Joomla 3.2 - Akeeba Backup Failed on "nqkpb_faqbookpro_voting.MYD" - joomla

I'm running backup on Joomla 3.2.4 using Akeeba Backup 4.7.3 but I got the below error while the process reaches 25%.
Can I disable that fabbookpro module as I'm not also using it at the moment?

At Components -> Akeeba Backup, there is a Files and Directories Exclusion option where you can exclude files and directories from the backup.
Excluding the problem file should allow the backup to complete successfully.
Upgrading Akeeba Backup to the latest recommended version for your version of Joomla might also help.


How to upgrade MongoDB on Windows Server

How do you upgrade MongoDB on Windows server? Running the Windows installer for the new version only installs a new copy of MongoDB and ignores the existing copy.
First start the cmd.exe in admin mode and cd to the location of the old installation, for standard installations:
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin
Stop all applications, which are accessing mongodb, then enter
mongod --remove
Then install the new mongo db, copy the mongod.cfg file from 3.2 to 3.4 directory. When you had one, otherwise follow the installation instructions for setting up the new service. This update worked fine for me, all data available, I didn't need to use this features switched off.
I upgraded from version 3.6.0 to 3.6.2 just today and below are the steps involved:
Download the latest version from the [mongodb wesbite][1].
When downloading is complete, stop any running instance of mongodb by typing 'Ctrl+C' on the command console.
Run the installation file and it automatically installs the new version at the same path as the previous version (at C:\Program
Start the database server by typing 'mongod'.
All previous databases will be accessible to you.
Windows MongoDB major version upgrade can be performed easily in-place , here i am describing the steps to upgrade MongoDB 4.2 to 4.4 with existing data directory. You can follow the same for any version upgrade.
We will use the Windows command prompt to perform all steps below:
For safety take a backup of existing DB, provide a path to backup them
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin
mongodump -o D:\DB_backup
Stop all the application writes and shutdown the MongoDB service
type "services. msc" and hit Enter or press OK
Services -> MongoDB Server -> Right click & stop
Install the new MongoDB mongodb-windows-x86_64-enterprise-4.4.8-signed.msi file msi package by using GUI provide the old exixting directories. Meanwhile rename directory from 4.2 to 4.4
Data dir - D:\MongoDB\Server\4.4\data
Log dir - D:\MongoDB\Server\4.4\log\
This will replace all the bin files with older version ones and MongoDB will be started automatically.
Finally , move to the bin directory, run mongo.exe client and check the DB availablity
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
On windows pro.
It worked for me like below:
Install new version without uninstalling existing.
Stop the mongodb service.
Copy data folder from previous mongo to new mongo folder.
Repair new mongo installation.
Uninstall previous mongodb.

upgrade kura installation without losing configuration

I'm currently running Kura 1.1.1 on a beagle bone black running debian linux with some custom packages and some altered configuration.
I would like to upgrade to the latest Kura release without losing the configuration and packages.
How do you upgrade while maintaining the state of a kura installation?
AFAIK there is not an official way to do this yet.
You can backup the following files and include them again after upgrading:
data/snapshots/snapshot_14xxx.xml this is the file containing your bundles' configuration. Most recent changes have a higher timestamp.
kura/ this files contains a list of deployed Deployment Packages, installed through web-ui or DEPLOY-V1 cloudlet.
*.dp the actual Deployment Packages installed.
If you manually added jars or edited start scripts, you must copy/edit them again
Depending on how you upgrade, you may or may not have the previous installation deleted. Shell script installer for example changes /opt/eclipse/kura/ symlink to the version it installs, without deleting the old one.

I want to upgrade my sonarqube server4.1 to latest version sonarqube 5.1?

I want to upgrade sonarqube 4.1 to latest version(5.1).So what steps i need to do and follow?
and what is the best strategy to upgrade server?
First try to install a previous version, for example 5.0.1. If this work then install the newest version.
Download SonarQube:
stop sonar
make a DB backup
rename 4.1 sonar folder
unzip downloaded SonarQube zip file (e.g.
modify and wrapper.conf files located in <SONAR_HOME>/conf (don't replace the files, modify parameters)
copy plugins to <SONAR_HOME>/extensions/plugins (check plugins matrix compatibility)
copy drivers to <SONAR_HOME>/extensions/drivers
modify <SONAR_HOME> in service file, e.g /etc/init.d/sonar
start sonar
verify logs in <SONAR_HOME>/logs
open http://:/setup
click upgrade button and wait
Everything is on the SonarQube wiki:

TortoiseSVN downgrade issue from 1.8 to 1.7

I was using the TortoiseSVN 1.7.11 client (Windows 7). I updated it to 1.8 and then it worked for some time with the 1.8 release. But other machines with which I'm working are still using 1.7.11, and I can't upgrade them so I thought of downgrading to 1.7.11. Now it's not working at all. I took a fresh checkout and it still asks to upgrade the working copy.
When I click this option, it says "can't upgrade as it is not a pre-1.7 working copy directory. Missing default entry. I tried removing registries and delete configuration information from %appdata% folder too, but it doesn't fix the issue.
For people who don't read the comments first.
Backup any changes you have in your working directory
Uninstall TortoiseSVN 1.8
Install TortoiseSVN 1.7
Do a fresh checkout into a new directory
Manually copy any needed changes from your backup to new directory
Ther is no need to check out to a separate directory and lose local changes.
After downgrading to TortoiseSVN 1.7 it is possible to recreate the SVN 1.7 format by:
Removing all the .svn directories
for /d /r . %d in (.svn) do #if exist "%d" rd /s/q "%d"
Checkout using --force:
svn co --force <repo_url> <local_dir>
You have not performed a fresh checkout with the TortoiseSVN 1.7 client. If you had, you wouldn't get working copy format errors.
Remove TortoiseSVN 1.8.0, install TortoiseSVN 1.7.x, and checkout a fresh working copy.

Upgrading Magento from to 1.5.1.x complications

I started developing for Magento as one developer on one server. Now I'm bringing in other developers and am migrating to svn using the following strategy:
Move relevant directories to a repository, and create softlinks to all those directories. There is an issue using softlinks (documented here). What I'd like to do is upgrade to 1.5.1.x which has the option in the Configuration to enable softlinks.
But for some reason when I run
./mage list-upgrades
I get
No upgrades available
Why is that?
