What are advantages of using #ContextHierarchy over pure #ContextConfiguration - spring

Hi I don't understand what advantages give me usage of #ContextHierarchy like below:
public class FirstTest {
public class SecondTest {
over usage of single #ContextConfiguration with locations argument, like below:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:test-db-setup-context.xml", "FirstTest-context.xml", "SecondTest-context.xml" })
In each case, application contexts are shared across diffrent junit test classes.

The difference is that beans in each context within the context hierarchy can't see beans in the other the context. So you can isolate different parts of your item under test.

An imortant thing to note here is that In case of #ContextHierarchy we get SEPARATE contexts that have SEPARATE life-cycles (initialization, shutdown). This is important because for example they can fail independently.
A practical example from my yard. We have a Spring application that communicates with some external services. We wanted an E2E test that starts these dependent services and the runs the tests. So we added an initializer to our #ContextConfiguration:
#ContextConfiguration{classes = TheApp.class, initializers = DockerInitializer.class}
public class TheAppE2ETests {
// ...
The initializer was preparing the external services (starting Dockers), customizing the properties so that The App can run and attaching to the close context event so that the Dockers could be cleaned up. There was a problem with this approach when The App context was failing to load (e.g. due to a bug):
After a failed initialization the ContextClosedEvent is not fired - the dockers were not stopped and cleaned up.
When the context fails to load the initializer is called over and over for every test which is run (not only for every test class - for every test method!).
So the tests kept on killing our CI environment every time a bug in The App's context caused the initialization to fail. The containers for the dependent services were started for every single test method and then not cleaned up.
We ended up using #ContextConfiguration and having two separate contexts for dockers and The App itself. This way in case of an above-mentioned situation the dockers are started in a separate context and therefore live there own live and can even be shared across multiple Spring tests (due to Spring's context caching mechanism).


Start a Testcontainers container during each fresh application context (#DirtiesContext), with injection of properties (#DynamicPropertySource)

I am using Testcontainers to execute integration tests in a Spring project. I am using JUnit 4.x and Cucumber 7.4.1.
I want to start a docker-compose.yml-based set of containers before each test, as that makes it easy to start from scratch. Hence, I am using #DirtiesContext.
The challenge here is that certain application properties, such as spring.rabbitmq.host, are needed before the actual application context can start. So I need to inject them beforehand. There is #DynamicPropertySource for that. But then I also need to get access to my context-scoped docker containers. The best I came up with so far is the following:
#SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfig.class)
public class CucumberITConfig {
private static void properties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
DockerComposeContainer container = new DockerComposeContainer(new File("docker-compose.yml"))
.withExposedService("rabbitmq", 5672);
registry.add("spring.rabbitmq.host", () -> container.getServiceHost("rabbitmq", 5672));
This constructs new docker containers locally and waits for the host to be passed to the registry. While this seem to work, this looks more like a hackish approach to me. Also, a problem here is that the containers stack up after each test. That is, in the 7th test, for example, the containers from all previous 6 cycles are still running.
Are there better approaches to start Testcontainers-based docker containers before each application context, while also being able to destruct them afterwards?
If you are using #DirtiesContext after all, you can set these values as System properties and omit #DynamicPropertySource altogether. However, as others have pointed out, solving test pollution by re-creating the Spring context and all dependent services for every test class will be very slow and is generally considered an anti-pattern.

Run Spring test cases concurrently not sequentially

My Spring Boot application also starts a gRPC service along with its REST (HTTP) service. I've written specific tests for gRPC and REST. When I run a gradle test these tests are run sequentially, however; there is no reason they can't be run in parallel.
What I'm shooting for here is a single instance of my Spring Boot application running while the tests are executed in parallel.
I've tried setting the test section in my gradle file so it has 'forkCount', I also tried setting options such that parallel="classes", but this produces an error about the 'parallel' being an unknown property (maybe a junit 5 thing?)
test {
options {
parallel = "classes"
// forkCount = 2
The forkCount option is not what I'm looking for since it will start multiple instances of the spring application.
I've also tried removing the #RunWith from the test classes and making a separate test class (which has the #RuWith annotation) that has the following method in it
void testRunner() {
JUnitCore.runClasses(ParallelComputer.classes(), {GrpcTests.class, RestTests.class});
But the tests still appear to run sequentially.
I've tried several other things as well, sorry I don't have all of them handy.
Ideally what I'm hoping for is a single instance of my Spring Boot app running while the test classes run in parallel (bonus kudos if I can get the methods to run in parallel too)
Java Version: "1.8.0_171"
Spring Boot Version: 2.0.4.RELEASE
Per the recommendation I tried adding the
public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
And adding the 'maxParallelForks' entry in the gradle file, I had already been using the #SpringBootTest annotation but this behaved the same as when I used 'forkCount` in that at least 2 instances where started as can be seen by the test shutdown log
2019-04-25 10:24:17.245 LogLevel=INFO 53838 --- shutting down gRPC server since JVM is shutting down
2019-04-25 10:24:30.125 LogLevel=INFO 53839 --- shutting down gRPC server since JVM is shutting down
You can see I get two shutdown messages and the PIDs are shown (53838 & 53839).
You need to combine #SpringBootTest with maxParallelForks.
Annotate your unit tests with #SpringBootTest. #SpringBootTest will boot up a Spring Boot context that will be cached across all your tests.
"A nice feature of the Spring Test support is that the application context is cached in between tests, so if you have multiple methods in a test case, or multiple test cases with the same configuration, they only incur the cost of starting the application once"
Add the following to your build.gradle. To run multiple test at the same time.
tasks.withType(Test) {
maxParallelForks = 4 //your choice here
See https://guides.gradle.org/performance/#parallel_test_execution

Executing extension before SpringExtension

I'm trying to implement integration testing in my app and have test class like that:
public class TestClass{ ... }
Is there any way to make MyDockerExtension execute some code, before whole SpringExtension start working and generate whole Context with Configurationc classes?
I've heard that order in which we declare extensions is the key, but sadly MyDockerExtension that implements BeforeAllCallback, AfterAllCallback executes right before test method and after whole context is loaded. In that situation it's to late to start containers with docker, becuase since whole context is loaded my app already tried to connect to the container.
At first I was skeptical about the order being fixed but you're correct:
Extensions registered declaratively via #ExtendWith will be executed in the order in which they are declared in the source code.
Regarding the MyDockerExtension, you may want to look at the extension point TestInstancePostProcessor, which is called before #BeforeAll. SpringExtension implements it and I guess it's there where it sets up the application context. If you also implement it, you should be able to act before it does.

Reset Spring-Boot During Integration Tests

I guess am trying to get a corner case to work here. In my current project there are about 20 integration tests. One new integration test requires #EnableAsync to make the test work:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE)
public class MyITest {
When run alone, this test works fine.
Considering Maven and Eclipse' execution of tests in one project and knowing that the environment is only created once and reused (or soft-reset) for all integration tests, it's somewhat a requirement that this integration test runs first. However, that's (nearly?) never the case.
Therefore, this integration test (nearly?) always fails. One obvious solution is to add #EnableAsync to all integration tests. However, that's a bad dependency which I bet is broken once somebody adds another integration test and forgets this requirement.
I'm looking for a way to force the SpringRunner to completely reset the context and really start it from scratch also looking at #EnableAsync. Ideally that way includes to flag that SpringRunner has to reset the context (i.e., remove the #EnableAsync) after the test, too. That way any order of execution would ensure that only that very one test has the #EnableAsync.
Is there a way to do this? Or can I manually turn on/off the async-stuff by code in a #Before/#After method?
take a look at DirtiesContext
Not sure if this is what you're looking for.
Possible duplicate of: How do you reset Spring JUnit application context after a test class dirties it?
Whow, I think I just found out by accident... What I have now:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE, classes = {
ClassWithAnAutowiredAsyncDependency.class // <=== difference!!! ===>
public class MyITest {
private ClassWithAnAutowiredAsyncDependency mine;
It seems as if the given classes are reset (specially?) or at least the autowiring happens in there again or something. I can't explain it any different.
I'm sure that this integration test is not the first integration test being run and still the asynchronous bit seems to be in place.
Well, test is green, it works...

Acceptance testing preloading of data into GAE dev server datastore

In my application I have a set of of DAOs which I inject into my application layer. For an acceptance test I'm writing, I want to preload the dev_server datastore with data, so I use the same Spring config in my JUnit test (using the #ContextConfiguration annotation) to inject an instance of the relevant DAO into my test. When I actually go to store some data eg:
I get the dreaded "No API environment is registered for this thread."
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: No API environment is registered for this thread.
at com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreApiHelper.getCurrentAppId(DatastoreApiHelper.java:108)
at com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreApiHelper.getCurrentAppIdNamespace(DatastoreApiHelper.java:118)
This is probably because my test case hasn't read in the GAE application-web.xml with the app details (although I'm guessing here I could really be wrong); so it doesn't know to write to the same datastore that the app running on the dev_server is reading/writing to.
How can I get my test to "point" to the same datastore as the app? Is there some "datasource" mechanism that I can inject both into the app and the test? Is there a way to get my test to force the datastore api to read the needed config?
Here is a page that talks about how to do unit tests that connect to a dev datastore. Is this the kind of thing you're looking for? Basically it talks about two classes, LocalServiceTestHelper and LocalDatastoreServiceTestConfig that you can use to set up an environment for testing. While the example given is for unit tests, I believe it will also work for your situation.
You can then configure things like whether the dev datastore is written to disk or just kept in memory (for faster tests). If you want this data to go to the same place as your dev server, you will probably want to adjust this, as I think the default is the "in memory" option. If you look at the javadoc there is a "setBackingStoreLocation" method where you can point to whatever file you want.
I've found the solution!!!!
For some reason the Namespace, AppID and the AuthDomain fields of the test datastore have to match that of the dev_server, then the dev_server can see the entities inserted by the test.
You can see the values for the environment (dev_server or test code) with the following statements
In your instance of LocalServiceTestHelper (eg: gaeHelper), you can set the values for the test environment
// the NamespaceManager is thread local.
gaeHelper.setEnvAppId(<the name of your app in appengine-web.xml>);
Then the dev_server will see your entities. However because of synchronisation issues, if the test writes to the datastore after the dev_server has been started the dev_server wont see it unless it can be forced to reread the file (which I haven't figured out yet). Else the server has to be restarted.
I've found a workaround, although it's not very nice because each test method doesn't clean up the Datastore, as explained in the article Local Unit Testing for Java, however, the Datastore starts clean each time the Test class is run, so it's not so bad, provided that you're careful about that.
The problem is, that when using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, the spring environment is created before the #Before annotation can be run, the solution is use #BeforeClass and use a static variable for LocalServiceTestHelper, to have them created before the Spring Environment is set up.
public class MyTest {
private MyService myService;
private static final LocalServiceTestHelper helper =
new LocalServiceTestHelper(new LocalDatastoreServiceTestConfig());
public static void beforeClass() {
public static void afterClass() {
If anyone has a better solution, I'll be glad to hear!
