Spring boot disable Custom HealthIndicator - spring

I've created a custom HealthIndicator which I wants to disable in production until we go live fully.
I'm aware there is a property to disable default health indicators (management.health.defaults.enabled=false), but not for custom HealthIndicators.
Is there any way I can temporarily turn off MyCustomHealthIndicator in application property configuration level?

You can use Spring Boot's mechanism without using custom properties. Start by adding an annotation on your class:
You can now disable your own health indicator by using the Spring Boot suggested property:
It has the same effect, but it allows you to group your enabled and disabled health indicators together.

Your health indicator bean,
class MyHealthIndicator {
In your application.properties file,
Hope this helps !

You can now disable your own health indicator by using the Spring Boot suggested property:
This works when we re-start the app. should it work without re-start?


Best way to disable #KafkaListeners

My application contains several #KafkaListeners.
When I run the app locally or run some #SpringBootTests (without kafka), I got my log polluted with
[org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient] - [Consumer clientId=consumer-app-1, groupId=app] Bootstrap broker localhost:9092 (id: -1 rack: null) disconnected
For such cases, I would like to disable listeners, as they are useless anyways.
I know I can do it with
#KafkaListener(... autoStartup = "${consumer.auto.start:false}")
but adding this property to all of the consumers feels cumbersome.
Unfortunately, there is no general property like spring.kafka.consumer.group-id that would affect all the consumers.
Is there a better way to achieve the same?
If you are not interested in Spring for Apache Kafka activity in some of your Spring Boot tests, just consider to exclude its auto-configuration:
This way the #EnableKafka won't be applied to your application context and no KafkaListenerContainers are going to be registered to start on context refresh.
Another way, for the reason you explained, a respective configuration property, which you can add to application.properties, which could be a test scope-specific, or profile-based. See more info in Spring Boot docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.9.RELEASE/reference/html/using-boot-auto-configuration.html#using-boot-disabling-specific-auto-configuration
The property name is spring.autoconfigure.exclude - you have to specify fully-qualified class name. Therefore for your use-case it is:
See also how to have test-specific application.properties or divided by the profile: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#features.profiles

How to disable Rabbit health check via Configuration

I would like to disable the rabbit health check in my default RabbitMockConfiguration.
We have a Configuration that is imported via #Import. Unfortunately the Configuration does not prevent the health check from being added to the health indicator as that happens once spring-rabbit is in the classpath.
We have the workaround, that we add a properties file in every service using that Configuration, which disables the property management.health.rabbit.enabled, but for us it would be much nicer to be able to disable that heathcheck on configuration level.
I thought about the tests with #TestPropertySource(properties = ["management.health.rabbit.enabled=false"]), but I could not find an equivalent to use for the a #Configuration, as #PropertySource expects a location for a properties file and does not accept single properties.
Any idea what we can do?
Spring boot version: 2.2.4
Spring amqp version: 2.2.3
Spring Version: 5.2.3
If you want to change the behaviour of the health check, I'd rather override the health check so that it states Rabbit is in mock mode.
To do so, just create a HealthIndicator bean named rabbitHealthIndicator:
public HealthIndicator rabbitHealthIndicator() {
return () -> Health.up().withDetail("version", "mock").build();
This has the effect of switching the production one and exposes the fact the app is running with a mock.
I guess you should add 'ApplicationListener' and add the implementation to 'src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories' to your module with MockReddisConfiguration. This is described in more detail here

web.cors.allowed-origins in application.properties isn't allowing the CORS for specific urls

I'm trying to enable the CORS throughout the app for "http://localhost/4200". Since I'm using Springboot 2 and accord. to its docs, I just have to add this property in application.properties file:
But this doesn't work. Secondly since there is a request I'm making through a restController, for the testing purpose, I tried to add the inline :
CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:4401")
This allowed the flow of data through 4401 port too.
It is not possible to set CORS settings from the application.properties file.
The property management.endpoints.web.cors.allowed-origins is related to Spring Actuator.
If you want to use the setting for a specific endpoint, you can use the #CrossOrigin annotation as you mentioned in your question.
If you want to set a global policy for your application, you can add a configuration class / bean for setting the CORS settings.
See: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/web.html#mvc-cors
Related question:
Spring Boot enabling CORS by application.properties

Refresh Spring Boot Auto-Configured Properties

Can I dynamically refresh properties that are used by Spring Boot's auto configuration setup?
For example, I have the following properties set (via cloud config) to auto configure a dataSource:
Now if I change the password prop on the config server, and hit the /refresh endpoint, I can see that the updated prop is retrieved but the DataSource is not refreshed.
I know I can manually configure the DataSource beans and make sure they fall under a RefreshScope, but I was hoping to find a way to mark the auto configured properties as "refreshable". I have some use cases where I'd want to refresh props used by Spring Boot for other beans besides DataSources, and setting up some of those beans manually could be a pain.
I think I spoke too soon, at least as far as my DataSource example goes. A new db connection was being created with the updated props.
Which makes sense especially when looking at the docs here
This didn't re-connect some of my spring.cloud.stream.bindings properties I had, but in that case I can probably solve the issue with #RefreshScope.
There's a configuration property to set in case of the Autoconfigured bean is immutable (don't change the properties after initialized)
You can put a list (set) of classes that you need to be refreshed and you don't have control over the source code, you can put them under the property: spring.cloud.refresh.extra-refreshable
- org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl
see: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/Greenwich.SR1/single/spring-cloud.html#refresh-scope

Spring Boot Actuator paths not enabled by default?

While updating my Spring Boot application to the latest build snapshot and I am seeing that none of the actuator endpoints are enabled by default. If I specify them to be enabled in application.properties, they show up.
1) Is this behavior intended? I tried searching for an issue to explain it but couldn't find one. Could somebody link me to the issue / documentation?
2) Is there a way to enable all the actuator endpoints? I often find myself using them during development and would rather not maintain a list of them inside my properties file.
Two parts to this answer:
"Is there a way to enable all the actuator endpoints?"
Add this property endpoints.enabled=true rather than enabling them individually with endpoints.info.enabled=true, endpoints.beans.enabled=true etc
Update: for Spring Boot 2.x the relevant property is:
"Is this behavior intended?"
Probably not. Sounds like you might have spotted an issue with the latest milestone. If you have a reproducible issue with a Spring Boot milestone then Spring's advice is ...
Reporting Issues
Spring Boot uses GitHub’s integrated issue tracking system to record bugs and feature requests. If you want to raise an issue, please follow the recommendations below:
Before you log a bug, please search the issue tracker to see if someone has already reported the problem.
If the issue doesn’t already exist, create a new issue.
Even if we enable all the actuator endpoints as below
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* (In case of YAML the star character should be surrounded by double quotes as "*" because star is one of the special characters in YAML syntax)
The httptrace actuator endpoint will still not be enabled in web by default. HttpTraceRepository interface need to be implemented to enable httptrace (See Actuator default endpoints, Actuator endpoints, Actuator httptrace).
public class CustomHttpTraceRepository implements HttpTraceRepository {
AtomicReference<HttpTrace> lastTrace = new AtomicReference<>();
public List<HttpTrace> findAll() {
return Collections.singletonList(lastTrace.get());
public void add(HttpTrace trace) {
if ("GET".equals(trace.getRequest().getMethod())) {
Now the endpoints can be accessed using the url,
(Example http://localhost:8081/actuator/httptrace)
If there is a management.servlet.context-path value present in properties file then the URL will be,
(Example http://localhost:8081/management-servlet-context-path-value/httptrace)
UPDATE: use this only in dev environment, not in production!
Is there a way to enable all the actuator endpoints?
Using Spring Boot 2.2.2 Release, this worked for me:
On the file src/main/resources/application.properties add this:
To check enabled endpoints go to http://localhost:8080/actuator
Source: docs.spring.io
