How to run my laravel project on vps? - laravel

Now I just finished my laravel web application and want to upload to vps (digital ocean).In local, i usually trying to use by typing php artisan serve ,then go to access http://localhost:8000/ ,and everything is fine. But on vps ubuntu, how to type to run my laravel application,I already upload my project to git and pull from vps. I follow this instruction,but this instruction is just installation.Please guide me. Thanks in advance.


Laravel table migration in cpanel

Hlw everyone. I had added a laravel project in cpanel and now i want to customize it and made some changes. In local i use artisan command to migrate my changes to but how to do it in cpanel
It’s better to have a vps while using laravel projects.
Or you should have a SSH access to do it.
Some hosting companies will give you SSH access on cPanel or directadmin hosts.
What is SSH ? in a simple word it is a terminal on your host or server which you can run commands like php artisan migrate remotely

laravel production in windows server

im new in laravel and i have done my first project, I have xampp,mysql and windows server 2012 (installed with composer and laravel 7). i'm running the application in server via command below
php artisan serve --host=[ip] --port=[port]
application is running fine within the network. However, it seems super slow. I'm not sure if this the correct way of deploying it into production. Do you have any recommendation/instructions where can i run/deploy apps within the resource that I have.
Speed of your laravel project depends on many parameters like hardware config (CPU,RAM,...) and also number of users and level of requests and processes. But consider that for an app in production it's better to not use php artisan serve command. It's only for development environment. I don't that how much you know about linux but I suggest you to change your stack and use linux as your production os with nginx as web server alongside php-fpm for running your app in production. But for now you should config xmapp's apache web server to run your application from project's public folder. Here is a link you can use:
good luck

How to Deploy a Laravel Application to Amazon Web Server AWS

I already have a PHP website running under /var/www/html root location, and now I would like to deploy a Laravel application in /var/www/html/sales folder. I have installed Composer and cloned Laravel GitHub repository in /var/www/html/sales folder, but when I type it says the site is not reachable whereas if I type, my other PHP website is working fine.
What am I missing? Can anyone please help me with this?

How to deploy a React app with Strapi (from localhost to an external server e.g. AWS)?

I am developing a website, where posts are published through Strapi. My website is a React app. For Hosting, I use (Amazon's) AWS.
My question is simple. I want to deploy my localhost application, and make visible to the WWW. I was searching for tutorials but could not find any that helps me in this.
Thank you!
ok deploy process is simple:
You get a server like digital ocean.
you push your projecto into a github repo.
Configure mongo, node, ngnix and clone your project into www folder
enter in your folder app and make npm install --production
latter insall PM2 and make it run
this is a little explaination the real explanaition you can see here:
how to deploy strapi app on ubuntu server
The www you can modified adding Cname at your server and vinculing your dns with you domain in you name domain proveedor

Access PhpStorm web server (Laravel) via LAN

I have a Laravel Project that I develop in PhpStorm. I use the build in PhpStorm web server for development and debugging. (localhost:8000) Now I need to be able to access that server from another device within the same network.
Google search and have not been very helpful. I have tried this ( but it did not work.
Any help?
I found the problem. Since the web server is launched via artisan, it ignores my PhpStorm settings. I needed to change the launch parameter, like so:
php artisan serve --host= --port=8000
