vue.js wrong transition group animation position - animation

at first I'm css beginner
I was trying to make vue.js animation for some items and it worked well but I got wrong animation
-We have button to add element to the array randomly
-We can click at element to remove it
-The animation always run on the last item
I expected that vue js should apply animation on the item which added or removed
What is the wrong in code that make the animation go wrong ??
What should i change or add to make the animation work correctly ??
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
myNumbers: [1, 2, 3, 4],
highestNumberInMyNumbers: 4
methods: {
addNumber() {
this.myNumbers.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * this.myNumbers.length), 0, this.highestNumberInMyNumbers);
removeNumber(element) {
this.myNumbers.splice(element, 1)
.mix-enter {
opacity: 0;
.mix-enter-active {
transition: opacity 500ms;
animation: mixing-in 600ms ease-in forwards;
.mix-leave {}
.mix-leave-active {
transition: opacity 1000ms;
animation: mixing-out 0.4s ease-in forwards;
opacity: 0;
#keyframes mixing-in {
from {
transform: translateX(-20px) translateY(20px);
to {
transform: translateX(0px) translateY(0px);
#keyframes mixing-out {
from {
transform: translateX(0px) translateY(0px);
to {
transform: translateX(-20px) translateY(-20px);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="app">
<h2>group transition for directive v-for </h2>
<button #click="addNumber">Add number</button>
<div class="row">
<ul class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 col-xs-offset-4">
<transition-group name="mix" mode="out-in">
<li class="alert alert-success list-unstyled" style="height: 40px; padding: 10px 15px;margin-bottom: 8px;cursor: pointer;" v-for="(number,index) in myNumbers" #click="removeNumber(index)" :key="index">{{number}}

There is a bug in transition-group!
When you bind the key of li as the index, every time you remove a li, the animation always happend at the last li element.
So, if you want to use the animation with li , you can bind the key with number in your case.
<transition-group name="mix"
<li class="alert alert-success list-unstyled"
style="height: 40px; padding: 10px 15px;margin-bottom: 8px;cursor: pointer;"
v-for="(number,index) in myNumbers"
<transition-group name="mix"
<li class="alert alert-success list-unstyled"
style="height: 40px; padding: 10px 15px;margin-bottom: 8px;cursor: pointer;"
v-for="(number,index) in myNumbers"
Finally, if you use animation with transition-group , do not bind the key to index , instead of item or number (in your case).
No matter what , make sure the key has the unique value.

Don't use index anywhere in the v-bind:key when using transition or transition-group.
There is a bug/missing documentation, as well as bad documentation in the cookbook on, but there's a detailed explanation in the comments [1] on how indexes work, but no recognition this is a problem for developers in it's current state.
I have posted a few times to github, but the Vue.js developers there seem dismissive at best and refuse to either document this behavior or recognize this as a problem.
Reproduction of bug/error
There are three examples in the codepen below. The #1 works, the #2 uses :key="index" (your specific error above) and #3 uses :key="item +'_'+ index".
#2 and #3 give the error you are experiencing.
Summary of codepen:
This one works: (using item as :key)
<transition-group name="fade" tag="ol">
<li v-for="(item, index) in items"
This one fails: (using index as :key)
<transition-group name="fade" tag="ol">
<li v-for="(item, index) in items"
v-bind:key="index" >
This one fails worse: (concatenating index with string in :key)
<transition-group name="fade" tag="ol">
<li v-for="(item, index) in items"
v-bind:key="item + '_' + index" >
Bug report (rejected)
I submitted this bug report to Vue.js devs here:
"Transition-group animates only last element if using index as the key"
It got closed instantly, so based on their input (requested I do a PR for comment, but that is not in my wheelhouse) I followed up with this feature request for the dev build to give an error, which would solve the problem at it's root.
Feature request (follow up, also rejected)
"Dev build console error when using index in :key value with v-for and transitions"
It seems reasonable to put a dev error on this issue, but the vue.js developers seem to think we should be able to figure this out on our own. I hope they come around and see this as a real issue. It's cost me hours of testing and reporting time to figure out.
I hope this helps other devs wasting time with this issue.

My solution for this case:
create a random generated string for your array, then use this randomly generated string as the key.
<div v-for="(row, index) in rows" :key="row.randomKey">
export default {
data() {
return {
rows: [],
methods: {
add() {
id: null,
name: '',
randomKey: this.generateRandomKey()
remove(index) {
this.currency_exchange.splice(index, 1)
generateRandomKey() {
let length = 10
return Math.round((Math.pow(36, length + 1) - Math.random() * Math.pow(36, length))).toString(36).slice(1);

Good research!
For those who, like me, came here looking for:
It is likely that the animation occurs when the key is changed i.e. When deleting and creating an element, if the key does not change, then there will be no animation.
When the array changes, all the elements are rebuilt, which means the keys are also rewritten, and if they change on the element, this will make the element go away and appear.
Megacromulent let's see:
In the second case, the option with index - we remove the first element of the array, new keys are placed over all the remaining elements in the component - but in the beginning they will be the same 0,1,2 ... i.e. The keys of the first list will not change and therefore the elements will not be destroyed and therefore will not be animated.
In the third version, the key for all elements will change every time, i.e. All elements will be redrawn i.e. Removed and rebuilt, animation will work for all elements
Well, in the first version. If the items are the same, it will be the same as with the index because the key will not change, which means, in the case of all the same, only the last one will be animated, i.e. When adding and removing items to the end of the list.


Framer motion new animation and exit not working with mapping

for some reason my exit and new animation is not working. I would like new animation to start every time user click on different menu link. I have also tried with " animate='visible'" , and I have tried also to put directly over motion, and it still not doing exit or starting new animation. I am using .map and framer motion together. Can someone please check it out.
This is the code
const [forMapping, setForMapping] = useState(wines)
function menuHandler(index, alt) {
if (alt === 'wine') {
} else if (alt === 'rakia') {
const variants = {
visible: i => ({
y: 0,
transition: {
duration: .7
hidden: {
y: '40%'
{, index) => {
const {
} = item;
return (
exit={{y: '100'}}
viewport={{once: true}}
<div className="image">
<div className="info">
<div className="info-header">
<p className="price">
{price.toFixed(2)} EUR
<p className="description">
<div className="bottom">
{alc} %VOL
<div className='image-price'>
alt='wine glass'/>
<p className="black">
{glass_price.toFixed(2)} EUR
You should not use the loop index as the key in your motion.div. Since the indices (and thus the keys) will always be the same, it doesn't let <AnimatePresence> track when elements have been added or removed in order to animate them.
Instead use a value like a unique id property for each element. This way React (and AnimatePresence) will know when it's rendering a different element (vs the same element with different data). This is what triggers the exit and enter animations.
Here's a more thorough explanation:
react key props and why you shouldn’t be using index

Dynamically changing class in v-text-field in default slot

I am trying to dynamically change font-size in v-text-field default slot based on the length of the text. However, it seems that v-text-field ignores any specification I specify in the section.
Here is the code
label="Core Attribute"
<div :class="attrNameStyle[0]">
{{ }}
I have verified that attrNameStyle[0] is gets set correctly, however that style never gets applied to the default slot. I can change the way input slot looks via this CSS class .v-text-field__slot input { ... } however, I can't update that CSS dynamically.
Thanks for help!
Edit: Adding more context.
.core-select {
width: 180px;
.short-core-select {
font-size: 12px;
attrNameStyle[0] is set to either '', or 'short-core-select'.
Since v-text-field__slot is working, you could edit that CSS from a higher level.
label="Core Attribute"
{{ }}
.short-core-select .v-text-field__slot {
font-size: 12px;

CKEditor automatically nesting double ul

I wrote a plugin for CKEditor 4 that uses widget and dialog. My widget, simplifying a little bit, consists of a div with a nested ul and a number of li's. For some reason, when I switch from WYSIWYG mode to SOURCE mode, the ul is turned into a double nested ul.
I have defined which elements in the widget should be editables and I have defined which elements should be allowedContent for those editables.
My original structure in WYSIWYG mode (after the dialog closes and the widget is created) is like this:
<div class="mycustombox">
<div class="conditions-box">
<div class="conditions-services">
<span class="rwd-line-title">TITLE FOR THE UNORDERED LIST</span>
<ul class="services-list">
<li>an example list item</li>
<li>another example list item</li>
I have double checked that this is the actual html by inspecting the source of the page in the Chrome Developer Console. But when I switch to SOURCE mode, the structure then becomes:
<div class="mycustombox">
<div class="conditions-box">
<div class="conditions-services">
<span class="rwd-line-title">TITLE FOR THE UNORDERED LIST</span>
<ul class="services-list">
<li>an example list item</li>
<li>another example list item</li>
The original ul with the class I gave it is there, but there is an extra nested ul wrapping the li elements.
I have defined my allowed widget content in the plugin.js:
allowedContent: 'div(!mycustombox); div(!conditions-box); div(!conditions-services); span(!rwd-line); span(!rwd-line-title); ul(!services-list); li; p; div',
requiredContent: 'div(mycustombox)',
upcast: function( element ) {
return == 'div' && element.hasClass( 'mycustombox' );
And I have defined the ul element as an editable like so:
editables: {
priceincludes: {
selector: 'div.conditions-box div.conditions-services ul',
allowedContent: 'li em strong'
I have also allowed ul's to be editable by the general CKEditor instance as so:
CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable[ 'ul' ] = 1;
Is there some setting in the CKEditor configuration which could be causing this behaviour?
Well I don't know if this is the best solution, but it works.
Tell CKEDitor to stop trying to automatically wrap li elements with a ul tag. For some reason it's treating them as though they weren't already wrapped in a ul tag.
Using this at the beginning of my plugin.js fixes the problem:
delete CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem['li'];
delete CKEDITOR.dtd.$intermediate['li'];
I got the idea from here:
Seems kind of hackish to me, but until I find a better solution I'll just use this.

jqMobi - Scroller div inside Carousel?

So, I'm putting together the framework for a web app that allows people to swipe horizontally between views. I'm looking for a layout similar to that of ubersocial, an app for android. I've tried a few different frameworks over the last couple of days (including the beginnings of a custom framework, which won't work due to poor overflow:auto support on mobile). JqMobi seems to get me closest.
Here's some code:
//jqMobi & jqUI scripts omitted for brevity
var carousel;
var scroller;
function init_carousel ()
carousel = $("#carousel").carousel({
preventDefaults: false
scroller = $('newContainer').scroller();
window.addEventListener("load", init_carousel, false);
<div id="jQUi">
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="content">
<!--scrolling="no" because I don't want the whole carousel to move-->
<div title="Main" id="main" class="panel" data-tab="navbar_home" scrolling="no">
<div id="carousel" style="height:100%;width:100%;">
<div id="View1" class="MainView" style="background: yellow;">
<div id="newContainer" style="width: 100%;height: 100%; overflow: auto;>
<!--Lots of Content-->
<div id="View2" class="MainView" style="background: green;"></div>
<div id="View3" class="MainView" style="background: blue;"></div>
<div id="View4" class="MainView" style="background: pink;"></div>
<div id="View5" class="MainView" style="background: orange;"></div>
So I've got my carousel working for all devices and I was able to get perfect functionality in iOS 5. However, Android (2.2, 2.3, & 4.0) is not giving me a scrollable div for my .MainView elements, nor are older iOS devices. The best I can get is the carousel on a panel that scrolls, but the elements within the panel won't scroll together. This makes me wonder if the iOS 5 success I've had was just support for overflow:auto.
Anyway, I've looked at the following docs:
jqMobi CheatSheet = (
jqMobi Kitchen Sink = (
jqMobi API Doc = (
But I've had trouble really getting the answer I'm looking for. Using the documented methods, I can't really seem to get anywhere. It seems like if I could get an independently scrollable div into a .MainView element without breaking the carousel, I'd be good to go. Suggestions?
After a tangled web of confusion and frustration, I eventually got it to work by adding a second buffer to the .MainDiv elements so that the scroller doesn't affect the carousel.
I also had a bad run-in with iOS 5 (which, as you may recall, worked before) which probably could have been fixed by simply adding overflow:auto to the .MainView elements and giving them a fixed height. I tried disabling nativeTouchScroll first, and the scrolling is actually pretty good, so I'll stick with that instead of adding a browser detect conditional.
//Native touch disabled or iOS 5 breaks.
$.feat.nativeTouchScroll = false;
var carousel;
//var scroller;
function init_carousel ()
carousel = $("#carousel").carousel({
preventDefaults: false
var scroller;
$.ui.ready(function ()
//Fetch the scroller from cache
scroller = $("#containerContainer").scroller();
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
<div id="carousel" style="height:100%;width:100%;">
<div id="View1" class="MainView" style="background: yellow;">
<div id="containerContainer"><div id="newContainer"></div></div>
<div id="View2" class="MainView" style="background: green;"></div>
<div id="View3" class="MainView" style="background: blue;"></div>
<div id="View4" class="MainView" style="background: pink;"></div>
<div id="View5" class="MainView" style="background: orange;"></div>
Posted in the forums at appMobi - but we are a US based company in the Eastern Standard Time Zone - so we were asleep while you were working on this...glad you wrote the following :)
Not that anyone seems to care

ajax window doesnt work when tag is deeply nested in the DOM

i am struggeling with a ajax window getting opened in deep nested DOM. I am not that good in jquery so i try to find some help here.
jWindow is supposed to open a new window on click with ajax-content.
For testing i put a Link just under the first DIV. THIS WORKES PERFECT !!!
Then i added some code to generate a TABLE with contains one coloum with a Number which contains the SAME a-tag as the test on top. THIS DOES NOT WORK.
Here is a copy of the DOM(i put horizontal rules around the two a-tags to make it more easy to find them):
<div id="content">
<a class="get_detail_bill_window" bnr="177" shop="2" href="#">Text Ajax</a>
<div id="form_selection">
<div class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="padding: 5px; font-size: 1em; width: 1200px;">
<div class="t_fixed_header_main_wrapper ui-widget ui-widget-header ui ui-corner-all">
<div class="t_fixed_header_caption ui-widget-header ui-corner-top">
<div class="t_fixed_header_main_wrapper_child">
<div class="t_fixed_header ui-state-default ui" style="border: medium none; font-weight: normal;">
<div class="headtable ui-state-default" style="margin-right: 15px;">
<div class="body ui-widget-content" style="height: 340px; overflow-y: scroll;">
<table id="atcs_sort" style="width: 1182px;">
<td class="ui-widget-content">2011-10-16</td>
<td class="numeric ui-widget-content">
<a class="get_detail_bill_window" bnr="341" shop="2" href="#">341</a>
<td class="numeric ui-widget-content">02:25:08</td>
<td class="numeric ui-widget-content">2011-10-16</td>
If you have a look at these 2 anchors, they are absolute the same. But the one nested in the DOM does not want to work.
Here is the code of the Document ready:
click: function() {
var shop=$(this).attr('shop');
var bnr=$(this).attr('bnr');
alert("bin im Click - Shop: "+shop+" Billnr: "+bnr);
var a = $.jWindow
id: 'detail_bill',
title: 'Details of Bill-Nr.: '+bnr,
minimiseButton: false,
maximiseButton: false,
modal: true,
posx: 450,
posy: 50,
width: 700,
height: 200,
type: 'ajax',
url: 'sge_detail_bill.php?s='+shop+'&bnr='+bnr
I tried this to see, if the selector might have a problem:
var pars = $(".get_detail_bill_window");
for( i=0; i<pars.length; i++ ){
alert("Found paragraph: " + pars[i].innerHTML);
But i found all(the top sample AND the nested ones) of the a-tags with this class.
So, i am totally lost and desperate. No idea why these nested links are not working.
If somebody have a solution, i would be very greatful.
Many Thanks in advance,
what is your question put short? rephrase plz. but in case i understood correctly, you want to loop throguh all the elements in your DOM
lets say php made it look like
<.div id='foo'>
<.li><.span id='foo1'><./span><.span id='foo2'><./span><./li>
and to access each of the inner elements do
$('#foo foo1').click(function(){// handler in
$('#foo #foo1').parent().each(function(){// access element, go back to li, loop through all of them
$('#foo2',this).show();// on click of foo1, foo2 will show (as an example)
},function(){// handler out
$('#foo #foo1').parent().each(function(){
hope this helps somewhat
