Local Notifications Plugin - Image/Logo - xamarin

I'm using Local Notifications Plugin for Xamarin, in a Xamarin Forms app.
I got it working, but I have a question about the logo beside the notification.
I doesn't understand the readme on GitHub.
Does anyone know how to change it?
(Both on Android and iOS).
Android Image
(I'm not allowed to post more than 2 links that's why I can't send pic on iOS)

Add the icon you want to use to your Android project (under the Resources folder). Make sure the Build Action is set to AndroidResource, this should be done automatically.
Then somewhere in your Android project, probably the MainActivity is a good place, add this line: LocalNotificationsImplementation.NotificationIconId = Resource.Drawable.YOUR_ICON_HERE.
Of course at the place of the YOUR_ICON_HERE you should enter the identifier of your icon, which is probably the filename without its extension of the file you added.

The Following are the steps to follow to change the icon in a flutter local Notification.
Resize the image you want to put to 72 x 72
Transfer the image into the Android-app-src-main-res- drawable folder.
Change the default icon of the Application in the AndroidManifest file to that you put in the drawable folder
Rerun the application and test the Flutter Local Notification and see if the changes appear.
Here are the results


Android app icon doesn't look the way it should

I am about to add an icon to my android app.
I use the image assest feature in Android studio, follow all the steps, and run my app in my phone (Android Oreo), but the problem is that the image appears really focused in the round icon.
Thank's in advance
Try using going to this website . Go to launch icon generator and import the image you want. Download the zip file and extract it into your project. I tried this with the picture you provided here and it works for me. Let me know if anything else pops up.

Where to save a picture in iOS and then to show it in app

I have a project for Android and iOS that needs to show a user image and video in a view.
In Android this was simple. I could just get the path using
System.IO.Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath, Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures);
And then I used System.IO to check file existence and finally, show that in the view (shared project).
What should be the equivalent in iOS?
When I plug the target iPhone in a USB port and browse its files, I only see one folder called DCIM which contains some folders with pictures.
Can I use that folder? how can I access it from the iOS project?
I tried with:
But it returns an empty string.
Any help, please?

app icon is missing for iTunes app accelerator in Xcode Organizer (appcelerator)

When I build my titanium app in appcelerator, the app icon is missing from the organiser when I build it for app store submission
How can I resolve this thanks
In itunes connect, this is how it appears after I select the build:
Icon is missing.
Yes we need to have the iTunesArtwork(512X512) and iTunesArtwork#2x(1024X1024) in the folder Resource->iphone-> here we need to have that 2 files.
I've met the same problem recently. I don't know the real reason behind that, but I find that if I change the extension of the image file directly from jpg to png, the AppIcon will not show in the organizer. However, if I open the image with the preview application, export png version of the image and add it to Xcode, the AppIcon will show in the organizer.
Hope this will be helpful for you.
Do you have the iTunesArtwork and iTunesArtwork#2x images in the root of your Titanium project? They are simply png images without the extension. They go in the same folder as the tiapp.xml.
Check alpha channel for all app icons. If alpha channel is exist then just remove alpha channel and then try it.
For iOS Only
If you are using Ti SDK >= 5.0.0 GA you must make an Icon called DefaultIcon.png and Ti will make all icons you want automatically !.
You are recommended to add a 1024 x 1024 PNG image, named DefaultIcon.png placed in the project's root folder, which is used to generate all or only omitted icons for the project. New Titanium projects will have the DefaultIcon.png file.
Reference https://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/release-notes/?version=5.0.0.GA
For iOS and Android http://ticons.fokkezb.nl/ it`s awesome tool from https://stackoverflow.com/users/4626813/fokke-zandbergen

Phonegap Build Windows Phone change pin to start text

So i've been building a windows phone app with phonegap build. I'm using the config.xml file. Does anyone know how to change the pin to start text?
This may not be relevant to Phonegap Build but I had exactly the same problem when building a WP8 app locally. I found the only way to change this is by doing the following:
In your Phonegap project, open platforms\wp8\Properties\WMAppManifest.xml in a text editor.
Change the value of Title.
Un-pin the app and then re-pin. The title should now be updated.
This doesn't feel like the right way to do this but changing the PhoneGap config.xml doesn't seem to make any difference.

OSX Notification Center Icon

I'm using OSX's Notification Center APIs for the first time and can't seem to figure out how to make my app's icon to show up in the Notification badge.
The default "your app doesn't have an icon" icon keeps showing up:
Here's what I've done so far
I have created an icns file that includes 512, 256, 128, 32 & 16px versions
dragged the icon into the "App Icon" section of the target's summary
I made to sure to check the box to copy the icon into the project
the plist's "Icon file" section references the correct icon name (minus the .icns) part
Any ideas? The icon doesn't show up when I run the app thru Xcode or when I export an archive either.
I also have extracted the Sparrow.icns file from Sparrow.app and tried using that one instead of the one I made. That didn't work either.
I was able to fix this issue by incrementing the Build number in the General section for the build Target.
You can force the Notification Center to refresh all of the icons by deleting the Notification Center database file (~/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter/SOME_UUID.db) and then killing the Notification Center process (e.g., from Activity Monitor).
Unfortunately this has the side effect of deleting your notification history, but this wasn't too much of an issue for me.
There's actually an ongoing debate on Apple's developer forums (link, link for people with access) about this. As far as I know, there's currently no real solution, but you can try the following:
Change your app's bundle ID and try it again. If you change it, clean your app, and change back, some people have reported success with seeing their icon show up.
Log in as another user. The caching Notification Center uses may be per-user, so you might be able to get the properly-iconned notifications as a different person.
The folder location has been moved for OSX 10.10+.
Following command takes to you to its new location:
$ cd `getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR`/com.apple.notificationcenter/db
and then
$ open .
Easiest way that I managed to get the icon to show up is change the Bundle Identifier in your project. This works on OSX 10.10.5 and XCode 7.2
(Once notification center picks up the change, you can change it back to your original bundle identifier if you already have a provisioning profile associated with it)
I have solved the issue by archiving my app and adding a copy to my applications folder. When the app is in Application folder, the icon is always visible even you run the app from XCode...
I tried all of the above suggestions but the only thing that worked for me on 10.14 was to delete DerivedData:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
If anyone still having this issue, and none of the methods above worked, here is how I solved it:
open Notifications from the System Preference (easiest is to open Alfred or spotlight and type Notifications)
find your application and remove it (press backspace/delete button)
NOTE: this may remove all notifications
I am using Xcode 11.5 and I had the same problem. In my case tough, it was sufficient to clean build output, close and reopen the project. Then do a fresh build and let it run again. The icon was there afterwards.
Side note: I've placed the app icon for every size in the assets.xcassets file, except 1024 x 1024 pixels. Don't know if this is relevant or not. Hope that helps.
