writing a batch file for loop to rename and move files - windows

I've never used Windows cmd scripting before; I'm trying to write a batch script, What I need to do:
I have a lot of folders, named numerically. Each one contains a file. All the files have the same name.
folder1\file folder2\file
I want to rename and move the files, so they are named numerically and in the one folder
newfolder\file1 newfolder\file2
My script for two test folders is:
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,2) DO
move "folder%%A\file.txt" "newfolder\file%%A.txt"
I suspect this is all wrong. I get "the syntax of the command is incorrect".

Just move the opening parenthesis on the first line:
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,2) DO (
move "folder%%A\file.txt" "newfolder\file%%A.txt"
Newlines aren't as invisible to the batch interpreter as in most other languages, meaning you have to explicitly tell it to look on the following lines.


Trying to batch merge 2 .jpeg's horizontally and put them in a different folder after

this is for my doctoral thesis in medicine. So please excuse my noobishnis in programing.
I have a bunch (about 4000 files) of scans from patients. There is a front and a back .jpg for each patient. And there where multiple patients each day.
The folder structure looks like this:
Where in the first example 2017-08-21 is the date the patient came in, pa_102165.jpg is the front and pa_10216500001.jpg is the back. So the front is always pa_10XXXX.jpg and the back is pa_10XXXX00001.jpg. I had no hand in the nameing scheme.
My goal is to make a batchscript that merges the 2 corresponding .jpgs of each patient horizontally and automatically puts them in a different folder, so that I don't have to do it manually with something like MS Paint.
For example like this:
I'm working on Windows 10 and found two promising methods so far but fail to comprehend how to make this into a batch file or something like it.
IrfanView Thumbnails
1. Mark the 2 corresponding .jpgs
2. File>Create contact sheet from selected files...
3. Create
4. File>Save as... in destination folder which i have to create for every day
which is faster than merging them by hand but would consume multiple workdays to do for all the pairs
ImageMagic in Windows cmd
C:\Users\me\doctor\Images\test\images\2016-03-31>convert pa_102165.jpg pa_10216500001.jpg +append pa_102165_merged.jpg
This produces the merged .jpeg in the same folder the input images are in. This looks more promising but I fail to grasp how I could automate this process given the nameing scheme and the folder structure.
Thanks for taking the time to read this! I'm happy for every input you have!
This should get you fairly close. Essentially it is using the power of the FOR command modifiers to extract the base file name and file extension. The FOR /F command is capturing the output of the DIR command that is piped to the FINDSTR command. We are doing that so we only grab files with the file mask of pa_######.jpg
Once we have that we use the command modifiers with the IF command to make sure the 00001 file exists. If it does exist then it will execute the convert command. For the sake of making sure the code is performing correctly I am just ECHOING the output to the screen. If the output on the screen looks correct then remove the ECHO so that the CONVERT command executes.
#echo off
CD /D "C:\Users\me\doctor\Images\test\images"
FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('DIR /A-D /B /S PA_*.jpg ^|findstr /RIC:"pa_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.jpg$"') DO (
IF EXIST "%%~dpnG00001%%~xG" (
ECHO convert "%%G" "%%~dpnG00001%%~xG" +append "%%~dpnG_merged%%~xG"
This task could be done with IrfanView with the following batch file stored in the directory containing the folder images.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "IrfanView=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe"
set "SourcePath=%~dp0images"
set "TargetPath=%~dp0merged"
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\where.exe /R "%SourcePath%" pa_10????.jpg 2^>nul') do for %%J in ("%%~dpI.") do (
if not exist "%TargetPath%\%%~nxJ\%%~nI_merged%%~xI" if exist "%%~dpnI00001%%~xI" (
if not exist "%TargetPath%\%%~nxJ\" md "%TargetPath%\%%~nxJ"
if exist "%TargetPath%\%%~nxJ\" (
echo Merging "%%~nxJ\%%~nxI" and "%%~nxJ\%%~nI00001%%~xI" ...
"%IrfanView%" /convert="%TargetPath%\%%~nxJ\%%~nI_merged%%~xI" /jpgq=95 /panorama=(1,"%%I","%%~dpnI00001%%~xI"^)
There must be customized the fully qualified file name of IrfanView in the third line. There can be modified also the percent value of option /jpgq which defines the quality of the output JPEG file.
The command WHERE searches recursive in subdirectory images of the directory containing the batch file for files matching the wildcard pattern pa_10????.jpg with ignoring all other files. The found file names are output with full path and this list of file names is captured by FOR and processed line by line after WHERE finished. WHERE is executed in this case by one more cmd.exe started in background with option /c and the command line within ' as additional arguments and not by cmd.exe processing the batch file.
Read the Microsoft documentation about Using command redirection operators for an explanation of 2>nul. The redirection operator > must be escaped with caret character ^ on FOR command line to be interpreted as literal character when Windows command interpreter processes this command line before executing command FOR which executes the embedded where command line with using a separate command process started in background.
Each image file with full name (drive + path + name + extension) is assigned one after the other to the loop variable I. For each file name one more FOR loop is used which processes just the full path to the current image file to assign this path with a dot appended to loop variable J. The dot at end means current directory, i.e. the directory containing current image file to process.
There is next checked with the first IF condition if for that image file does not exist already a matching pa_10????_merged.jpg file in which case there is nothing to do for the current image file. That means the batch file can be executed on same folder as often as wanted because of it runs IrfanView only for the source JPEG files for which the appropriate target JPEG file does not exist already.
The second IF condition checks if the back image exists also in the directory of current front image as otherwise nothing can be merged at all.
There is next checked with the third IF condition if the target directory exists already and this directory is created if that is not the case.
The last IF condition checks once again the existence of the target directory and if that exists now as expected, IrfanView is called with the appropriate options to create the merged image file in the target directory with the appropriate file name.
The closing round bracket ) on IrfanView command line must be escaped with ^ to be interpreted literally by cmd.exe to pass this closing parenthesis to IrfanView instead of interpreting it as end of one of the command blocks opened with ( above.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /? ... explains %~dp0 ... drive and path of argument 0 which is the batch file path always ending with a backslash
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
if /?
md /?
setlocal /?
where /?
Double click on the text file i_options.txt in program files folder of IrfanView for the description of the IrfanView options as used in the batch file.

Bulk renaming files in relation to the folder names

I am very new to coding and bulk processes but i am looking for a command line SPECIFICALLY for windows command prompt and i am wondering if such a thing exists. So I have a folder containing 111 subfolders, with each subfolder containing between 20 and 40 png image files. Each subfolder is named 001-111 accordingly and the png files are ordered how i want them, however i am looking for a command line that would be able to quickly and efficiently name all the pngs in the folders to the name of the folder followed by the png number in brackets
e.g. for folder 037, i would want the png's to be renamed to: 037(1), 037(2), 037(3) etc...
I am hoping for the best although i am unsure such a code may not be possible or be simply done.
Also if you come up with a code that achieves this process, it would be great if you could reply with the simple command line that i could use rather than a full explanation because i am new to coding and far from fluent with the language or terms or how things work. I know this same process can be achieved by going select all>rename (ctrl a>f2) and renaming to the folder name however i need to use this process frequently and dont want to have to open each folder, i would rather have a command line for cmd that would do it swiftly
Thank you and a simple answer would be greatly appreciated
SET "parentdir=u:\parent"
FOR /l %%a IN (1001,1,1111) DO (
SET dir=%%a&SET "dir=!dir:~1!"
FOR /f "delims=" %%i IN ('dir /a-d /b "%parentdir%\!dir!\*.png" 2^>nul') DO (
ECHO REN "%parentdir%\!dir!\%%~nxi" "!dir!(%%~ni)%%~xi"
Test results:
Starting directory :
u:\parent\111\999 with spaces in name.png
Script response
REN "u:\parent\001\1.png" "001(1).png"
REN "u:\parent\037\1.png" "037(1).png"
REN "u:\parent\037\2.png" "037(2).png"
REN "u:\parent\111\999 with spaces in name.png" "111(999 with spaces in name).png"
Obviously, you'd need to replace the value assigned to parentdir with your actual target directory name.
The script will report the renames it proposes to do. To actually invoke the rename remove the ECHO keyword.
I would create a batch file like so:
cd %%1
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto end
for %f in *.png do mv "%f" "%%1(%f).png"
cd ..
This will attempt to cd to the directory name provided on the command line, abort if that fails, then rename all the .png files and return to the previous directory
then call it like so:
for %d in ??? do call renamepng.bat %d
which will loop through all 3-character file and directory names in the current directory, can call the batch file on each one. Using call instead of just the batch file name causes execution to return to the loop when the batch finishes.

Win 7: CMD batch file for creating directories based on filenames

I'm working on a CMD line batch file in a Win7 environment that will create directories based upon the filenames listed in a directory.
I am using this code, but the output created is partial and incomplete with only
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /r %%i in (*.wav) do (
set filename1=%%i
set folder1=!filename1:~4,10!
mkdir !folder1!
I have this script saved as a CMD file in text format in the source directory, on a local harddrive, though it is in a subdirectory.
The directory output is partial and broken, with garbled output and the numbers of directories created does not match the number of files, and the created directories seem to nest. I've researched this and can't seem to find a definitive answer.
It's not entirely clear what it is you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying to create a directory within the same directory containing the wav file, just without the .wav extension? If so, you're missing some quotation marks and you're stripping the wrong end of the filename off. If that's what you are trying to accomplish, it can actually be done with a single command, no batch script needed. Type this at the command prompt:
for /r %I in (*.wav) do mkdir "%~pnI"
Of course, if you still want it in a batch script, use %%I and %%~pnI with double percents instead of single. See the last couple of pages of help for for an explanation of how %%~pnI works.

Combining two FOR commands (/f /l) in a batch file

Okay guys, I am fairly new to working with batch files and I have two files I have previously created which are both working independantly.
I am looking to combine them but I still do not fully understand the FOR command. I was hoping someone could combine these two sets of code into one and if possible explain how the came up with the code they used from my two sources.
This file copies another file (in this case test.txt) to every subdirectory in a directory
FOR /R d:\ %%A IN (test.txt) DO copy d:\%username%\Desktop\Test\Resources\test.txt %%A
FOR /R h:\ %%A IN (test.txt) DO copy d:\%username%\Desktop\Test\Resources\test.txt %%A
This file copies and renames another file X amount of times (in this case 5) renaming each succesive copy in increments of 1.
For /l %%1 in (1,1,10) do (
copy test.txt test%%1.txt > nul
Basically I want the selected file (test.txt) to be copied from a set location to every subdirectory within a directory and then copied in each folder X amount of times and renamed with increasing values e.g.
Thankyou in advance.
This is actually very straight forward.
You already have functioning code that copies from the source to each subdirectory. In pseudo code: FOR (each directory) DO COPY source to target.
You also have code that can copy the file 10 times with incrementing names. You want to do this for each directory in the 1st step. So, again in pseudo code, it will look something like this:
FOR (each directory) DO (
COPY source to target
FOR (N=1 TO 10) DO COPY source to targetN
None of the syntax above is real, except that the parentheses after the DO are actually how you allow a batch FOR command to execute a block of multiple commands. (Actually there are other techniques to do this, but the parens work just fine.)
The part that you are missing is how to insert the incrementing number into the %%A target name. This is done by using FOR variable modifiers, as described at the end of the FOR documentation that you can access from the command line by typing HELP FOR, or FOR /?.
The modifiers allow you to deconstruct a file specification into its component parts. Note that the file doesn't have to physically exist, the file spec can still be broken down into the constituent parts.
%%~dpnA = drive:\path\baseName (no extension)
%%~xA = .extension, including the dot.
You've already got the incrementing number - I'm going to use %%N instead of %%1. So the full target will be the concatenation of the 3 components: %%~dpnA%%N%%~xA.
Putting it all together gives the full solution:
FOR /R d:\ %%A IN (test.txt) DO (
copy d:\%username%\Desktop\Test\Resources\test.txt %%A
FOR /L %%N IN (1 1 10) DO copy d:\%username%\Desktop\Test\Resources\test.txt %%~dpnA%%N%%~xA

Looking for a simple Batch script that modifies file name

I have a list of files in a folder that end with .swf.
I want to change all those files from X.swf to X<some number>.swf.
How can I do that?
This little script will change all *.swf files into the equivalent *_42.swf files.
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#echo off
for /f %%a in ('dir /b *.swf') do (
set fspec=%%a
set newfspec=!fspec:~0,-4!_42.swf
echo ren !fspec! !newfspec!
Actually, as it stands now, it will just echo the commands that it wants to execute. Once you're happy they're correct, you can just remove the echo from that renaming line above.
It works by using for /f to get a list of all SWF files and then using string manipulation to:
remove the last four characters (the.swf extension); then
add a new _42.swf extension onto the end.
And, please, make sure you back them up first :-)
You could use the following one-liner directly from the command prompt:
FOR %F IN (*.swf) DO RENAME "%F" "%~nF123.*"
where 123 stands for your number of choice.
Alternatively you could create a batch file and take advantage of its ability to accept parameters. Use the following script:
SET "suffix=%~1"
FOR %%F IN (*.swf) DO RENAME "%%F" "%%~nF%suffix%.*"
Now if the batch's name is renamer.bat, you can invoke it like this:
renamer.bat 2011
and it will add 2011 to the name of every .swf file in the current directory.
Assuming <X> in your description is supposed to be constant and you don't explicitly require a batch script to solve your problem, you can use Windows Explorer as mentioned in an article by Microsoft titled "Rename a file".
Here's a an extract from said article:
"You can also rename several files at one time, which is useful for grouping related items. To do this, select the files [then press F2]. Type one name, and then each of the files will be saved with the new name and a different sequential number at the end (for example, Renamed File (2), Renamed File (3), and so on)."
