Command not found in bas - bash

I'm so sorry because I know this is a dumb question, but I've been trying to figure this out for about 2 hours and I can't figure it out. I've created a bash file that uses some other programs (tcpdump, tshark). The bash runs as it should but on every line that I use tshark, tcpdump, etc. it says "command not found".
I'm using Cygwin on my Windows 7 VM. All of the files are in the same folder and I I've tried adding the locations of the other programs to the PATH variable. I tried commands such as export PATH=$PATH:filelocation but when I do $PATH those results aren't showing. How can I get these commands to be recognized?
Thank you.
current errors

Cygwin is not a Linux distro, therefore, you don't have all the functionality like you would if you had a Linux installation.
You could try one of the following.
1) Use Virtualbox to make a VM of some Linux distro and use bash there. You could use Ubuntu server, which has no GUI.
2) Use this site to find packages that will add functionality to Cygwin.
3)Upgrade to Windows 10 and have a native (sort of) bash to use.


What is the easiest way to run bash dependent dockerfiles on windows?

I need to setup docker on my windows 10 OS. I've previously been a linux guy where everything just works so this is a pain for me. It works as expected but within the dockerfile there are calls that uses /bin/bash which makes the build fail.
I've tried to setup a VM with hyper-v but then i stopped because i figured there must be an easier way. I found the bash.exe in windows. i can't run as sudo but i guess that doesn't matter here as long as i run bash as administrator. wget works here but the docker program cant be found when i run docker --version.
Is the easiest way to run bash scripts on win10 with the bash.exe? And why can't docker run in the bash terminal (there is no .bashrc)?
I would use Linux on the Windows box. The two systems can access each other's file systems (\\wsl$, /mnt/c). I use Ubuntu, and it's as if I was using a "normal" Ubuntu box in all aspects, so far. I'd be surprised if your process didn't work here.
Alternatively, there's Cygwin. When running Cygwin, you're kinda in a VM, kinda not. It's a bit blurry. As such, it's not as robust as WSL. But it might do the trick, and it's a lot less "heavy" than installing a full Linux distro.

How to open gnuplot from mobaxterm?

I'm not sure how to open Gnuplot from MobaXterm. I've been trying many different commands but they all don't work. When I try, I get the same error.
-bash: gnuplot: command not found
I'm curious if I downloaded Gnuplot to the wrong part of the computer or if I'm not getting the command right? I'm trying to write a program in shell script that opens Gnuplot on it's own and plots data through the shell script.
Any help is appreciated!
mobaxterm is not a linux server. So you cant install packages into it normally.
you must download plugins if you can find the plugin you are looking for
check their list here
and it seems gnuplot is not there .
in this case your easiest solution is to download cygwin and add gnuplot on it which is possible
other option is to run small virtual machine so you can test on it
in all cases mobaxterm is not real linux enviroment so to be sure your shel do work on normal linux machines you will need to develop and test on real linux
You can install the winbuild of gnuplot and add the path to the bin directory, with gnuplot.exe in it, to mobaxterm's PATH (probably set it in .initrc or .bashrc, whichever you prefer).
MobaXterm is a standalone program which 'emulates' a Linux terminal but has no idea about your frame system (e.g. your Windows and your programs). So if you type 'gnuplot' Moba has no idea what is this. You have to
change the current directory to where is wgnuplot.exe e.g.:
cd /drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin
or run directly it:
/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin/wgnuplot.exe
or change your $PATH:
PATH=$PATH:/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin
or create a script named 'gnuplot' which runs wgnuplot.exe
#File name: 'gnuplot'
/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin/wgnuplot.exe
and place it into some $PATH directory:
`/bin` or `/usr/bin` or `/drives/c/WINDOWS` or `/drives/c/WINDOWS/system32`
or... :)
The simplest way I found out is to use the Moba Package Manager to install the win version of gnuplot.
Open MobaXterm and type MobApt. An GUI will open up and you can type in "gnuplot" in the filter field.
Just select and install the package, MobApt will take care of any dependencies for you.

osx terminal syntax emulation on windows for node scripts

So I have a package json file that was built with osx in mind and it contains scripts for installs and builds. A lot of the scripts in that file have osx terminal specific syntax. Is there a way to emulate that terminal in windows so that syntax is read properly?
P.S. I've tried cygwin mintty (now called cygwin64 terminal), but still have the same issues.
EDIT My intention is not to maintain two files that essentially do the same thing and because we started off only using npm package manager I really don't want to introduce a task runner at this point.
EDIT 9/15/15
Here's an example of cygwin not emulating syntax:
NODE_ENV=production bin/ in linux (ubuntu) will assign "production" to the node_env var and then execute the shell file, but in windows this syntax will cause errors with the var assignment and with the execution of the shell script file unless I use this syntax: setx NODE_ENV production&&bash bin/
OS X is based on BSD, so the closest approximation would be using a BSD VM.

Unable to create vagrant file (homestead.yaml) on windows

I'm gonna to use vagrant on my windows desktop to develop Laravel project. I have followed all the steps to do that. But it has been failed to create homestead.yaml using bash command.
Below is the error :
Fakhreddin#Lenovo-PC3 /cygdrive/d/laravel-vagrant/homestead
$ bash
cp: unwritable ‘/home/Fakhreddin/.homestead/Homestead.yaml’ (mode 0500, r-x------); try anyway?
I'm using Cygwin for simulating Unix terminal in the Windows.
(Copy of the comment I wrote above)
Never used Cygwin in my life, but what I would try is to run it as Administrator and re-try.
Otherwise, you may want to consider changing console client. For example, if you install Git, you should be able to use Unix commands via standard Windows console.
I would seriously point the fault at Cygwin, or its settings. I am a member of a team in which all of us run Homestead on Windows 7, with no problems at all. The difference is, we use native Windows command line.

How to apply Magento security patches in xampp for windows

That must not be so difficult to do, I installed Magento CE 1.9 on xampp for windows. it works well.
I need to apply security patches that come only as .sh files, no other format is available.
I have the file, how can I apply it gives that I don't find a way to execute the .sh files under this environment?
thanks all
1) My windows has sh.exe available and can run .sh files - just type it into the command line, git bash works fine too.
UPDATE: my sh.exe was likely installed along with git. It is relatively easy to install though.
2) On windows machines you may need to edit the PATCH-... file. Find the CURRENT_DIR=``$PWD_BIN``/ line. Since you will be running it from the magento root directory anyway this can be left blank. Go ahead and remove everything after the equals sign. It should now read CURRENT_DIR=. See here for an explanation.
3)Now just move the file into your magento root directory and run it.
Try the Below Link Using Git-bash in Windows :
Magento Patch File Installation in Windows
Cygwin will help you to run the sh file.
How to use Cygwin
Better you use git bash instead. Just go at the Magento Root and run {sh}.
