Calculate a number from two variables - laravel

I'm trying to complete a mathematical operation with two variables like this :
$cv_moteur = $request->input('cv_moteur');
$distance = $request->input('nm_distance');
if($cv_moteur === '7CV'){
$taux = '0,401';
$rencontre_officiel->taux = $taux;
$rencontre_officiel->mt_indemnite_km = $taux * $distance;
but when i debug i get $rencontre_officiel->mt_indemnite_km = 0
Why ? i should get : 40,1 . Someone know why i get 0 ?
Here is the result of the debug :
#attributes: array:10 [▼
"rencontre_id" => 38
"licencie_id" => "125"
"fonction_officiel_id" => "1"
"bareme_id" => "1"
"nm_distance" => "100"
"mt_prime" => "175.00"
"cv_moteur" => "7CV"
"taux" => "0,401"
"mt_indemnite_km" => 0
"statut_officiel" => ""
Thanks a lot in advance.

In your case, $taux = "0,401"; is treated as a String. Attempting to convert this to a number using a method like floatval($taux) will result in 0, as using "," as a decimal point is invalid in calculations (valid in language though).
What you need to do is convert the "," to a ".":
$taux = floatval(str_replace(",",".", $taux));
Following that, you should be able to call:
$rencontre_officiel->mt_indemnite_km = $taux * floatval($distance);


Get null if not found in the database Laravel

I have a problem with Eloquent, my query is:
$b = Dictionary::find($a,$LangtoTranslate);
The problem is count($a) is 67, count($b) is 64..can I get null if value is not founded? In my case, the missing row in $a are "" but I need to have null or "" if not I lost syncronism.
The $a is a simple array:
array:67 [▼
0 => ""
1 => "Frase fatale non identificato"
2 => "Indice fuori dei limiti"
3 => "Errata configurazione del componente"
4 => "Raggiunto il numero massimo di annidamenti"
5 => "Id sequenza non identificata"
6 => "Rassegnazione"
7 => "Salto ad uno step coesistente"
8 => "RETURN senza passare dal via"
9 => "Da Implementare"
The DB is made just from language columns:
it- IT
Other Languages
i've tried olso:
$b = Dictionary::where($reflang,$a)->first($LangtoTranslate);
But I get null
For reference:
$reflang = 'it-IT';
$LangtoTranslate = [ array of languages ]; => ex: ['en-GB','de-DE']
As it is unclear what you want to achieve since you only provide partial code I will have my own version of your code.
Instead of using find() you want to use the where() function.
$a = ["0","1","2"];
$b = [];
foreach($a as $text){
$found = Dictionary::where('YourColumn','=',$text)->first();
if($found !== null){
array_push($b, null);

Trying to get Values between 2 dates but need start date and end date should be as given instead of as per database

I am trying to get data between "Start" and "End" dates from database which is working fine and query giving me the result, Say
Start = 09-02-2022.
End = 10-03-2022.
Database values start = "01-03-2022 to 09-03-2022" so i am getting result from date say 16-02 to 01-03.
But i want result should start with 09-02 and end with 10-03. If value is not present in database then it should give as "0"
Check attached Image for reference.
Code for Getting dates for last 30 days -
$getalldates = array();
for($d = (Carbon::today()->subDays(30)); $d->lte(carbon::today()); $d->addDay())
{ $getalldates[] = $d->format('Y-m-d');}
Code for Getting data from database
$rahul = Buffalomilkrecord::select(DB::raw('date'), DB::raw('sum(totalmilk) as totalmilk, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%d") as "daykey"'))
->whereBetween('date', [$olddate, $todaydate] )
Thanks in Advance.
This is what i tried
$result = array();
foreach($getalldates as $date){
$totalmilk= Buffalomilkrecord::select(DB::raw('sum(totalmilk) as totalmilk'))->whereDate('date',$date)->pluck('totalmilk');
$result[] = array($date =>$totalmilk);
} else {
$result[] = array($date =>0);
I am expecting
This is my output 0 => array:1 [▼ "2022-02-09" => Illuminate\Support\Collection {#348 ▼ #items: array:1 [▼ 0 => null ] }
and i am expecting "2022-02-09" = "0"
Check Image

Foreach only showing First item in array

I am trying to get data for each id using foreach. But when code run it get only data for 1 ID.. Following is the code
$buffalidforavgmilk = Buffalodata::groupBy('buffaloID')->get('buffaloID')- >pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
foreach ($buffalidforavgmilk as $id) {
$milkperid = Buffalomilkrecord::where('buffaloID', $id)->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
array:2 [▼
0 => array:4 [▼
0 => "Buffalo-01"
1 => "Buffalo-02"
2 => "Buffalo-03"
3 => "Buffalo-04"
1 => array:5 [▼
0 => "Buffalo-01"
1 => "Buffalo-01"
2 => "Buffalo-01"
3 => "Buffalo-01"
4 => "Buffalo-01"
Here Loop giving only 1 ID where as required array for all 4 ID
( for Test, i try to get only buffaloID)
Thanks in Advance
dd interrupts execution. If you wanted to dump every result and then stop execution, you should have used dump instead
foreach ($buffalidforavgmilk as $id) {
$milkperid = Buffalomilkrecord::where('buffaloID', $id)->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
This is not ideal though. You are making a query in each iteration of the loop.
One way you could remove the foreach is to change your query to use whereIn.
$buffalidforavgmilk = Buffalodata::groupBy('buffaloID')->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
$milkperids = Buffalomilkrecord::whereIn('buffaloID', $buffalidforavgmilk)->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();

how to save array data coming from view in laravel

This the data when user submit the form :
"praveen kumar tiwari"
array:3 [▼
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "3"
array:3 [▼
0 => "jeans"
1 => "shirt"
2 => "lower"
array:3 [▼
0 => "2"
1 => "3"
2 => "2"
array:3 [▼
0 => "20000"
1 => "232"
2 => "12"
array:3 [▼
0 => "1200"
1 => "22"
2 => "12"
array:3 [▼
0 => "100"
1 => "23"
2 => "12"
i cannot be able to store this data into a table. i am trying with for loop but getting an error "Undefined offset: 3".
Code inside the controller
$invoice = new Invoice;
i want to store these 3 values comming in the array form (sno,item_name,qty,price,gst,discount) in 3 diffrent rows
You should try to use laravel eloquent to save it. Here is some example that you can check it out. Laravel : Many to many insertion
The problem you have is indeed your loop: for($i=0;$i<=count($request['sno']);$i++).
To be specific it is this right here <=:
Take a look at your array:
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "3"
You got a total of 3 objects. count($request['sno']) will therefore return 3 since the count() function does not start counting at 0!
However, calling an index (e.g. $request['sno'][1]) will not return the first object (0 => "1") but the second (1 => "2"). I think you see where I am going.
Since the loop will go on until $i equals 3 the loop will be completed 4 times. At the last time (where $i == 3) you try to get the 4th item out of your array which does not exist so an error message pops up: Undefined offset: 3.
To solve this just change this
to <. The loop will only be executed if $i is still smaller then 3. This is the case if $i == 2. No error message will pop up.
I do not want to attack or hurt you in any way, but it seems to me that you are relatively new to PHP. Of course, that's not a shame, but I'm wondering if a huge framework like Laravel is right for you. First the basics, then comes the advanced.
But that's only as a small comment and tip from me.

Parsing a string field

I have these Syslog messages:
N 4000000 PROD 15307 23:58:12.13 JOB78035 00000000 $HASP395 GGIVJS27 ENDED\r
NI0000000 PROD 15307 23:58:13.41 STC81508 00000200 $A J78036 /* CA-JOBTRAC JOB RELEASE */\r
I would like to parse these messages into various fields in a Hash, e.g.:
event['recordtype'] #=> "N"
event['routingcode'] #=> "4000000"
event['systemname'] #=> "PROD"
event['datetime'] #=> "15307 23:58:12.13"
event['jobid'] #=> "JOB78035"
event['flag'] #=> "00000000"
event['messageid'] #=> "$HASP395"
event['logmessage'] #=> "$HASP395 GGIVJS27 ENDED\r"
This is the code I have currently:
message = event["message"];
if message.to_s != "" then
if message[2] == " " then
array = message.split(%Q[ ]);
event[%q[recordtype]] = array[0];
event[%q[routingcode]] = array[1];
event[%q[systemname]] = array[2];
event[%q[datetime]] = array[3] + " " +array[4];
event[%q[jobid]] = message[38,8];
event[%q[flags]] = message[47,8];
event[%q[messageid]] = message[57,8];
event[%q[logmessage]] = message[56..-1];
array = message.split(%Q[ ]);
event[%q[recordtype]] = array[0][0,2];
event[%q[routingcode]] = array[0][2..-1];
event[%q[systemname]] = array[1];
event[%q[datetime]] = array[2] + " "+array[3];
event[%q[jobid]] = message[38,8];
event[%q[flags]] = message[47,8];
event[%q[messageid]] = message[57,8];
event[%q[logmessage]] = message[56..-1];
I'm looking to improve the above code. I think I could use a regular expression, but I don't know how to approach it.
You can't use split(' ') or a default split to process your fields because you are dealing with columnar data that has fields that have no whitespace between them, resulting in your array being off. Instead, you have to pick apart each record by columns.
There are many ways to do that but the simplest and probably fastest, is indexing into a string and grabbing n characters:
'foo'[0, 1] # => "f"
'foo'[1, 2] # => "oo"
The first means "starting at index 0 in the string, grab one character." The second means "starting at index 1 in the string, grab two characters."
Alternately, you could tell Ruby to extract by ranges:
'foo'[0 .. 0] # => "f"
'foo'[1 .. 2] # => "oo"
These are documented in the String class.
This makes writing code that's easily understood:
record_type = message[ 0 .. 1 ].rstrip
routing_code = message[ 2 .. 8 ]
system_name = message[ 10 .. 17 ]
Once you have your fields captured add them to a hash:
'recordtype' => record_type,
'routingcode' => routing_code,
'systemname' => system_name,
'datetime' => date_time,
'jobid' => job_id,
'flags' => flags,
'messageid' => message_id,
'logmessage' => log_message,
While you could use a regular expression there's not much gained using one, it's just another way of doing it. If you were picking data out of free-form text it'd be more useful, but in columnar data it tends to result in visual noise that makes maintenance more difficult. I'd recommend simply determining your columns then cutting the data you need based on those from each line.
