How to issue http request with golang context capability but not by golang http client? - go

I found golang context is useful for canceling the processing of the server during a client-server request scope.
I can use http.Request.WithContext method to issue the http request with context, but if the client side is NOT using golang, is it possible to achieve that?

I'm not 100% sure what you are asking, but using a context for sometime like a timeout is possible for both handling incoming requests and outbound requests.
For incoming requests you can use the context and send back a timeout http status code indicating that the server want able to process the request. It doesn't matter what the client sends you, you get to decide the timeout on your own with the server.
For outgoing requests you don't need the server to even know you have a timeout. You simply set a timeout and have your request just cancel if it doesn't get a response back in a set time. This means you likely won't get any response from the server because your code would cancel the outgoing request.
Now are you asking for an example of how to code on of these? Or just if both are possible?


How to capture Multiple response for a same request in Jmeter

I am initiating the request from Jmeter using HTTP Request Sampler. In the body data i am sending the request and the application server sends back two different responses for the same request. After receiving the first response, Jmeter will close the request and in my scenario i need to capture the second response also. Kindy share your ideas on this.
Which protocol? In case of HTTP this is exactly how it supposed to work: one request -> one response, you can keep the underlying TCP connection alive so JMeter would re-use the connection for sending the next request, but HTTP Request sampler won't expect any additional responses.
In case of Server Side Events you will need to do some scripting in order to handle the situation like it's described in How to Load Test SSE Services with JMeter article
In case of WebSockets take a look at Read continuation frames.jmx example test plan

HTTP Synchronous nature

I have read that HTTP is a synchronous protocol. Client sends a request and wait for a response. Client has wait for the first response before sending the next request. Ajax uses HTTP protocol but is asynchronous in contrast. I also read that
Synchronous request blocks the client until operation complete from here. I am confused and my quesetion are:
what is definition of synchronous when talking about HTTP Protocol?
Does synchronous associated with blocking?
HTTP as a protocol is synchronous. You send a request, you wait for a response. As opposed to other protocols where you can send data in rapid succession over the same connection without waiting for a response to your previous data. Note that HTTP/2 is more along those lines actually.
Having said that, you can send multiple independent HTTP requests in parallel over separate connections. There's no "global" lock for HTTP requests, it's just a single HTTP request/response per open connection. (And again, HTTP/2 remedies that limit.)
Now, from the point of view of a Javascript application, an HTTP request is asynchronous. Meaning, Javascript will send the HTTP request to the server, and its response will arrive sometime later. In the meantime, Javascript can continue to work on other things, and when the HTTP response comes in, it will continue working on that. That is asynchronous Javascript execution. Javascript could opt to wait until the HTTP response comes back, blocking everything else in the meantime; but that is pretty bad, since an HTTP response can take a relative eternity compared to all the other things you could get done in the meantime (like keeping the UI responsive).
Asynchronous means, you do an HTTP request, but you are not waiting until the answer arrives. You will handle it, when it arrives and are free to do other stuff in between. Meaning: You are not blocking your application from doing anything else.
Synchronous on the other Hand means, you do a request and wait for the answer before you do anything else. Meaning: You are blocking your application from doing anything else.

Spring HTTP client timeout - webservice call - misresponse

I have an unknown App consuming my Spring webservices.
The app set a timeout to every webservice calls.
The server regardless of the app timeout keeps processing.
Is there a risk of any other webservice call in receiving a misresponse (the response to the timed out webservice call)? How does Spring manages this? Doesn't HTTP protocol take care of this, given that each connection channel is open for a particular call to webservice and if broken there shouldn't be possible to retrieve the response?
As a developer, you should try to make all possible HTTP requests to your web server to be idempotent. It means that the client side has to be able to retry the failed request without new possible errors due to the inability to know the previous (timeout) request results.
The client side should handle the HTTP client timeouts himself and (by default) should treat the timeout error as a failure. Your clientside may repeat the request later and the server side should be able to handle the same request.
The solutions may vary for different tasks depending on complexity (from an INSERT statement to the database or scheduling a new CRON job avoiding duplication).

What's the right way to retry a proxy request that failed

I have a proxy servlet that is implemented using Jetty's AsyncProxyServlet.Transparent (Jetty 9). Proxied requests are occasionally failing with EarlyEOF exceptions because of the way the remote server sometimes closes connections. In these cases, I would like the proxy to retry the request on behalf of the client instead of returning a 502 status response. What is the correct way to do this?
I assume I need to override AbstractProxyServlet's onProxyResponseFailure method and implement my own error handling, but I'm not sure how to create and send a new proxy request and associate it with the original request from the client.
Proxy retry with AsyncProxyServlet isn't feasible.
The Async nature of both the browser HTTP exchange and the proxied HTTP exchange means they are tied at the hip to each other.
If one fails, both fail, automatically.
Its very difficult to retry, as the browser HTTP exchange is already committed and partially completed as well.
In essence, the browser HTTP exchange would need to be suspended, and then the proxy HTTP exchange would need to be restarted, from scratch, then you'll need to "catch up" the exchange on the proxy side to the point where you are on the browser side. Once you are caught up, you'll have to adapt the proxy response to match the techniques for the browser response (things like known content-length, gzip state, chunking, etc..)
This is further complicated if the proxy response changes between requests, even in minor ways (response headers, sizes, compression, content, etc..)
The only way you can accomplish retry is to NOT use async, but use full caching of the proxy response BEFORE you send the response to the client (but this is actually more difficult to implement than the Async proxy techniques, as you have to deal with complex memory, http caching, and timeout concerns)

What is best practice to implement a HTTP POST to cope with server timout?

I am writing a REST service where the result of a REST POST can take longer than the environments timeout settings for HTTP connections. Given that I can't change the timeout for my REST target url,
What can I do to to make a REST call pass properly? I thought about using an async controller, but that seems not to fix any timeout behavior.
The calling client should not have to handle any server error or try to re-execute the query, as it is just adding more stress to the server.
Assuming this is a connection read timeout and not a http keepalive timeout since there is only one query. One suggestion would be for the rest service to return intermittent status response every specified interval. If this is a tcp keepalive issue then it can be circumvented using configuration. If a socket read timeout is being set then thst can be increased as well.
