My vb class and my html file content in Visual Studio 2015 has been encrypted and destroyed - windows

I have worked on my project in Visual Studio about about one html file and one vb file content are encrypted after closing solution.
I have check previews version of file and Visual Studio backup directory.
Both of above are empty. and my files are coded.
My anti virus is NOD32 and it is updated recently.
This is preview of encrypted file by Notepad++

There is a BackUp Folder for Visual Studio 2015 in your system
Look Here
"C:\Users\user\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Backup Files"


Visual studio showing two files with same name in same folder in the solution explorer

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 Version 16.11.16.
I am seeing two files with the same name in the same folder. While opening the folder in File Explorer, I can see only one file. While clicking both files it opens the same file. This is happening to only one folder.
Is there any way to make the visual studio show only one file?

Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate how to create executable file

I have visual studio 2010 ultimate. There is no option to make executable file.
So how can I make executable files using this version of visual studio.
Actually you've already created an .exe file by "building" your code that you tested in debugger mode. However your .exe file may require other files in order to deploy it onto another P/C. I recommend you read this information at the following link;
click here to go on link
Other than that you can actually find a copy of your current executeable in your application folders debug folder. May take a little searching. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 RC and I don't know if the file structure is the same for Visual Studio 2010 but for the application "counter" I look in "C:\Users\John\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Counter\Counter\obj\Debug\Counter.exe.

How to open files with differnet application having the same extension

How does Windows determine the application to start when I double-click on an associated file?
I installed Visual Studio 2013 on my PC and converted an existing solution from version 2008 to 2013.
Interesting, when I double click on a solution in 2008 format it opens VS 2008, for a 2013 it opens VS 2013. That's fine but how does Windows know? All solution files have the same extension .sln, so there must be another way to define the opening application in this case.
The following texts from this post should address your concern:
When you double-click on a .sln file, a small program called vslauncher.exe is called with the path to your .sln file as its first argument. The job of vslauncher.exe is to read enough of your .sln file to determine which version of Visual Studio to use to open your file. Since you may have several versions of Visual Studio installed (VS2003, 2005, 2008, Express SKUs, etc.) you probably want to open the solution with the same copy of Visual Studio that you used to create it.
Visual Studio 2008 .sln files typically start with these two lines:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
That said, if your .sln file signature (the first two lines of your file) does match any known release of Visual Studio, it will be opened by that particular VS version.

Using microsoft chess in visual studio 2010

I want to use microsoft chess framework in visual studio 2010. it works fine in 2008 but its support is not available for visual studio 2010. is there any way to use it.
Just go there: CHESS: Systematic Concurrency Testing Source Code, click on the 'Download' button, read the licence text and if you're ok download the full package somewhere on your disk.
From there you can just extract the whole .ZIP file and open the All.Sln file at the root of the extracted files, it's a Visual Studio 2010 solution.

VS Studio Crashes hard with "encountered a user-defined breakpoint" error on any config file

I have a odd problem here I can't figure out.
alt text
This happens each time I open the web.config file in my project. Studio crashes immediately after clicking close. Clicking debug just opens and empty Studio with the debugger attached to nothing.
I even resorted to open studio 2008 naked, without and project or solution, and then manually browsed to the web.config. It still crashes.
Other info:
All *.config files with crash as soon as the file opens.
This occurs in both VS 2005 and 2008.
Any file named .config, whether a .cs file renamed, or an empty text file called bob.config.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try looking at your packages installed for Visual Studio. They are registered in the registry under:
Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2005
If you have a lot, I say kill them all. And then reinstall your specific addons (such as CodeSmith or VisualSVN).
For reference, this is my fresh new install of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on Windows 7 RTM. Only 1 plugin, and it's for SQL Server's SSIS:
