How to use auto scroll in Xamarin forms - xamarin

I have number of records and it have option like click and drag to change places like music player.
In this case, if 10 records is there it shows 4 in screen we have to scroll the screen to see another record.
For that , if I have to change my 10 record to first , click the 10th record and if I go up the page must be scroll to top.
any idea? for this auto scroll ..answer or suggestion comment please.

//page view is may ui scroll view
//counter for if my image focus on last image then return on 1 img
//new PointF((float)(your image size * count),your top margin or your fram y);
int count = 0;
public async void StartTimer()
await Task.Delay(3000); //3 sec
count += 1;
if (count == 5)
count = 0;
var bottomOffset = new PointF((float)(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width * count),0);
pageview.SetContentOffset(bottomOffset, animated: true);
public override void ViewDidLoad(){


How can I automatically control the transition of a Xamarin Form Carrousel that looks like a stock price presentation?

I would like to control the speed and direction of the slide's transitions in a Carousel view. I can automatially make the slides transitions but I don't know how to control its speed nor the direction of the transition (Right to Left).
Any idea?
thanks in advance
I Start a timer to scroll each page :
public ItemsPage()
_timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
_timer.Interval = 15000;
_timer.Elapsed += _timer_Elapsed;
_timer.Enabled = true;
After the time expires I set the new page:
private void _timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
System.Console.WriteLine("{0} Position.", Position);
Position = Position + 1;
Position = Position % Carousel_Mycloset.Count;
The pages are scroll but I cannot control the speed and direction (right to left) of the transition.

Invalidate() and child_wnd_name.InvalidateRect (&rect) cause different results

I am writing a dialog based application which has one static control, one button and two edit controls. The static's type is class MyStatic : public CStatic which has an OnPaint() defined as follows:
void MyStatic::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
int Row = pBGDlg->iRow; //pBGDlg is a pointer to the dialog
int Column = pBGDlg->iColumn; //iRow and iColumn are variables of the two edit controls
int RowHei = pBGDlg->iRowHei;
int ColumnWid = pBGDlg->iColumnWid;
if (bBuPressed)
for (int i = 0; i <= Row; ++i)
dc.MoveTo (0, i * RowHei);
dc.LineTo (Column * ColumnWid, i * RowHei);
Whenever the user input two integers and press the button, the application will draw corresponding lines on the static
void CProjDlg::OnClickedIdpreview()
UpdateData ();
mystatic.GetClientRect (&rtStatic); //mystatic is the name of the static
iRowHei = (rtStatic.Height () - 1) / iRow;
iColumnWid = (rtStatic.Width () - 1) / iColumn;
mystatic.bBuPressed = true;
Invalidate ();
UpdateWindow ();
For Example:Input 4 to the 1st edit control and then input 1 to the 1st edit control. However, if I substitute mystatic.InvalidateRect(&rtStatic); and mystatic.UpdateWindow(); for Invalidate(); and UpdateWindow(); respectively, the application fails to erase previous results. For example: Input 4 to the 1st edit control and then input 5 to the 1st edit control. I can not figure out why the second method fails. Could anyone explain for me? Thank you very much.

Xamarin Forms fade to hidden?

In my current app, I have a bunch of buttons which can hide or show their corresponding stackLayout.
First, i tried using IsVisble property, but this causes a flash,
now im at using LayoutTo() which also flashes?
My code is as below:
async void btnStrike_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
var layout = this.FindByName<StackLayout>("stkStrikeInfo");
var rect = new Rectangle(layout.X, layout.Y, layout.Width, layout.Height - layout.Height);
await layout.LayoutTo(rect, 2500, Easing.Linear);
Id like to animate the height!
I found the following piece of code, which removes the Stacklayout from the page.
The issue now is that the view isnt updating?
I think you'll have better luck with just a default animation that reduces the height of the layout you want to hide to zero.
void btnStrike_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
// get reference to the layout to animate
var layout = this.FindByName<StackLayout>("stkStrikeInfo");
// setup information for animation
Action<double> callback = input => { layout.HeightRequest = input; }; // update the height of the layout with this callback
double startingHeight = layout.Height; // the layout's height when we begin animation
double endingHeight = 0; // final desired height of the layout
uint rate = 16; // pace at which aniation proceeds
uint length = 1000; // one second animation
Easing easing = Easing.CubicOut; // There are a couple easing types, just tried this one for effect
// now start animation with all the setup information
layout.Animate("invis", callback, startingHeight, endingHeight, rate, length, easing);
If the layout is already hidden and you want to show it, you would replace
double startingHeight = layout.Height;
double endingHeight = 0;
double startingHeight = 0;
double endingHeight = 55;
The 55 is just an arbitrary height, if you want it to go back to the height from before, you would save the previous height to a variable before you hide it and use that saved height instead of 55.

List of Scrollable Checkboxes in Processing

I am a newbie to programming GUIs and Processing. My questions is how can I get a list of checkboxes that I can scroll through? What I want is exactly the list of countries on the right here (
I looked through the ControlP5 library and was able to find Checkboxes, but I don't know how I can make a scrollable list of them.
Thank you.
I had also been searching for this last week and hoping that there was a ready-for-use library for me to easily add the scrollable checkboxes to my application, but finally I had no luck. At last, what I did was implementing my own scrollable list of checkboxes.
Firstly, I added a ControlP5 slider as the scroll bar, and then at each frame, got value from the slider and draw the specific checkboxes based on that value.
Suppose that you have a list of 200 countries for the user to select. Then the code will be like:
ControlP5 cp5;
Slider scrollBar;
PFont fLabel;
int boxOver = -1; //Indicate mouse is over which checkbox
boolean[] boxSelected; //Checkbox selected or not
void setup() {
size(1024, 800);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
cp5 = new ControlP5();
scrollbar = cp5.addSlider("scrollbar")
.setPosition(1005, 110)
.setRange(0, 180)
.setSize(15, 490)
.setValue(180); //Put handler at top because 0 value is at bottom of slider
fLabel = createFont("Arial", 12, false);
boxSelected = new boolean[200];
for(int i=0;i<200;i++) {
boxSelected[i] = false;
void draw() {
stroke(200, 255);
rect(820, 110, 200, 490); //The outline of the scrollable box
stroke(150, 255);
int count = 0;
//Suppose that you want to display 20 items each time
for(int i=180-(int)scrollBar.getValue();i<180-(int)scrollBar.getValue()+20;i++) {
if(boxOver < 0) {
if(mouseX>=825 && mouseX<837 && mouseY >= 120+count*24 && mouseY <= 132+count*24) {
boxOver = i;
if(boxSelected[i]) {
fill(50); //If the box is selected, fill this box
} else {
rect(825, 120+count*24, 12, 12); //Draw the box
//Draw the label text
text(countries[i], 843, 132+count*24); //Suppose the country names are stored in countries[]
void mousePressed() {
if(boxOver >=0) {
boxSelected[boxOver] = !boxSelected[boxOver]; //Toggle selection
Hope this helps you, or anyone who may encounter the same problem in the future.
There is now an example in the experimental examples called ControlP5SliderList

How to move an image randomly on the screen of a view in mobile flex?

I have to create an mobile flex application with tabbed navigator view. One of the view must satisfy this condition: when the view is selected, an image will appear for one second and then disappear for half a second, then reappear at a random position on the screen of the view. This will repeat until another view is selected.
I'm new to Mobile Flex and I need your help.
Thanks you in advance.
Best regards,
Use enterFrame event or a Timer to hide/show the image.
Set the image x and y properties to show the image at a specific position
Use Math.random() to generate a random number in the interval [0,1]
When tab is active call init();
When changing to other tab do not forget to stop the timer and remove event listeners.
(for performance reasons and to avoid memory leaks)
Sample code:
var isVisible:Boolean = false;
function init():void
// we show / hide with a delay of 1 second
var t:timer = new Timer(1000);
t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.Timer, onTimer);
function onTimer(event:TimerEvent):void
isVisible = !isVisible;
function hideImage():void
myImage.visible = false;
function showAndMoveImage():void
// we reposition image in screen, assume image size is smaller then screen
myImage.x = Math.random() * (stage.width - myImage.width);
myImage.y = Math.random() * (stage.height - myImage.height);
myImage.visible = true;
