Validate header row of table in Ruby - ruby

So i'm trying to grab a row a of table headers off a page:
header_row = #page.send('header_row_element')
headers = header_row.ths.collect { |th| th.text }
table_of_elements.raw.flatten.each do |option|
expect(headers).to include option
Note: table_of_elements is coming from a Cucumber Table ie:
| value |
| another value |
| etc |
I'm having no problem finding the header row on the page and returning the values but my problem is that the table is in a scroll window
So the code headers = header_row.ths.collect { |th| th.text }is returning an array with only the headers that are within the view of the current location of the scroll:
headers = [ "value", "another value", "", "" ]
I can't seem to handle the side scrolling window to get the other headers in view. I've tried RAutomation, send_keys, nothing seems to work. I'm not sure why the ths.collect method wont return all the values regardless of visibility.

How the scroll window is implemented will impact whether detect the text as visible or not. For example, some scroll windows set the overflow text to be hidden, which will result in Selenium/Watir seeing no text. I believe it was some of the DevExtreme controls where I ran into this.
If there are no tags within the th elements, the easiest solution is to gather the inner HTML instead. This will allow you to bypass the visibility checks:
headers = header_row.ths.collect { |th| th.inner_html }


How do I disable firefox console from grouping duplicate output?

Anyone knows how to avoid firefox console to group log entries?
I have seen how to do it with firebug but I haven't found any group log entry in about:config section.
I don't want use Firebug, because it's no longer supported or maintained and I really like firefox console.
I try to explain better, I want console to print all logs and not the red badge with number of occurences of one log string:
In the above picture I would like to have two rows of the first log row, two rows of the second and three of the third.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance
Update [2022-01-24]
Seems like the below option doesn't work as expected. feel free to report it as a bug
Update [2020-01-28]
Firefox team added option to group similar messages, which is enabled by default.
You can access to this option via Console settings
Open up Firefox's dev tools
Select Console tab
Click on gear button (placed at the right of the toolbar)
Change the option as you wish
Original Answer
As I mentioned in comment section, There is no way to achieve this at the moment. maybe you should try to request this feature via Bugzilla#Mozilla
Also you can check Gaps between Firebug and the Firefox DevTools
As a workaround you can append a Math.random() to the log string. That should make all your output messages unique, which would cause them all to be printed. For example:
console.log(yourvariable+" "+Math.random());
There is a settings menu () at the right of the Web Console's toolbar now which contains ✓ Group Similar Messages:
To solve this for any browser, you could use this workaround: Override the console.log command in window to make every subsequent line distinct from the previous line.
This includes toggling between prepending an invisible zero-width whitespace, prepending a timestamp, prepending a linenumber. See below for a few examples:
var prefixconsole = function(key, fnc)
var c = window.console[key], i = 0;
window.console[key] = function(str){, fnc(i++) + str);};
// zero padding for linenumber
var pad = function(s, n, c){s=s+'';while(s.length<n){s=c+s;}return s;};
// just choose any of these, or make your own:
var whitespace = function(i){return i%2 ? '\u200B' : ''};
var linenumber = function(i){return pad(i, 6, '0') + ' ';};
var timestamp = function(){return new Date().toISOString() + ' ';};
// apply custom console (maybe also add warn, error, info)
prefixconsole('log', whitespace); // or linenumber, timestamp, etc
Be careful when you copy a log message with a zero-width whitespace.
Although you still cannot do this (as of August of 2018), I have a work-around that may or may not be to your liking.
You have to display something different/unique to a line in the console to avoid the little number and get an individual line.
I am debugging some JavaScript.
I was getting "Return false" with the little blue 3 in the console indicating three false results in a row. (I was not displaying the "true" results.)
I wanted to see all of the three "false" messages in case I was going to do a lot more testing.
I found that, if I inserted another console.log statement that displays something different each time (in my case, I just displayed the input data since it was relatively short), then I would get separate lines for each "Return false" instead of one with the little 3.
So, in the code below, if you uncomment this: "console.log(data);", you will get the data, followed by " Return false" instead of just "false" once with the little 3.
Another option, if you don't want the extra line in the console, is to include both statements in one: "console.log("Return false -- " + data);"
...more code here...
// console.log(data);
console.log("Return false ");
return false;
threeWords("Hello World hello"); //== True
threeWords("He is 123 man"); //== False
threeWords("1 2 3 4"); //== False
threeWords("bla bla bla bla"); //== True
threeWords("Hi"); // == False

web2py A() link handling with multiple targets

I need to update multiple targets when a link is clicked.
This example builds a list of links.
When the link is clicked, the callback needs to populate two different parts of the .html file.
The actual application uses bokeh for plotting.
The user will click on a link, the 'linkDetails1' and 'linkDetails2' will hold the script and div return from calls to bokeh.component()
The user will click on a link, and the script, div returned from bokeh's component() function will populate the 'linkDetails'.
Obviously this naive approach does not work.
How can I make a list of links that when clicked on will populate two separate places in the .html file?
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
# controllers/
def test():
example action using the internationalization operator T and flash
rendered by views/default/index.html or views/generic.html
if you need a simple wiki simply replace the two lines below with:
d = dict()
links = []
for ii in range(5):
link = A("click on link %d"%ii, callback=URL('linkHandler/%d'%ii), )
links.append(["Item %d"%ii, link])
table = TABLE()
table.append([TR(*rows) for rows in links])
d["links"] = table
d["linkDetails1"] = "linkDetails1"
d["linkDetails2"] = "linkDetails2"
return d
def linkHandler():
import os
d = dict()
# request.url will be linked/N
ii = int(os.path.split(request.url)[1])
# want to put some information into linkDetails, some into linkDiv
# this does not work:
d = dict()
d["linkDetails1"] = "linkHandler %d"%ii
d["linkDetails2"] = "linkHandler %d"%ii
return d
I must admit that I'm not 100% clear on what you're trying to do here, but if you need to update e.g. 2 div elements in your page in response to a single click, there are a couple of ways to accomplish that.
The easiest, and arguably most web2py-ish way is to contain your targets in an outer div that's a target for the update.
Another alternative, which is very powerful is to use something like Taconite [1], which you can use to update multiple parts of the DOM in a single response.
In this case, it doesn't look like you need the Ajax call to return content to two separate parts of the DOM. Instead, both elements returned (the script and the div elements) can simply be placed inside a single parent div.
# views/default/test.html:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<div id="link_details">
# controllers/
def test():
for ii in range(5):
link = A("click on link %d" % ii,
callback=URL('default', 'linkHandler', args=ii),
If you provide a "target" argument to A(), the result of the Ajax call will go into the DOM element with that ID.
def linkHandler():
content = CAT(SCRIPT(...), DIV(...))
return content
In linkHandler, instead of returning a dictionary (which requires a view in order to generate HTML), you can simply return a web2py HTML helper, which will automatically be serialized to HTML and then inserted into the target div. The CAT() helper simply concatenates other elements (in this case, your script and associated div).

Selecting Ajax Dropdown suggestion list using Selenium for Firefox

How can i select Ajax Dropdown suggestion list item using selenium code for firefox??
My problem is :the Ajax dropdown list is visible but it is not selected and next steps gets stuck.
May be selenium is waiting for something.
the list that page populates is dynamic and in bla bla tags.
Please help with a example code.
How can i use waitfor* here.
Remember i am not using firefox ide but i am writing a code.
Please help.
I had a similar problem whereby, selenium was able to find the dropdown menu but was unable to click on the visible text. I later found out that there was an Ajax call that was populating the dropdown menu data and as a result selenium seemed to not be able to select the intended visible text because the list items had not been fully populated. That is, by the time the script was selecting my option value, Ajax had not completely loaded the menu options. Here's my solution:
public void nameOfCollegeList(String optionItem) {
// declare the dropdownMenu web element
WebElement dropDownMenu = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#CollegeNames"));
// click on the dropdownMenu element to initiate Ajax call;
// keep checking the drop down menu item list until you find the desired text that indicates that the menu has
// been fully loaded. In this example I always expect "Other (please specify)" to be the last item in the drop down menu.
// If I don't find the expected last item in the list in my if condition, execute the else condition by calling the
// same method(recursively). Please note that if the "if" statement is never satisfied then you'll end up with an
// infinite loop.
if (dropDownMenu.getText().contains("Other (please specify)")) {
new Select(dropDownMenu).selectByVisibleText(optionItem);
else {
i am little confused with your question at " :the Ajax dropdown list is visible but it is not selected "
this sounds like that the element is disabled. (Java coding)
if so selenium.isElementDisabled()
if not then,
1) programming laguage solution using while loop and isElementPresent() OR isElementDisabled()
//trigger the Ajax request and then
long initialTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
}while((!selenium.isElementPresent("AjaxElement")) && (System.getCurrentTimeMillis() - initialTime <= 5000)) ;
//some thing like above for client programming solution...but for,
2) selenium's inbuilt solution
we have a method called waitForCondition("java script to be executed", "time out value");
this method loops the javascript statement until it returns true or the supplied time out occurs
here the important thing is analyzing the application/Ajax element to find out which particular condition of the element changes.
from your explation my guess is this, display=none will be changed to display=block OR
disabled=true will be changed to disabled=false OR isReadOnly will be changed to no such attribute ect.....(you need to figure out this)
and then, use this attribute = value to build a javascript function as ,
selenium.waitForCondition("window.document.getElementById('AJAX ELEMENT').disabled == 'false'", "3000");
you can work out the above statement however you want in your programming language.
try {
//do the action which triggers the Ajax call
selenium.waitForCondition("window.document.getElementById('AJAX ELEMENT[drop down element]').disabled == 'false'", "3000");
selenium.waitForCondition("window.document.getElementById('AJAX ELEMENT').disabled == 'false'", "3000");
catch(SeleniumException se)
if((se.getMessage()).toLowerCase().contains("timed out")
throw //..some a custom exception however your organisation requires
}"drop down element id", "option id");
and so on.....

Seaside: list losing its content on update

This one is really simple. I've got a <select> and I want to update some internal state based on the selection. No need to redisplay anything. The problem is that after the selection and the AJAX request have been made, the list loses its contents.
renderContentOn: html
|value myId|
html form with: [
html select list: #('one' 'two' 'tree' 'four' 'five');
id: (myId := html nextId);
callback: [ :v | value := myId ];
onChange: (
html prototype updater
triggerFormElement: myId;
callback: [:h | value "do something with the value here"];
return: false
The #updater needs an DOM ID of the element to update. If you fail to provide an ID, it default to this, the DOM element triggering the event. Thus, you end up with an empty list. If you do not need to update something you should use #request instead of #updater. If you want to update something you need to provide a valid ID using #id:.
Read the section AJAX: Talking back to the Server of the Seaside Book, it explains AJAX in great detail.
Because the updater replaces the html of the element it was defined on with the content generated by the callback and your callback does not generate any html, the list is empty, I think.

How to click on an AutoCompleteExtender with Watin

For my acceptance testing I'm writing text into the auto complete extender and I need to click on the populated list.
In order to populate the list I have to use AppendText instead of TypeText, otherwise the textbox looses focus before the list is populated.
Now my problem is when I try to click on the populated list. I've tried searching the UL element and clicking on it; but it's not firing the click event on the list.
Then I tried to search the list by tagname and value:
Element element = Browser.Element(Find.By("tagname", "li") && Find.ByValue("lookupString"));
but it's not finding it, has anyone been able to do what I'm trying to do?
The shorter version of that is:
string lookupString = "string in list";
Element list = Browser.Element("li", Find.ByText(new Regex(lookupString)));
Regexs will do a partial match so you don't need to specify .* either side and use string.Format. This assumes however that the lookupString doesn't contain any characters special to Regexs, they'd need to be escaped.
In case someone has the same problem. It works with the next code:
string lookupString = "string in list";
Regex lookup = new Regex(string.Format(".*{0}.*", lookupString));
Element list = Browser.Element("li", Find.ByText(lookup));
