Spring Data Rest ava.lang.IllegalArgumentException - spring

I am getting
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property 'objects' on null object
error when I intentionally test spring data rest api simulating a user passing bad url as in
The year and month are Integers , but in this case I am simulating the user not passing any value.
The app is using the:
public interface myRepo extends PagingAndSortingRepository<myClass, Long> {}
interface and there is no explicit controller provided in a controller class. The data rest interface provides the following:
#Query("Select c from myPOJO c where (YEAR(c.myDate) = :year AND MONTH(c.myDate) = :month)")
Page findByDate(#Param("year") int year,
#Param("month") int month,
Pageable pageable);
I can see why the exception is being thrown ... but providing a generic exception handler to handle it does not seem to resolve the issue.
public class ExceptionControllerAdvice {
public ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse> exceptionHandler(Exception ex) {
ErrorResponse error = new ErrorResponse();
error.setMessage("Please contact your administrator");
//return new ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse>(error, HttpStatus.OK);
return new ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse>(error, HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
Any advise on how to trap this data rest exception would be appreciate it.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property 'objects' on null object
Thank you

This is resolved by using the object Integer instead of the primitive Int for the param. This appears to handle the conversion to default value and avoid nulls.


How to link a Vaadin Grid with the result of Spring Mono WebClient data

This seems to be a missing part in the documentation of Vaadin...
I call an API to get data in my UI like this:
public URI getUri(String url, PageRequest page) {
return UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url)
.queryParam("page", page.getPageNumber())
.queryParam("size", page.getPageSize())
.queryParam("sort", (page.getSort().isSorted() ? page.getSort() : ""))
public Mono<Page<SomeDto>> getDataByPage(PageRequest pageRequest) {
return webClient.get()
.uri(getUri(URL_API + "/page", pageRequest))
.bodyToMono(new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {
In the Vaadin documentation (https://vaadin.com/docs/v10/flow/binding-data/tutorial-flow-data-provider), I found an example with DataProvider.fromCallbacks but this expects streams and that doesn't feel like the correct approach as I need to block on the requests to get the streams...
DataProvider<SomeDto, Void> lazyProvider = DataProvider.fromCallbacks(
q -> service.getData(PageRequest.of(q.getOffset(), q.getLimit())).block().stream(),
q -> service.getDataCount().block().intValue()
When trying this implementation, I get the following error:
org.springframework.core.codec.CodecException: Type definition error: [simple type, class org.springframework.data.domain.Page]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot construct instance of `org.springframework.data.domain.Page` (no Creators, like default constructor, exist): abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types, have custom deserializer, or contain additional type information
at [Source: (io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream); line: 1, column: 1]
I don't have experience with vaadin, so i'll talk about the deserialization problem.
Jackson needs a Creator when deserializing. That's either:
the default no-arg constructor
another constructor annotated with #JsonCreator
static factory method annotated with #JsonCreator
If we take a look at spring's implementations of Page - PageImpl and GeoPage, they have neither of those. So you have two options:
Write your custom deserializer and register it with the ObjectMapper instance
The deserializer:
public class PageDeserializer<T> extends StdDeserializer<Page<T>> {
public PageDeserializer() {
public Page<T> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JacksonException {
//TODO implement for your case
return null;
And registration:
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addDeserializer(Page.class, new PageDeserializer<>());
Make your own classes extending PageImpl, PageRequest, etc. and annotate their constructors with #JsonCreator and arguments with #JsonProperty.
Your page:
public class MyPage<T> extends PageImpl<T> {
public MyPage(#JsonProperty("content_prop_from_json") List<T> content, #JsonProperty("pageable_obj_from_json") MyPageable pageable, #JsonProperty("total_from_json") long total) {
super(content, pageable, total);
Your pageable:
public class MyPageable extends PageRequest {
public MyPageable(#JsonProperty("page_from_json") int page, #JsonProperty("size_from_json") int size, #JsonProperty("sort_object_from_json") Sort sort) {
super(page, size, sort);
Depending on your needs for Sort object, you might need to create MySort as well, or you can remove it from constructor and supply unsorted sort, for example, to the super constructor. If you are deserializing from input manually you need to provide type parameters like this:
JavaType javaType = TypeFactory.defaultInstance().constructParametricType(MyPage.class, MyModel.class);
Page<MyModel> deserialized = objectMapper.readValue(pageString, javaType);
If the input is from request body, for example, just declaring the generic type in the variable is enough for object mapper to pick it up.
public ResponseEntity<String> deserialize(#RequestBody MyPage<MyModel> page) {
return ResponseEntity.ok("OK");
Personally i would go for the second option, even though you have to create more classes, it spares the tediousness of extracting properties and creating instances manually when writing deserializers.
There are two parts to this question.
The first one is about asynchronously loading data for a DataProvider in Vaadin. This isn't supported since Vaadin has prioritized the typical case with fetching data straight through JDBC. This means that you end up blocking a thread while the data is loading. Vaadin 23 will add support for doing that blocking on a separate thread instead of keeping the UI thread blocked, but it will still be blocking.
The other half of your problem doesn't seem to be directly related to Vaadin. The exception message says that the Jackson instance used by the REST client isn't configured to support creating instances of org.springframework.data.domain.Page. I don't have direct experience with this part of the problem, so I cannot give any advice on exactly how to fix it.

resilience4j circuit breaker change fallback method return type than actual called method return type

I am trying to learn Spring Boot microservices. Now I am trying to implement circuit breaker with resilience4j if any of my called service is off.
If I set the fallback method return type as like the actual method return type than it works fine but I can't show the information that my service is off. Because it then send the response null in object's fields. But if I change the return type to String on actual method and also in fallback then I will not be able to get the object value as JSON.
Is it possible to return as string something like Branch service is down!.. with my fallback method and if OK then get the object value as JSON from actual called method? My attempts are below:
My controller method:
#CircuitBreaker(name = "default", fallbackMethod = "employeeFallback")
public ResponseModelEmployee getEmployee(#PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return employeeService.findByEmployeeId(id);
My fallback method in controller:
public ResponseModelEmployee employeeFallback(Long id, Exception ex) {
return new ResponseModelEmployee();
My service method called from controller:
public ResponseModelEmployee findByEmployeeId(Long id) {
ResponseModelEmployee empDetails = new ResponseModelEmployee();
Branch branch = restTemplate.getForObject("http://BRANCH-SERVICE/branch/getById/" +
return empDetails;
My desire method as fallback:
public String employeeFallback(Long id, Exception ex) {
return "Branch Service is down";
If I set my desire method for fallback then it gives the following error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: class com.example.employee.VO.ResponseModelEmployee class com.example.employee.controller.EmployeeController.employeeFallback(class java.lang.Long,class java.lang.Throwable) at io.github.resilience4j.fallback.FallbackMethod.create(FallbackMethod.java:92) ~[resilience4j-spring-1.7.0.jar:1.7.0] ....
Resilince4j expects the fallback method to have the same return type as of the actual method.
Documentation says:
It's important to remember that a fallback method should be placed in
the same class and must have the same method signature with just ONE
extra target exception parameter).
If there are multiple fallbackMethod methods, the method that has the
most closest match will be invoked, for example:
If you try to recover from NumberFormatException, the method with
signature String fallback(String parameter, IllegalArgumentException
exception)} will be invoked.
You can define one global fallback method with an exception parameter
only if multiple methods has the same return type and you want to
define the same fallback method for them once and for all.
So, you cannot directly change the return type to a different one.
You can try few suggestions:
Add #CircuitBreaker and fallback to the service method.
Change return type of service method and fallback method to Object.
One more way could be , you can keep the return type as it is but add a String type message object to response model ResponseModelEmployee. Then set message string to it during fallback.
Another solution could be to return ResponseEntity from the from the method where rest call is made and in the fallback method use ResponseEntity<?> as response object.
you can use Object as a return type
in my case for example:
#CircuitBreaker(name= something , fallbackMethod = "ContactsServiceDown")
public ResponseEntity<User> getDetailsById(#PathVariable(id)){
//some logic
return new ResponseEntity<User>(user , HttpStatus.OK);
public ResponseEntity<Object> ContactsServiceDown(int id , Exception e){
//some logic
return new ResponseEntity<Object>("ContactsServersDown", HttpStatus.Forbidden)
or in returnType ResponseEntity<> leave the type Field empty, hopefully it may work!

Spring Boot WebFlux Converter

I am trying to migrate my project from the Spring MVC to the Spring WebFlux.
The repository I am currently using is ReactiveCrudRepository.
In order to achieve the post-redirect-get pattern, which I have used within Spring MVC, I need to rewrite the current converter to work with ReactiveCrudRepository.
I was trying to do that with this aproach:
public class ObjByIdConverter implements Converter<String, Obj> {
private IObjRepository objRepository;
public Obj convert(String id) {
return objRepository.findById(id).block();
When I implement converter in this way, I am getting the following error:
block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-xxx.
When I was using CrudRepository instead of ReactiveCrudRepository everything was worked fine.
Is there a way to implement converter to work with ReactiveCrudRepository?
~~~ Edit 1 ~~~
The controller class:
public Mono<String> processOrder(#ModelAttribute("newCar") Car car) {
BindingResult bindingResult = webDataBinder.getBindingResult();
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return Mono.just("orderForm");
return this.carRepository.save(car).thenReturn("redirect:/");
The model class:
#Document(collection = "cars")
public class Car {
private String id;
private List<Obj> objs = new ArrayList<>();
// constructor, getters, setters, ...
I am using the Thymeleaf view technology.
I have to provide the implementation for ObjByIdConverter because I am getting the following error message: [Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.util.List' for property 'objs'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'com.example.app.model.Obj' for property 'objs[0]': no matching editors or conversion strategy found]
You should not use block in any case in reactive development. If you have ReactiveRepository and Spring Webflux, use them together with Mono/Flux from repository to controller to leverage the reactive way of doing.
But I think the main reason why you try to convert the result to a standard type is for the post-redirect-get pattern, could you detail this in the spring controller context ?

Getting value of invalid field after MethodArgumentNotValidException

My entity class is annotated with #NotNull of hibernate for one of the field.I am catching the exception in #ExceptionHelper. My problem is that i want to access the value of the invalid field so that i can add it into the logger.
Here is the ExceptionHandler:
#ExceptionHandler({ MethodArgumentNotValidException .class })
public ResponseEntity<?> handleInvalidMethodArgException(MethodArgumentNotValidException de) {
List<FieldError> bindingResult = de.getBindingResult().getFieldErrors();
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Start : %s : handleDataexception()", this
for(FieldError fieldError: bindingResult){
LOGGER.debug("Invalid {} value submitted for {}",
fieldError.getRejectedValue(), fieldError.getField());
ErrorMsg = new ErrorMsg(errorCode, errorMessage);
return new ResponseEntity<>(errMsg, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
I have added #Validated with the #RequestBody in the controller.
MethodArgumentNotValidException has a getBindingResult method that returns the BindingResult if the failure is validation-related, or null if none. So, you can call the getFieldErrors method which returns List of FieldErrors. Each FieldError has a getRejectedValue which gives you the invalid value of the corresponding field:
ex.getBindingResult().getFieldErrors().forEach(fieldError -> {
LOGGER.debug("Invalid {} value submitted for {}",
fieldError.getRejectedValue(), fieldError.getField());
ex is an instance of MethodArgumentNotValidException.
Your entity won't store incorrect values furthermore it is bad practise to use entity object on the front. You should create a DTO object, than send it to your application. Check it (here you could add incorrect staff to logger) and then process it to your entity object and try to save or whatever you want to do.

Customization of Spring ConversionFailedException error HTTP status

I have an enum class:
class enum Type {
I have an API that accepts the enum as a GET parameter
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, location="item", params = "type")
public Item[] get(Type type) {
When a client calls the API with valid values, like GET /item?type=LOCAL or GET /item?type=REMOTE it works fine. If the client supplies invalid value for type, e.g. GET /item?type=INVALID_TYPE, then Spring generates 500 Internal Server Error. I would like to turn it into 400 Bad Request validation error, potentially adding useful information for the client. I prefer to reuse the built type converter since in works just fine, just want to change a type of error HTTP thrown with minimum changes.
I believe if you add the right exception to #ControllerAdvice, you can customize the response. In this case, I found that MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException was the one in question.
public void methodArgumentTypeMismatchException(final HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
Why is this happening?
I would consider having a look at the example here about the #ControllerAdvice and/or #ExceptionHandler annotations. The error you're experiencing is occurring because, I believe, Spring tries to construct a Type from the "INVALID_TYPE" string and gets an error when it cannot create a Type from it--because "INVALID_TYPE" is not one of the available values.
What can I do about it?
What you'll want to do is add a string constructor to your enum so it knows, more correctly how to create one of the enum objects, and then check the input to see if its valid. If it is invalid, throw a custom exception. Then, in your #ControllerAdvice, you can customize the HTTP status code of the response.
The exception will then be able to be handled with something like the following:
class GlobalControllerExceptionHandler {
#ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST) // 409
public void handleConflict() {
// handle the exception response, if you need information about the
// request, it should be able to be attached to the custom exception
The enum would look something like this:
public enum Type{
private String type;
private Type(String type) {
if(type.equals("LOCAL") || type.equals("REMOTE")) {
this.type = type;
} else {
throw new MyCustomException();
public String getType() {
return url;
