How to call another projects build.gradle file with command line arguments - gradle

I went through the following link and successfully implemented a task which calls build.gradle file from another project. i.e. solution provided by #karl worked for me.
But I need something up on that.
Can somebody help me to know how I can pass command line arguments while calling another build.gradle? Command line argument should be the variable which I have generated from my current build.gradle file.
In my case, I am defining a buildNumber and doing something like this:
def buildNumber = ''
def projectToBuild = 'projectName'
def projectPath = "Path_till_my_Project_Dir"
task executeSubProj << {
def tempTask = tasks.create(name: "execute_$projectToBuild", type: GradleBuild)
// ****** I need to pass buildNumber as command line argument in "$projectPath/$projectToBuild/build.gradle" ******
tempTask.tasks = ['build']
tempTask.buildFile = "$projectPath/$projectToBuild/build.gradle"

You should never call execute directly on any gradle object. The fact it's feasible doesn't mean it should be done and it's highly discouraged since you intrude internal gradle's execution graph structure.
What you need is a task of type GradleBuild which has StartParameter field that can be used to carry build options.
task buildP2(type: GradleBuild) {
buildFile = '../p2/build.gradle'
startParameter.projectProperties = [lol: 'lol']
Full demo can be found here, navigate to p1 directory and run gradle buildP2.
You should modify your script in the following way:
def buildNumber = ''
def projectToBuild = 'projectName'
def projectPath = "Path_till_my_Project_Dir"
task executeSubProj(type: GradleBuild) {
buildFile = "$projectPath/$projectToBuild/build.gradle"
tasks = ['build']
startParameter.projectProperties = [buildNumber: '']
In the project that is executed use project.findProperty('buildNumber') to get the required value.


How to Stop gradle task from executing on every gradle reload

task('copytask', type: Copy) {
def SRC_FOLDER = "$rootDir"
def DEST_FOLDER = 'C:\\Users\\IdeaProjects\\destfolder'
copy {
This is my small Gradle task to copy.
Whenever I am reloading/refreshing my Gradle or starting my IDEA this task is executing, i want this task to execute only when I call it.
Your task is not really executing. Instead, your task is getting configured, but during configuration you are copying using the copy method of the Project instance. Your actual task copytask of type Copy remains unconfigured and won't do anything, even if it would be executed.
Change your code and remove the copy method and the files should only be copied when running the task copytask:
task('copytask', type: Copy) {
def SRC_FOLDER = "$rootDir"
def DEST_FOLDER = 'C:\\Users\\IdeaProjects\\destfolder'

Gradle configure task based on subproject property

I'm trying to configure a Zip task based on one of the property inside sub-projects, but the property is not yet accessible at the time of configuring the task. For instance, I want to exclude all my projects that has toexclude = true from my zip file. So, the build.gradle of the sub-projects that I want to exclude starts with this:
ext.toexclude = true;
And my main build.gradle has this task:
task zipContent (type: Zip){
def excludedProjects = allprojects.findAll{Project p -> p.toexclude == true}.collect{}
println excludedProjects
destinationDir = "/some/path"
baseName = ""
exclude excludedProjects
from "/some/other/path"
The problem is that excludedProjects is always empty. Indeed, when I am executing the task, I can see []. I believe this is due to the fact that the property that I set in the subproject's build.gradle is not available at the moment the task is configured. As a proof, if I replace the first line of the task by this:
def excludedProjects = allprojects.collect{}
The task prints out all of my project's name, and the zip contains nothing (which means the problem is in the p.toexclude == true).
Also, if I try this:
task zipContent (type: Zip){
def excludedProjects = []
excludedProjects = allprojects.findAll{Project p -> p.toexclude == true}.collect{}
println "IN DOFIRST"
println excludedProjects
println "IN TASK CONFIG"
println excludedProjects
destinationDir = "/some/path"
baseName = ""
exclude excludedProjects
from "/some/other/path"
The task prints out IN TASK CONFIG followed by an empty array, then IN DOFIRST with the array containing only the subprojects that I set ext.toexclude == true.
So, is there a way to get the properties of the sub-projects at configuration time?
Well, the crucial question is: At which point of the build is all necessary information available?
Since we want to know each project in the build, where the extra property toexclude is set to true and it is possible (and by design) that the property is set via the build script, we need each build script to be evaluated.
Now, we have two options:
By default, subprojects are evaluated after the parent (root) project. To ensure the evaluation of each project, we need to wait for the point of the build, where all projects are evaluated. Gradle provides a listener for that point:
gradle.addListener(new BuildAdapter() {
void projectsEvaluated(Gradle gradle) {
tasks.getByPath('zipContent').with {
exclude allprojects.findAll { it.toexclude }.collect{ }
Gradle provides the method evaluationDependsOnChildren(), to turn the evaluation order around. It may be possible to use your original approach by calling this method before querying the excluded projects. Since this method only applies on child projects, you may try to call evaluationDependsOn(String) for each project in the build to also apply for 'sibling' projects. Since this solution breaks Gradle default behavior, it may have undesired side effects.
Just define excludedProjects outside the task
def excludedProjects = allprojects.findAll{Project p -> p.toexclude == true}.collect{}
task zipContent (type: Zip){
destinationDir = file("/some/path")
baseName = ""
exclude excludedProjects
from "/some/other/path"
You can call evaluationDependsOnChildren() in the root project so that child projects are evaluated before the root
task zipContent (type: Zip) { ... }
Another option is to use an afterEvaluate { ... } closure to delay evaluation
afterEvaluate {
task zipContent (type: Zip) { ... }

Gradle clean erasing my file prior to ZIP task execution

I have the following simple task in my build:
task generateFile << {
def file = new File("$buildDir/")
file.text = "sample"
task createDistro(type: Zip, dependsOn: ['copyDependencies','packageEnvironments','jar', 'generateFile']) <<{
from generateClasspathScript {
fileMode = 0755
into 'bin'
When I run gradle clean build I see the following output:
Cannot call TaskOutputs.file(Object) on task ':generateFile' after task has started execution. Check the configuration of task ':generateFile' as you may have misused '<<' at task declaration
How do I declare the task file creation outputs as an input to the zip task while also ensuring they happen in the execution phase?
If I leave off the << then the clean task wipes the generated file before the ZIP can use it. If I keep them, I get the above error.
It's the opposite as what is being suggested in the comments. You are trying to set the outputs in execution phase. The correct way to do what you are probably trying to do is for example:
task generateFile {
def file = new File("$buildDir/")
doLast {
file.text = "sample"

Reading includes from idl file in custom task

I want to make my gradle build inteligent when building my model.
To acquire this I was planning to read schema files, acquire what is included and then build firstly included models (if they are not present).
I'm pretty new to Groovy and Gradle, so please that into account.
What I have:
build.gradle file on root directory, including n subdirectories (subprojects added to settings.gradle). I have only one gradle build file, because I defined tasks like:
subprojects {
task init
task includeDependencies(type: checkDependencies)
task build
task dist
I will return to checkDependencies shortly.
Schema files located externally, which I can see.
Each of them have from 0 to 3 lines of code, that say about dependencies and looks like that:
#include "ModelDir/ModelName.idl"
In my build.gradle I created task that should open, and read those dependencies, preferably return them:
class parsingIDL extends DefaultTask{
String idlFileName="*def file name*"
def regex = ~/#include .*\/(\w*).idl/
#Task Action
def checkDependencies(){
File idlFile= new File(idlFileName)
logger.error("File not found)
} else {
idlFile.eachLine{ line ->
def dep = []
def matcher = regex.matcher(line)
What should I have in (...)* to find all dependencies and how should I define, that for example
subprojectA::build.dependsOn([subprojectB::dist, subprojectC::dist])?
All I could find on internet created dep, that outputted given:

Pass CommandLine Arguments to buildScript

I have a below task
task showLog1 <<{
def grgit = '')
def log = grgit.log {
range '$tag1','$tag2'
Now I was using my tag names after the range but I want to pass this through Command Line. I have gone through few links like and I am passing from cli using -p like below:
gradlew showLog1 -ptag1=tag_one -ptag2=tag_two
But this doesn't give me the log. Anything that I am missing
Try a capital "P".
Like so: -Ptag1=tag_one -Ptag2=tag_two
Its working, I need to write my task like below:
def grgit = "")
def log = grgit.log {
range "$tag1","$tag2"
Then I need to execute it like this :
Command Line
gradlew showLog1 -Ptag1=tag_one -project-prop tag2=tag_two
If you pass your vars via -P option as format -PvarName=xxx. varName became a property of you project object in buildScript
if (project.hasProperty('varName')) { //check varName is set or not
println "varName set to:" + varName; //use the varName directly.
