I want to see a print out of the character layout in ruby ( sorry I don't know the lexicon for what I am asking)
It is something like
then it goes to
It sounds like you want to generate a pattern similar to how most spreadsheet software (such as Excel) name their Columns.
This question asks exactly that:
How to convert a column number (eg. 127) into an excel column (eg. AA)
It has some great answers you can check out.
What makes your question different from the excel pattern is that you want to account for lower case letters as well.
Modifying any of those solutions to account for 52 letters instead of just 26 should be trivial.
You can print from a to zz with:
=> 'abc ... xyzaaabac ... zxzyzz'
And from A to ZZ with:
Also interesting is convert numerical to char:
(0..255).each {|e| p e.chr}
I'm new here, so please don't scold me for misspellings etc.
What I need to do is to rename a bunch of files with a date in different formats at the beginning of their names, like:
Instead of writing a different expression for each formatting, eg.
^(\d{2})\.(\d{2}).(\d{4})(.+) => $3-$2-$1$4
02.11.2022-abc.pdf => 2022-11-02-abc.pdf
I'd like to do it in one fell swoop using the OR operator "|" but I have no idea how to formulate the groupings etc. Can one have nested groupings in regex?
Any ideas? Thank in advance!
#The fourth bird:
No (.+) needed. You're right, I condensed my actual expression and could have taken it out.
The different date 'formats' I mean are dd.mm.yyyy and yyyy.mm.dd respectively, and I need to convert both to yyyy-mn-dd
So,if the format is dd.mm.yyyy I have to flip the string, so to say, else I just need to replace the dots by hyphens.
The OS is Android, and for this operation I use Solid Explorer multi search & replace using regex.
I hope I made myself clear this time around ;-)
I am still struggling to find some ruby regex syntax despite the numerous documentation on-line. I have an array of string and I am looking for strings that include one number (whatever the number of digits) but not specific one (let's say for instance dates from 19XX to 201X).
I manage to get the regex for "the line contain a number"
I manage to get "exclude the line if this number is a year"
But I fail to combine both. I would need something that would intuitively be written as such
But I am not sure how an AND operator can be used.
Here it is:
You want a string that:
(?!.*19\d\d.*) doesn't contains 19xx
(?!.*20[01]\d.*) doesn't contains 200x or 201x
(.*\p{N}+.*) contains, at least, one digit
In regex && means, well, literal && and not and operator
If you want to capture numbers that are not in the range 1900-2019 you can replace with:
You can test it here
While the solution by Thomas is probably the best one, another option would be to go without negation: just select everything, that matches:
re = /\D(
▶ 'Here 2014 and 1945 and 1878 and 20000 and 2 and 19 and 195 and 203'.scan re
#⇒ [["1878"], ["20000"], ["2"], ["19"], ["195"], ["203"]]
we have a new client that needs there bar code created with mixing subset C and A. We are using the ZPL language to print to a zebra printer and I've followed the Zebra programming guide but cant get the output I'm after. I need the bar code to read:
My code looks like this:
and outputs this with some other characters that are not even ascii:
9931265099999891 S7M &* ...
Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong
thank you
I figured out my own problem....
Thanks Magoo for taking time to look at my question...
When switching to subcode A you cannot just use the letters you want to display but must use a table (in the ZPL programming guide) that shows the characters that represent the characters that need to be displayed. I used this to get it to work, notice after changing to sub-code A (>7) you need duo characters to represent the characters you actually want displayed i.e..
36 = D
42 = J
51 = S
Hope my solution helped someone else
cheers all
I got this to work using
^BCN,200,Y,N,N ^FD>;9931265099999891>6DJS1>52345670100060020^FS
Note that this switches to code B instead of A.
The final string of digits is an odd number of characters and it seemed to lop off the final character in code C. The string I constructed uses an even number of digits for each of the code-C sections and the remaining characters in code-B.
I could not get code-A to work at all, but I'm using an old printer (A300) which may not have the latest firmware.
In my country the phone numbers follow a format like this (XX)XXXX-XXXX. But enter phone numbers according to the pattern in input texts it's too mainstream. Some people follow, but some people don't. I'd like to make a regex to catch all possible cases. By now it look like this:
/^[\(]?\d{2}?[\)]?\d{4}[. -]?\d{4}$/
And I prepared some test cases to prove the regex's functionality
843211 5262
3211 5262
(84)3211 5262
()1231 3213
Unfortunately, the wrong case ()32115262 is bypassing the regex. Altought it is clear why. this part [\(]?\d{2}?[\)]? is responsable for the mistake. From left to right, you can enter zero or one of (; You can enter zero or two digits; You can enter zero or one of ).
I'd like that part should be like this: If you put (, you will have to enter two digits and ), else you can enter zero or two digits. Something like this or with simmilar semantics is possible in regex world?
Thanks in advance
Something like this perhaps:
/^(?:\(\d{2}\)|\d{2}?)\d{4}[. -]?\d{4}$/
I used a non-matching group (?: ... ) and alternation to provide two possible options for the first part of the phone number.
Either it is \(\d{2}\) which means brackets with exactly two digits, or it is \d{2}? which means two digits or empty string.
Combine these two options together with | (which means OR) and you get the first part of the regex above: (?:\(\d{2}\)|\d{2}?)
It seemed to work for all your test cases!
try with this: ^(?:\(\d\d\)|\d\d)?\d{4}[. -]?\d{4}$
If pattern matches (..) then have to match 2 digits inside.
I have these 2 things I am working with:
CSV.foreach('datafile.csv','r') {|row| D_Location << row[0]}
puts Date.new(2003,05,02).cwday
In the first line I would like to change the datafile.csv to something like a string so I can change one string and it changes for all of these codes. I have many, each controlling 1 csv column.
In the second one I would like to replace the actual date written, and replace it with a string. This is so that can be automatic, because the string will be generated based on other criteria.
I trust the mods will ban me if I'm being too much of a noob hehe. Then I'll toughen up and find these answers myself eventually. But so far I've solved a lot, but not this. Thanks in advance!
Make a function which takes in a string representing a weekday, and returns a number. Call this function later in your code:
Date.new(2003, 05, yourfun('Tuesday')).cwday
For the first part of your question, you're already working with a string. I think what you mean is that you want it to be in a variable:
csv_file = 'datafile.csv'
CSV.foreach(csv_file,'r') {|row| D_Location << row[0]}
For the second part of your question, Date.parse() works with strings, but they need to be in a format that it can recognize. If your date strings use commas, you can replace them with hyphens:
date_str = "2003,05,02"
Date.parse(date_str.gsub(",", "-")).cwday # => 5
It's not clear where your date strings will be coming from or what format they'll be in, but the general concepts you need to understand are that you can use variables, and that you can transform strings.