How to implement progressable image upload in Xamarin - xamarin

I have Xamarin Forms app in which image is uploaded to server. I would like to show progress bar on UI. I am trying to create it with this reference. I created class ProgressableStreamContent:
public class ProgressableStreamContent : HttpContent
public ProgressableStreamContent(HttpContent content, Action<int> progress)
protected override Task SerializeToStreamAsync(Stream stream, TransportContext context)
Problem is in parameter of SerializeToStreamAsync procedure where TransportContext is not recognized as class. Error message is: "The type or namespace name 'TransportContext' cannot be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference)?". When I navigate to HttpContent, there is:
public abstract class HttpContent : IDisposable
protected abstract Task SerializeToStreamAsync(Stream stream, Net.TransportContext context);
So it is not writen TransportContext, but Net.TransportContext. Does it mean that it is internal? How can I use this class in my code? I tried to put System.Net.TransportContext without success.

I haven't installed Microsoft.Net.Http Nuget Package. Now it is compiling correctly. How can I delete question?


Error if the [AssemblyInitialize] already exists in the test project with Specflow

I've updated Specflow from the 3.0.225 to the 3.1.62 and I received the error Tests_Integration_MSTestAssemblyHooks: Cannot define more than one method with the AssemblyInitialize attribute inside an assembly.
The reason is obviously that I'd had the [AssemblyInitialize] attribute in my project already. How can I fix it?
The reason is that Specflow generates another file in the background which has the AssemblyInitialize/AssemblyCleanup hooks defined. In order to fix that one should use the hooks provided by Specflow, namely BeforeTestRun/AfterTestRun. Like this:
[Binding] // add the Binding attribute on the class with the assembly level hooks
public abstract class SeleniumTest
// it used to be [AssemblyInitialize]
public static void AssemblyInitialize(/* note there is no TestContext parameter anymore */)
// ...
// it used to be [AssemblyCleanup]
public static void AssemblyCleanup()
// ...

How to get the PerformContext from hangfire API

In our project we are using aspnetzero template. This template allows a simple but abstracted usage of hangfire. Now we would like to add Hangfire.Console to our project which would allow us to write logs to hangfires dashboard.
In order to write a log statement to the dashboard console we have to access the PerformContext of the current running job. Unfortunately because of the abstraction in aspnetzero we can't inject the PerformContext as it would be planned by hangfire. What we do have access to is the hangfire namespace and all it's static objects.
Therefore my question: Is there a way to get the PerformContext by another way than passing null to the execution method?
What I have tried so far:
By using the IServerFilter interface a method OnPerforming should be called. But unfortunately this is not the case within aspnetzero background jobs.
I tried to overwrite/extend the given base class BackgroundJob< T > of aspnetzero but with no luck. Perhaps someone can give me a hint in this direction.
I used JobFilterAttribute with a IServerFilter.
public class HangFirePerformContextAttribute : JobFilterAttribute, IServerFilter
private static PerformContext _Context;
public static PerformContext PerformContext
return new PerformContext(_Context);
public void OnPerformed(PerformedContext filterContext)
Context = (PerformContext)filterContext;
_Context = Context;
public void OnPerforming(PerformingContext filterContext)
Context = (PerformContext)filterContext;
_Context = Context;
And I create a new Class AsyncBackgroundJobHangFire<TArgs> : AsyncBackgroundJob<TArgs>
public abstract class AsyncBackgroundJobHangFire<TArgs> : AsyncBackgroundJob<TArgs>
public PerformContext Context { get; set; }
protected async override Task ExecuteAsync(TArgs args)
Context = HangFirePerformContextAttribute.PerformContext;
await ExecuteAsync(args, Context);
protected abstract Task ExecuteAsync(TArgs args, PerformContext context);
It´s Work
In a Class of job i use a AsyncBackgroundJobHangFire
And de method is
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(string args, PerformContext context)
I have suffered using abp's implementation of hangfire jobs as well. I don't know how to answer your question precisely, but I was able to access a PerformingContext by implementing an attribute that extends JobFilterAttribute and implements IClientFilter, IServerFilter, IElectStateFilter, IApplyStateFilter. The interfaces will depend on your requirements, but I was capable of accessing PerformingContext this way.
You should never use a static field for that, even if marked with a ThreadStaticAttribute , please refer to this link for more details

Create a Base TagHelper with no TargetElement

I'm creating a library of MVC6 TagHelpers for a large project.
I find myself writing certain functionality in these TagHelpers again and again.
I'd like to make a base TagHelper that all the others inherit from to remove all the duplicated code.
The issue is this - suppose I create a base TagHelper as below:
public class BaseTagHelper : TagHelper
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
//Some implementation...
Now, when I go to write a view, I will have intellisense suggesting the taghelper <base>.
Is there any way I can tell intellisense that this isn't a TagHelper I actually want to use, just a base class containing implementation common to other TagHelpers I've created?
Create it as an abstract class, see some examples in the official MVC Core repo like CacheTagHelperBase
public abstract class BaseTagHelper : TagHelper
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
//Some base implementation...

Xamarin WebView - Call C# Method

Is there a way in Xamarin's WebView that allows me to attach javascript events to my html elements and call C# method.
I could easily do this in Android by using JavaScriptInterface
<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls" poster='poster.gif'
How would I manage to this in Xamarin
Create a JavaScript Interface Class
Create a C# class that contains methods to be called from JavaScript.
If you are targeting Android API level 17 or later, this
JavaScript-to-C# interface class must annotate each
JavaScript-callable method with [JavascriptInterface] and [Export]
as shown in the following example. If you are targeting Android API
Level 16 or earlier, this interface class must implement
Java.Lang.IRunnable as explained in Android API Level 16 and
Earlier (later in this recipe):
Create a C# class that is derived from Java.Lang.Object. In the following example, we name our class MyJSInterface and implement a
method to display a toast when it is called from JavaScript:
public class MyJSInterface : Java.Lang.Object
Context context;
public MyJSInterface (Context context)
this.context = context;
public void ShowToast ()
Toast.MakeText (context, "Hello from C#", ToastLength.Short).Show ();
Annotate each method that is to be exposed to JavaScript with [Export] and [JavascriptInterface] (see IJavascriptInterface
for more information about the JavascriptInterface annotation). In
the following example, the ShowToast method is annotated so that it
can be called from JavaScript. Note that you must include the
Java.Interop and Android.Webkit using statements as shown in this
using Java.Interop;
using Android.Webkit;
public void ShowToast ()
Toast.MakeText(context, "Hello from C#", ToastLength.Short).Show();
Add a project reference to Mono.Android.Export (so you can use the [Export] annotation):
1.In Visual Studio, right-click References in the Solution Explorer and select Add Reference.... In Xamarin Studio,
right-click References in the Solution Pad and select Edit
2.In the search field, enter Mono.Android.Export. When you have located it, enable the check mark next to it and click OK.
Refer :

Robospice Impossible to start SpiceManager as no service of class

I am trying to use following libraries to develop my app.
and Spring for android
To do so, In my gradle file I have following dependencies added
compile ''
compile ''
And in manifest file, I have following lines inserted inside application tag.
android:exported="false" />
Now, I created a base class that is used as Base Activity. And, I have did this in the following way:
public class BaseSpiceActivity extends Activity {
private SpiceManager spiceManager = new SpiceManager(GsonSpringAndroidSpiceService.class);
protected void onStart() {
protected void onStop() {
protected SpiceManager getSpiceManager() {
return spiceManager;
And then I used that base class to extend my own class where I had to use spice service request.
SimpleTextRequest text = new SimpleTextRequest(placeUrl);
getSpiceManager().execute(text, "place", DurationInMillis.ONE_MINUTE, new RequestListener<String>() {
//Other functions and codes
But when the above code gets executed, I am getting following error
E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: SpiceManagerThread 0
java.lang.RuntimeException: Impossible to start SpiceManager as no service of class : is registered in AndroidManifest.xml file !
I have been trying to solve the issue from many hours. But unfortunately couldn't. Please help me out.
I am 100% sure you got messed somewhere. Search for new SpiceManager(SpiceService.class); in your code, and you will find out that you do use this service instead of the desired GsonSpringAndroidSpiceService.
You need to declare your service in your manifest.xml
Like this
<service android:name=".SampleRetrofitService"
Try to find out where using SpiceManager.
In my case, I named a activity SpiceActivity, and others extend it.
But robospice library also offer a activity named SpiceActivity. And it uses new SpiceManager(SpiceService.class)
So activity extends the wrong SpiceActivity which use SpiceService, then cause the error.
