Command not found and ImportError in Python for OSX - bash

I have OSX El Captain with installed Python3.5 and Python2.7.
I have a folder with my python script and functions which I already added to the environment variable PATH and somehow[*] also to sys.path:
- Python/
-- (written in Python 3.4)
-- (other python files)
I set my PATH with a .bash_profile file:
export PATH
And the folder it's there:
echo $PATH
My sys.path variable
['/Applications/PyCharm', '/Applications/PyCharm', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/plat-darwin', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/lib-dynload', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages', '/Users/Robyc/Project_Folder/Python', '/Users/Robyc/Project_Folder/']
I have two problems which I have the feeling that are linked to each other.
if I type in the terminal I get Command not found. I need to go to ~/Project_folder/Python
if I run ~/Project_folder/Python/ the code starts but I get ImportError: No module named Python.
I really don't understand what's wrong with my configuration.
[*] my ~/Project_folder was already there before, but I don't remember how I added it...
My PYTHONPATH is empty. I now used a pth file as suggested in the
documentation to add my ~/Project_folder/Python folder to the
sys.path, i.e. I created the following file:
which contains:

For the sake of completeness I share the solution to the problem.
The problem was, as expected, in the PATH variable:
the text editor ( I used to modify the .bash_profile modified the quotation marks ("...") in a way not correctly recognized by the shell.
This can be actually seen in the path I posted in the question above: the quotation marks shouldn't appear when doing echo $PATH in the terminal.
As a result the PATH variable was not properly set. That's why it wasn't possible to call python anymore.
Solution: open the bash_profile with nano and modify the quotation marks...
and never use again TextEdit to modify the bash_profile


Trouble installing haskell: how to adjust PATH variable to add to a shell config file?

I installed Haskell on my MacOS system using ghcup installer. It worked because if I type ghci I am dropped into this interactive shell. However I got this message in the terminal after doing the install:
In order to run ghc and cabal, you need to adjust your PATH variable.
You may want to source '/Users/user1/.ghcup/env' in your shell
configuration to do so (e.g. ~/.bashrc).
Detected bash shell on your system...
If you want ghcup to automatically add the required PATH variable to "/Users/user1/.bashrc"
answer with YES, otherwise with NO and press ENTER.
grep: /Users/user1/.bashrc: No such file or directory
My shell is bash 3.2 But as you can see, when I typed YES it says there is no such file. How do I find my shell configuration file, or resolve this? I'd like to complete the setup correctly here.
And I have to be honest about my level of knowledge here, I don't truly understand what this is asking exactly. Is the PATH variable 'env'?
On macOS, .bashrc does not exist by default. ghcup will create this file, so the command you ran will have worked correctly. However, one of ghcup's subcommands expected to find the file before it was created, and therefore reported that error message. You can safely ignore this.

How do programs add to $PATH variable with using .bash_profile?

How do some programs seem to add to the $PATH variable without using a .bash_profile file? What are the advantages to these approaches of adding to $PATH variable, but not using a .bash_profile file?
For my mac
echo $PATH returns
which java returns
which tex returns
How is Java available in the terminal without being in the $PATH variable? (This is an example of something running in the terminal without being in the $PATH variable.)
How did TeX add to the PATH variable without using a .bash_profile file?
What added Library/Apple/usr/bin to the PATH variable? Wikipedia says that only the first three are defaults: /bin, /usr/bin, and /usr/local/bin.
Note: Other StackOverflow posts helped users create a .bash_profile file (a file that doesn't exist by default on a Mac) to run programs such as android and adb when they received -bash: android: command not found
My question is about how the terminal works (like how java is running without being on $PATH) and how other programs (like TeX) added to $PATH without using a file like .bash_profile.
I am running macOS 10.15.5, confirmed that I do not have a .bash_profile file, do have homebrew installed (not sure if that affects anything) and when I open a terminal, it says "The default interactive shell is now zsh." (I think I installed zsh after reading a different StackOverflow a few weeks back.

Messed up PATH environment variable in Ubuntu 16.04 [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to restore .bash_profile on a mac? None of my unix terminal are working [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I tried installing Anaconda to get many python packages at once but had some issues with python IDLE where it said No package found so had to manually set the path in ~/.bashrc.
Once I set the path in ~/.bashrc the IMPORT ERROR in python IDLE was solved but I'm unable to use commands on terminal now.
I'm getting this error all the time.
sid#sids-ubuntu:~$ ls
Command 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls'
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
ls: command not found
sid#sids-ubuntu:~$ sudo
Command 'sudo' is available in '/usr/bin/sudo'
The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
sudo: command not found
sid#sids-ubuntu:~$ mkdir aa
Command 'mkdir' is available in '/bin/mkdir'
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
mkdir: command not found
I did export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin to find out my $PATH and content of /etc/environment. It seems both are different.
sid#sids-ubuntu:~$ export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin
sid#sids-ubuntu:~$ echo $PATH
sid#sids-ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/environment
Doesn't Ubuntu look for $PATH in /etc/environment?
If yes, what could be the reason my $PATH is different from /etc/environment? and please help me fix it!
If not, where does Ubuntu look for $PATH? please help me fix it!
Be aware that your /etc/environment is only re-read at reboot.
When you want to change your path, be sure to include the existing part as well. To do that, add $PATH in the new path definition.
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin"
Looking at your problems, adding the $PATH in your ~/.bashrc should do the trick. If not, open a new terminal and show us the output of
echo $PATH
When adding some directory to PATH it's good idea not to overwrite previous value, just append desired directory (e.g. $HOME/bin), in your ~/.bashrc add at the end line (and remove any previous tampering with PATH)
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
and run:
source ~/.bashrc
(or just open new session of terminal).
PATH is an environment variable, and therefore it is not looked up in any file.
There are several files which are sourced when bash is invoked (see the section named INVOCATION in the bash man page), and while sourcing these files, the environment variable PATH can be set, respectively manipulated. Note that .bashrc is not always processed; please read the bash man-page carefully to understand, which files are included under which condition.

PredictionIO: Pio command not found after install

I am guessing that somehow PredictionIO didn't setup the path variables properly.
I used method 2 to install PredictionIO from this link here: PredictionIO
Everything installed correctly but when I typed in pio it says command not found. This is what I see:
When I try to start pio from finder I get this:
Kind of lost, what am I doing wrong here?
The solution is to edit your PATH environment variable. You can do it directly in the shell:
$ export PATH=/Users/yourname/PredictionIO/bin:$PATH
However it will be set only as long as the session lasts. To make it permanent, you have to edit your bash profile file. I don't know how it is called on MacOS. On my Ubuntu, it is the .profile file. It is usually .profile, or .bash_profile or something like that.
$PATH is probably set in this file, so find where and edit.
My .profile file has a part in it that reads:
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
I would change it to (even though it looks weird because it mixes your MacOS path and my Ubuntu ones):
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
To get this working I simply did the following, this is for Mac Yosemite users.
$ PATH=$PATH:/Users/yourname/PredictionIO/bin; export PATH
Assuming you installed PredictionIO in that specific directory
Sidenote: I really don't like that there is so much cynicism to beginner's / semi-beginner's in certain areas it really makes me question StackOverFlow.
pio uses its own python version, using your system's python can cause problems, you can define an alias in .zshrc file
alias pio='~/.platformio/penv/bin/python3 ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio'

Unix commands through Matlab - PATH not right?

I've installed a series of binaries which appear in usr/local/bin on my MACOSX (They're called DCMTK). The usr/local/bin folder appears on the path as expected:
I can run these commands as expected from any folder in a Terminal window, however I can't seem to run any of them from within Matlab (2014b) using the command:
cmd=['dcmdump -h'];
/bin/bash: dcmdump: command not found
Running 'env' in a Terminal shows that I am using the same SHELL as Matlab:
My question is why is it when Matlab invokes bin/bash it is not finding the binaries in usr/local/bin? Is there something in .bash_profile I need to update?
As Mark Setchell already pointed out in his comments, you can echo the PATH variable from within MATLAB using
cmd=['echo $PATH'];
You can also get environment variables, such as $PATH using the MATLAB getenv function:
As you also posted in comments, in your case /usr/bin/local is missing in the $PATH variable. MATLAB has an option to set environment variables via the setenv function. But watch out: This sets the variable to only the specified value. To append a folder, you have to query the existing variable and append a folder to that:
setenv('PATH', [getenv('PATH'),':','/usr/bin/local']);
As separator, either ; (for Windows systems) or : (for Unix based systems) is used. In the example above I added : as you are working with Mac OS X.
