb file older version found in Visual Studio\VB98 folder. I removed it then it worked fine. This may not be relevent for this issue but could give you another way of thinking
There is a scroll bar at the top which has 3 options:
configuration manager
Make sure release is selected.
I had to clear browsing data and it worked in my case
