Resizing image proportionally via css - image

I know this question has been asked a million times before, however I'm trying to do this a different way, a much simpler way because I don't have to support all the major browsers.
For every image on our site, we know the width and the height before runtime as the cdn returns this info for us, once an image registers I basically extract the CURRENT width and figure out the percentage decrease (if any) of that image.
var originalWidth = 640;
var originalHeight = 480;
var actualWidth = 431;
var decrease = (originalWidth-actualWidth)/originalWidth*100;
Now that I've got the decrease from it's original size, I wanted to do something with the calc css method, seeing as all our images resize proportionally. I've tried this:
$element.css('height', `calc(${originalHeight}px - (${originalHeight}px * ${decrease} / 100 ))` );
I've can't even get this to apply to the element, if I make a much simpler calc css method it works, but this wont even apply, I'm assuming it's because the actual evaluation is failing, but I can't seem to get the units correct

Maybe it's only a parenthesis problem, try with this
$element.css('height', `calc((${originalHeight}px - ((${originalHeight}px * ${decrease}) / 100 )))` );


Cropping in pillow. (

i need a help. How to make pillow clipping my progress bar against current exp. Because currently I have using resize but unfortunately when someone has little exp it does not look good, so I would like to make the bot trim my progress bar from right relative to missing exp
This is my actually code:
rectangle ="progress-bar.png")
rectangle = rectangle.resize((round(rectangle.size[0] * exp / lev), rectangle.size[1]))
levelcard.paste(rectangle, (440, 376))"profile2.png")
await ctx.reply(file=discord.File("profile2.png"))
(and rectangle.crop don't work)
(I want it to sort of crop the middle of my progress bar (I can show you a picture) so that the beginning of the bar and the end of the bar are rounded, because when I use resize it just makes my bar square on both sides)
Firstly: Please give more information and a more In-Depth explanation of your problem, the example picture you mentioned would be of great use to understand what you need.
Secondly: Are you sure you want to resize the progressbar to the exp divided by the level? That doesn't seem like it would work.
If the levels don't exponentially increase, and the exp goes to 0 every level up, then you might wanna just do the exp multiplied by this magical number x_pixel_size_of_progressbar / max_xp_to_level_up. IE: if the x size of the progressbar is 200, and the max xp is 100, the magic number is 2 (200 / 100 = 2), so if you had full xp, the xp bar would be full (100 * 2 = 200), so instead of rectangle = rectangle.resize((round(rectangle.size[0] * exp / lev), rectangle.size[1])), you would do rectangle = rectangle.resize((round(exp * (rectangle.size[0] / maxexp)), rectangle.size[1]))
And if the exp doesn't go to 0 at levelup kind of like a "global" xp system, then you can do something like this_levels_xp = exp - (levup_xp * lev) and then apply the stuff mentioned before.

Change height of figures in GEF programmatically

I have a case where I have to add figures in another figure, i.e., nested figures.
My figure which will contain other figure extends org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.
I want to change the height of this figure when it contains more than 4 figures, so that all the nested figures are visible at once.
So, in the paintFigure(Graphics graphics) method, I do this:
Rectangle r = getBounds();
if( getChildren().size() > 4 ) {
setBounds(new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height + getChildren().size()-4)*10));
But this doesn't change the height. Well it does change it, for the time being, but when it is called again the next time, it again has the previous height, not the updated one.
Hence, visually the figure height doesn't change at all.
Any ideas on what am I doing wrong?
Or to do this in a different and/or better way?
I was updating the height in the paintFigure(), it was changing to previous height because it was taking values from the model. I changed the height in the model, and it worked fine.

How to improve display quality in pdf.js

I'm using open source library for PDF documents from mozilla(pdf.JS).
When i'm trying to open pdf documents with bad quality, viewer displays it with VERY BAD quality.
But if I open it in reader, or in browser (drag/drop into new window), whis document displays well
Is it possible to change?
Here is this library on github mozilla pdf.js
You just have to change the scaling of your pdf i.e. when rendering a page:
pdfDoc.getPage(num).then(function(page) {
var viewport = page.getViewport(scale);
canvas.height = viewport.height;
canvas.width = viewport.width;
It is the scale value you have to change. Then, the resulting rendered image will fit into the canvas given its dimensions e.g. in CSS. What this means is that you produce a bigger image, fit it into the container you had before and so you effectively improve the resolution.
There is renderPage function in web/viewer.js and print resolution is hard-coded in there as 150 DPI.
function renderPage(activeServiceOnEntry, pdfDocument, pageNumber, size) {
var scratchCanvas = activeService.scratchCanvas;
To change print resolution to 300 DPI, simply change the line below.
See How to increase print quality of PDF file with PDF.js viewer for more details.
Maybe it's an issue related with pixel ratio, it used to happen to me when device pixel ratio is bigger than 1 (for example iPhone, iPad, etc.. you can read this question for a better explanation.
Just try that file on PDF.js Viewer. If it works like expected, you must check how PDF.js works with pixel ratio > 1 here. What library basically does is:
canvas.width = viewport.width * window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.styles.width = viewport.width + 'px'; // Note: The px unit is required here
But you must check how PDF.js works for better perfomance
I ran into the same issue and I used the intent option of renderContent to fix that.
const renderContext = {
intent: 'print',
// ....
var renderTask = page.render(renderContext);
As per docs renderContext accepts intent which supports three values - display, print or any. The default is display. When I used print instead the render quality was extremely good, at par with any desktop app.

IF image is too big, how do I reduce the size?

My Website
On the above link you can see that the middle news post has an image that is just too big.
The info for the news is taken out of a database so I'm not sure how to change the width of the image on only certain images. Ideally I'd like to have any image that is over 300px wide to be kept at 300px. This is what I have so far:
echo '<img src="media/'.$row['media1'].'" class="floatLeftClear" id="border">';
I tired adding width="300" to the above statement but that made ALL of the images become 300px which I don't want. I only want images bigger than 300px to be reduced to 300.
Can someone point me in the right direction please!
If you don't want to physically resize the images on the server, which would be the ideal solution, you can set the max-width property via CSS.
img {
Note that the property is not supported in IE6 and below.
The code helps to resizing the image. its resize the height and width depends upon the max width
function fixImgs(whichId, maxW) {
var pix=document.getElementById(whichId).getElementsByTagName('img');
for (i=0; i<pix.length; i++) {
if (w > maxW) {
f=1-((w - maxW) / w);
pix[i].width=w * f;
pix[i].height=h * f;
fixImgs('photos', 108); // ('element ID', maximum width)
But one thing the image size(KB) is not reduce. I hope its help to you .
Why not to add a special routine for news images layout, define max-size within it and call it for the related images?

Photoshop Action to fill image to make a certain ratio

I am looking to make a photoshop action (maybe this isn't possible, any other application recommendations would be helpful as well). I want to take a collection of photos and make them a certain aspect ration, ex: 4:3.
So I have an image that is 150px wide by 200px high. What I would like to happen is the image's canvas is made to be 267px wide, with the new area filled with a certain color.
So there are two possibilities I can think of:
1) Photoshop actions could do this, but I would have to pull current height, multiply by 1.333333 and then put that value in the width box of the canvas resize. Is it possible to have calculated values in Photoshop actions?
2) Some other application has this feature built in.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Wow, I see now (after writing the answer) that this was asked a long time ago. . . oh well. This script does the trick.
This Photoshop script will resize any image's canvas so that it has a 4:5 aspect ratio. You can change the aspect ratio applied by changing arWidth and arHeight. The fill color will be set to the current background color. You could create an action to open a file, apply this script, then close the file to do a batch process.
Shutdown Photoshop.
Copy this javascript into a new file named "Resize Canvas.jsx" in Photoshop's Presets\Scripts folder.
Start Photoshop and in the File - Scripts menu it should appear.
#target photoshop
main ();
function main ()
if (app.documents.length < 1)
alert ("No document open to resize.");
// These can be changed to create images with different aspect ratios.
var arHeight = 4;
var arWidth = 5;
// Apply the resize to Photoshop's active (selected) document.
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// Get the image size in pixels.
var pixelWidth = new UnitValue (doc.width, doc.width.type);
var pixelHeight = new UnitValue (doc.height, doc.height.type);
pixelWidth.convert ('px');
pixelHeight.convert ('px');
// Determine the target aspect ratio and the current aspect ratio of the image.
var targetAr = arWidth / arHeight;
var sourceAr = pixelWidth / pixelHeight;
// Start by setting the current dimensions.
var resizedWidth = pixelWidth;
var resizedHeight = pixelHeight;
// The source image aspect ratio determines which dimension, if any, needs to be changed.
if (sourceAr < targetAr)
resizedWidth = (arWidth * pixelHeight) / arHeight;
resizedHeight = (arHeight * pixelWidth) / arWidth;
// Apply the change to the image.
doc.resizeCanvas (resizedWidth, resizedHeight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
Mind that the accepted answer from #user268911 may not work for you if the source image has different pixels/inch than 72. Because the UnitValue.convert function works correctly only with 72 px/inch. To be sure the conversion is correct for ever pixel/inch value, set baseUnit property as follows:
var pixelWidth = new UnitValue (doc.width, doc.width.type);
pixelWidth.baseUnit = UnitValue (doc.width.baseUnit, "in");
var pixelHeight = new UnitValue (doc.height, doc.height.type);
pixelHeight.baseUnit = UnitValue (doc.height.baseUnit, "in");
For more details about the conversion see "Converting pixel and percentage values" section of the Adobe JavaScript Tools Guide.
What languages do you know? ImageMagick has command line tools that can do this, but you'd need to know a scripting language to get the values and calculate the new ones.
For .NET, my company's product, DotImage Photo, is free and can do this (need to know C# or VB.NET)
