Merge Microservice Frontends Together - microservices

I want to merge serveral frontend parts of different microservices together to an whole website. My idea behind this was to have a frontend, backend and database part in each microservice.
I already familiar with microservices but I never used them to create a website, especially the frontend part.
Are there any articles about that or something like tutorials or maybe someone at stackoverflow can explain me more in depth how or with which "tool" I could put the microservices together.

I understand what you want to do but in essence that's not what microservices are about as far as I understand. It's the service bit in the name that makes a difference. When you assemble a front end, a backend and a db together you're more or less building a complete application. You gain much more freedom in changing the UI by decoupling it.


How to structure and deploy server for multiple instances of the front apps with same business logic?

I'm a mobile/front-end developer and need help with the architecture on the back-end where I'm totally green. I'm building web and mobile front in Flutter that will communicate with the server written in GO. Based on the config file attached the Flutter front I will create few separate apps, but for every single app I need a separate instance of the back-end services or at least separate database.
My question is about what architecture I should use in terms of future scaling to lower the server maintenance costs while having the best performance. Correct me if I'm wrong because what I will write is the image of my understanding of the structure but based on what I wrote above - am I correct that I should use some load balancer with the business logic spread across Kubernetes instances and only have separate database for every single Flutter app? Or is there any other solution I'm unaware about? Any help or guides that will at least lead me to more knowledge I can learn would be much appreciated.
I don't know yet whether it's a perfect solution but I will leave it if someone in future will be looking for it. My friend who codes in PHP introduced me to the multi tenant architecture pattern and after I've researched it I find it a good solution to what I've been looking for.

How to design and Build microservices in an AWS serverless architecture?

I'm totally new to the concept of microservices and AWS serverless architecture. I Have a project that I have to divide it into microservices that should run on AWS Lambda but I face a difficulty on how to design it.
When searching I could not find a usefull documentation about how to divide and design microservices, all the docs I saw comparing monolithic app to microservices app or deploying microservice on aws lambda.
In my case I have to develop an ERP (Entreprise Resource Planning) that have to manage clients, manage stocks, manage books, manage commands.. so should I make a service for clients and a service for books... and then if I notice a lot of dependency between two microservices then I make them one ??
And for the DB, is it good to use one DB ( dynamoDB) for all microservices instead of a DB for every service in this case (ERP)?
Any help is really appreciated.
If anybody has a usefull document that can help me, I will be very thakfull.
Thanks a lot.
I think the architecture of your data and services can depend on a few things:
Which data sources are used/available
What your requirements/desired functionalities are
Business logic or any other restrictions/concerns
In order to reduce the size of a service, we want to limit the reasons why an application or another service would access that service to as few as possible. This reduces the amount of overall maintenance for managing it and also gives you a lot of flexibility when using their deployments.
For example: A service which transforms data from multiple sources and makes it available via API can split into an API using data processing service with a new, cleaner data source. This would prevent overreliance on large, older services and data, and make integration of that newer, smaller service easier for your applications.
In your scenario, you may get away with having services for managing clients, books, and stocks separately, but it also depends on how your data sources are integrated as well as what services are already available to you. You may want to create other microservices or databases to help reduce the size and organize the data into the format you want.
Depending on your business needs, combining or keeping separate two microservices can depend on different things too. Does one of these services have the potential to be useful for other applications? Is it dedicated to a specific project? Keeping services separate, small, and focused gives you room to expand or shrink things if needed. The same goes for data sources.
There are always many ways to approach it. Consider what your needs/problems are first before opting with a certain tool for creating solutions.
It's simply small services running that can be scaled and deployed
AWS Serveless
Every application is different so you may not find single architecture that fits every application. Generally a simplge Serverless application consists of Lambda Function , Api Gateway , DB (SQL/NoSQL) . Serverless is great cloud native choice and you get availability , scalability out of box and you would be very quick to deploy your stuff.
How to design Serverless Application
There is no right answer. You need to architect your system in a way that individual microservices can work cohesively. in your case books, Stocks need to be separate microserivces which means they are separate Lambda functions. For DB , Dynamo is good and powerful choice as long as you know how NoSQL works and caveats around it. you need to think before hand what are challenges around NoSQL and how you would partition data ? What if you need to use the complex reporting and would NoSQL be good choice ? There are patterns around to get away that issue. Since Dynamo DB operate on table level so each microservice will preferably be separate table that can be scaled independently and makes more sense.
What's the right architecture for my application?
Instead of looking for one right answer i would strongly suggest to read individual component before making your mind. There are tons of articles and blogs. If i was you i would look in the following order
Microservices - why we need then ?
Serverless - In General
Event Driven architecture
Lambda and DynamoDB and how they actually work
DevOps and how that would work in serverless
Once you have bit of understanding you would be in way better position to decide what suits you best.

Microservice requests

I'm trying to start a little microservice application, but I'm a little bit stuck on some technicalities.
I'm trying to build an issue tracker application as an example.
It has 2 database tables, issues and comments. These will also be separate microservices, for the sake of the example.
It has to be a separate API that can be consumed by multiple types of clients e.g. mobile, web etc..
When using a monolitic approach, all the codebase is coupled together, and when making a request to let's say the REST API, I would handle for example the '/issues/19' request
to fetch the issue with the id '19' and it's corresponding comments by means of the following pseudocode.
on_request_issue(id) # handler for the route '/issues/<id>'
issue = IssuesModel.findById(id)
issue.comments = CommentsModel.findByIssueId(id)
return issue
But I'm not sure on how I should approach this with microservices. Let's say that we have microservice-issues and microservice-comments.
I could either let the client send a request to both '/issues/19' and '/comments/byissueid/19'. But that doesn't work nice in my point of view, since if we're having multiple things
we're sending alot of requests for one page.
I could also make a request to the microservice-issues and in that one also make a request to the microservice-comments, but that looks even worse to me than the above, since from what
I've read microservices should not be coupled, and this couples them pretty hard.
So then I read about API gateways, that they could/should receive a request and fan out to the other microservices but then I couldn't really figure out how to use an API gateway. Should
I write code in there for example to catch the '/issues/19' request, then fan out to both the microservice-issues and microservice-commetns, assemble the stuff and return it?
In that case, I'm feeling I'm doing the work double, won't the API gateway become a new monolith then?
Thank you for your time
API gateway sounds like what you need.
If you'll keep it simple, just to trigger internal API, it will not become your new monolith.
It will allow you do even better processing when your application grows with new microservices, or when you have to support different clients (browser, mobile apps, watch, IOT, etc)
BTW, the example you show sounds like a good exercise, in reality, for most webapps, it looks like over design. I would not break every DB call to its own microservices.
One of the motivations for breaking something to small(er) services is service autonomy, in this case the question is, when the comments service is down should you display the issue or not- if they are always coupled anyway, they probably shouldn't reside in two services, if they aren't then making two calls will let you get this decoupling
That said, you may still need an API Gateway to solve CORS issues with your client
Lastly, comments/byissueid is not a good REST interface the issueId should be a parameter /comments/?issueId=..

Moving from JSF/Spring to Rest API + Angular

There is a project that is built using JSF with Spring Integration.
See to get an idea.
JSP is used for the html templates. Managed beans (part of JSF) make use of Spring beans as a managed property, which in turn drive business logic. The goal is to rip apart this project and split it into a RESTful service and Angular front end.
What is the best way to do this without re-writing everything. Which components can I get rid of, and which components can be re-used? If I use Spring Boot for building the REST API, can I re-use the Spring beans?
Edit: I am new to most of these technologies.
Exposing your domain model through REST should be relatively straight forward using Spring/JPA, whatever. You should learn about DTOs and especially as it relates to problems about "Lazy Initialization" under Hibernate/JPA/Spring Data, etc.
Secondarily understand the concept of views into the domain model. E.g., shipping looks at the database differently than marketing. Same database, different "facades" or business layers with different set of DTOs.
Conceptually, reproducing a JSF front end in Angular is something that is both "the same thing" and "completely different" at the same time. The key difference, IMHO, will be the JavaScript concepts and paradigms underlying Angular/React/Vue or whatever you want to use on the Front End.
Consider that an AngularJS/React/Vue front end might be better off running on top of node.js in a separate container or server, and might have different databases that it accesses on its own such as loyalty points or currency conversion, etc. Don't be afraid to let the frontend folks "be" the application instead of the backend folks. On the backend, try not to lose information. For example, if a customer adds 3 items, then changes 1, then places the order, that's 3 separate pieces of information, not 1 order. This is important for business analytics and customer service, which are business facing services as opposed to client facing services.
As a Java developer I tend to feel Angular/JS developers do a completely different and non-overlapping job than me. I feel the same way towards HTML/CSS folks. As such, I don't recommend you try being both, you will stretch yourself too thin. However, a good working knowledge on a smaller project, such as you are suggesting, is certainly useful.
Welcome to SO. Your post will probably be closed/ignored for being to broad, etc. Very specific questions and answers are what this site is about. GL.

Spring-mvc integration with reactjs?

I am trying to integrate spring-mvc and reactjs, but it's too poor example, but I like flux architect of reactjs so that i strongly want to integrate reactjs with springmvc!
I want to use reactjs as a client side, springmvc as a rest backend. Can you provide me some example or tutorial to do this? I've searched on google but it's very poor result. Please help me.
Thanks you very much
This answer might not be what you want, but I would advise you not to integrate the two of them. If they communicate over HTTP/WebSockets, they are already decoupled, and it might just cause you pain to couple them.
Advantages of decoupling the frontend and backend into separate projects:
People with experience only in React or Spring can contribute without getting confused by the other stuff.
The tooling/build you need for a Spring project is quite different from what you need for a frontend project, and mixing this into one code base can get pretty confusing.
If they're decoupled from the start, it gets easier to add other clients that use the backend API. By having them as separate projects, you're less likely to develop the backend in a way that's very tied to the frontend.
The frontend and the backend should use different versions and be shippable independently of each other. What if the backend team is currently doing a major refactoring, but the frontend team just fixed a critical bug and wants to ship a new release?
As soon as you add asset caching to your frontend project (like putting the files on a CDN, using the HTML5 application cache or the new Service Worker API), you have to prepared for getting requests to your backend from "old" clients. By separating them, it's easier to think about and plan for stuff like that on the backend.
I could probably list a couple of more benefits, but these are the ones I consider has the largest impact. There are of course some benefits of integrating the two of them, but those tend to get smaller and smaller as the project grows/matures.
