Error genereting .tagger file in stanford nlp? - stanford-nlp

Please can you tell me where I make mistake during generating .tagger file? I have create a properties .props file and also have .csv file that is contain about 50000 word for macedonian language and there gramatical meaning.
This two files .props and .csv are located in the root of the stanford model that I downloaded. To generate the .tagger file I use command prompt with the following command:
java -mx1g edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger -props mkbase.csv.props
But when it start to generate it take to me Reflection exception:
Exception ReflectionLoading$Reflection Loading Reflection Exception:Error loading edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.OWLQNMinimazer
and other additional lines related with MaxentTagger.

In your properties file, change search = owlqn to search = qn and this issue should go away.


Qt Installer project: how to generate package.xml and config.xml

I try to make my Qt Installer project more comfortable.
I need to centralize information about my application and components (config.xml and package.xml) in one file. I don't want to jump on different files with same name and search for changeable elements between xml tags.
My first thougt is doing it right in *.pro file of installer project. I place sections of variables in header of installer project file. But where I need to place the code for xml generating?
What is the better (native / comfortable / crossplatform) way to do this?
The answer is simple here: you cannot generate XML files for Qt Installer: you write them manually, as explained in the documentation.
This section describes the following tasks that you must accomplish to create the installer:
Create a package directory that will contain all the configuration files and installable packages.
Create a configuration file that contains information about how to build the installer binaries and online repositories.
Create a package information file that contains information about the installable components.
Create installer content and copy it to the package directory.
Use the binarycreator tool to create the installer.
However, if you look closer at the examples, you can still generate the installer in the *.pro file. Let's pick an example randomly, System Info:
INSTALLER = installer
INPUT = $$PWD/config/config.xml $$PWD/packages
example.input = INPUT
example.output = $$INSTALLER
example.commands = ../../bin/binarycreator -c $$PWD/config/config.xml -p $$PWD/packages ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
example.CONFIG += target_predeps no_link combine
If you want to apply this to your project, I think you'll have to modify the ../../bin/binarycreator line and make it system aware, by changing your PATH. It might be possible to call an external script and parse XML files, and make the substitutions you would like to do, but you'd move the complexity to another place.
Instead of maintaining plain good old XML files, you would be creating something between XSLT and XML. Maybe you could just write XSLT (or XSL or XQUERY) and generate XML but I don't know anyone who is using it anymore. Last time I used it was when I was learning Computer Science a long time ago :)
This is possible using the QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES feature which will substitute qmake variables into the given input files and put the output in the build folder.
This runs at qmake time rather than at build time. If this is suitable then you just need to add a target to copy the generated files from the build dir to your source dir.
If you need it to run at build time then you can create a .pri file containing QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES and a target in the main .pro file that will run qmake on this file during the build process.
Main .pro file:
create_xml.commands += $(QMAKE) $$shell_quote($$PWD/config/generate_xml.pri) $$escape_expand(\n\t)
create_xml.commands += $(COPY) $$shell_quote($${OUT_PWD}/config.xml) $$shell_quote($$PWD/config) $$escape_expand(\n\t)
create_xml.commands += $(COPY) $$shell_quote($${OUT_PWD}/package.xml) $$shell_quote($$PWD/packages/ $$escape_expand(\n\t)
create_xml.depends = $$PWD/version.pri
message("Generating $$OUT_PWD/config.xml and $$OUT_PWD/package.xml")
# Get the version number
QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += Note that you need to escape the quotes.
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>

Include docx file in asciidoc?

I am using asciidoc with asciidoctor to create documentation for a current project.
I notice there is a markup to include files in the documentation like so:
link:protocol.json[Open the JSON file]
Is it possible to include a docx file as a link so that it would open externally or be able to downloaded?
Also can I put this file in a folder inside my asciidoc directory (for the sake of organization) and still be able to properly reference it?
You write something like this:
Open this link:somefile.docx[Word file] should work.
Or this link:file:///C:/Users/xxx/docs/otherfile.docx[second file].
It works with relative path or absolute path.
You need to ensure that the path to your file will be correct for the reader of your document.
Example: if you put the HTML files produced by Asciidoctor on a webserver (public or intranet), having a path referencing your local C: is not a good idea.
It is hard to tell you what to do without knowledge of your publication/distribution toolchain.

ASP.NET MVC 6: How to add resource file using project.json?

I'm using an assembly that needs an external configuration file to be in bin folder to work properly. It seems that new way to do it in MVC 6 is to include reference in project.json file. Despite the detailed project.json docs I had no success in it.
The project.json file should contain a "resource" definition with your config file. You can then access the resource using a manifest resource.
"resource": "bin/somefile.config",
This can also include wildcards and arrays of values if necessary.
string resourceName = "ProjectName.bin.somefile.config";
Note that the config file included slashes without a project name, but the resulting resource name includes the project name and converts slashes to dots.
If you are getting back null for your resource stream, it can help to set a breakpoint and examine the output of Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames().
When I try to use "resource" in the project.json and then compile my project the output window indicates the following:
warning DOTNET1015: The 'resource' option is deprecated. Use 'embed' in 'buildOptions' instead.
So I guess that's the preferred approach now.

Spring how to load file path of a text file in spring property file

This might be an extremely simple question but I'm really new to spring framework and am just getting my feet wet. I am trying to specify a text file property as part of a bean, the value for which I am specifying from a properties file.
The relevant code is as follows in context.xml file
<bean id="myAssembler"
<property name="popularUrlsFileName" value="${POPULAR_URLS_FILE}"/>
The POPULAR_URLS_FILE is specified in a .properties file as :
But I am getting an error in the xml file as it says it can't find the file with path. What exactly are we supposed to specify as far as the path is concerned for it to find the text file?
Exact error is "Cannot Resolve File"
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You have two options, if the file is on the classpath than
or, if not on the classpath, use the file URL syntax

Properly compiling modules in subfolders (ocamlbuild)

I recently decided to organize the files in my project directory. I moved the parsers I had for a few different file types into their own directory and also decided to use ocamlbuild (the as the project was getting more complicated and the simple shell script was not sufficient any longer).
I was able to successfully include external projects by modifying myocamlbuild with some basic rules (calling ocaml_lib, I'll use ocamlfind some other time), but I am stuck on how to include the folder as a module into the project properly. I created a parser.mlpack file and filled it with the proper modules to be included (eg, "parser/Date", et cetera), wrote a parser.mli in the root of the directory for their implementations, and modified the _tags file (see below).
During the compilation, the parser directory is traversed properly, and parser.cmi, parser.mli.depends were both created in the _build directory; as well as all *.cm[xio] files in the parsers subdirectory.
I feel I might be doing something redundant, but regardless, the project still cannot find the Parser module when I compile!
debug : true
<*.ml> : annot
"parser" : include
<parser/*.cmx>: for-pack(Parser)
<curlIO.*> : use_curl
<mySQL.*> : use_mysql
<**/*.native> or <**/*.byte> : use_str,use_unix,use_curl,use_mysql
compilation error
/usr/local/bin/ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa str.cmxa -g -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/site-lib/mysql mysql.cmxa -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/curl curl.cmxa curlIO.cmx utilities.cmx date.cmx fraction.cmx logger.cmx mySQL.cmx data.cmx project.cmx -o project.native
File "\_none\_", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: **No implementations provided for the following modules:**
Parser referenced from project.cmx
Command exited with code 2.
You'll notice -I parser is not included in the linking phase above; actually none of the parser related files are included!
edit: Added new details from comments and answer below.
You need to "include" the parser directory in the search path. You can do this in _tags:
"parser": include
Then ocamlbuild can search the parser directory for interesting files.
I wonder if parser.mli is somehow interfering with the dependencies in processing the mlpack file. parser.cmi will be generated from the pack operation when parser.mlpack is processed and compiled. Try building with the parser.mli file removed. If that works, then this can be re-processed into a real answer.
Also, you don't need parser/ as a prefix to your modules in parser.mlpack if parser.mlpack is in the parser directory and you have the include tag set. But that shouldn't make a difference for this.
Update: this worked around the problem, but wasn't the root cause. Root cause, per comment below, was a file mentioned in the .mlpack that had been relocated.
