Giving a registry key read permissions to one single Service application - windows

I'm writing a Windows Service that occasionally queries data in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles, to detect if the system has changed network (e.g. it's a laptop and they connect to a new Wifi Hotspot).
The Service must run as a LocalService account, so has no administration privileges, however the read permissions on this particular key and its subkeys are for Administrators ony, so the LocalService account is not able to read them.
I'd like to manually add read permissions for my Service to the key, but ONLY for that one Service. I could grant the "Local Service" account read privileges, but this would allow all LocalService Services to read the key, which I do not want. Is there any way of doing this, maybe creating a user account for a single application?

Vista added Service Isolation and it can assign a service SID to the process. You can then add this SID to the ACL of the registry key.


Installing services as different users

I was installing the filebeat application and I noticed that I needed to run powershell as administrator in order to install them. When I checked the service using wmic service get name,startname,status it showed Local System. I'm wondering what this account is as this is neither the user account or the administrator account. Will this always be the case when I install services as administrator? What is the difference if I install it as a normal user and as administrator?
In any case, I've set this service to start automatically when windows start. Would this service start only when the user I used to install it logs in or will it start regardless of which user logs in?
OK, let's unpack that one by one, in no particular order:
Only a user with administrator rights can install a service.
Services that are configured to start automatically are started as soon as Windows is up and running; Windows does not wait until somebody logs in. It makes no difference to the service who the logged-on user is, or whether anybody is logged in at all, unless the service application itself has been explicitly programmed to check.
The program that installs the service decides what account the service uses to run. Windows doesn't care what user account was used to install the service, it doesn't even keep track.
If the program that installs the service wants it to use an ordinary user account, it must know the password for that account. There are various special accounts that a service can run in, these accounts do not require a password. One of these special accounts is Local System.
Local System is the highest-privilege service account in Windows; it has all the same rights as an administrator, and can do things an administrator can't. Local System is also the account that the user-mode part of Windows itself runs in, roughly equivalent to the UNIX root account except that it doesn't have a password.
Additional notes, for completeness:
One alternative to Local System is for the service to run as Local Service or as Network Service, which are non-administrative service accounts. The only difference between the two is that if the computer is joined to an Active Directory domain, the Network Service account has network access to other machines in the domain and the Local Service account does not.
It is also possible to configure a service to run in a special service account that is unique to that particular service. This is mostly useful if you want the service to have access to a particular file or folder, but do not want to give it administrator rights.
Nitpickers corner:
It is I believe technically possible to reconfigure Windows to allow non-administrators to install services, but this is not supported and would be a Very Bad Idea. If you did, though, it would still make no difference who installed the service. Windows doesn't record this information.

Windows Registry Permissions

I have a service that runs as the "Local System" user. I would like to edit an entry in the registry from this service. This entry lives in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Everything goes find except that the entry is not updated. My service seems to have access to a virtual registry. When I execute regedit from this service I access a registry different from the "real" one (the one I access by executing regedit from the desktop for instance).
How can I access the "real" registry from my service?

Virtual Service Account without Network Access, like NT AUTHORITY\LocalService

Background: I'm writing a service and want to give it as few privileges as necessary.
Virtual Accounts (sometimes "Virtual Service Accounts") are sparsely documented feature new to Windows 7/2008R2 that are automatically managed accounts for services that need minimal privileges but access the network with a computer identity in a domain environment.
My service doesn't need network access, so I'm using LocalService, but I don't like the fact that if I grant access to a file/etc I granting access to all services running as that account.
Is there a least privileged account I can use?
You don't need to change the account the service runs under; LocalService is fine.
Instead, configure the service to have a non-zero SID type, i.e., specify either SERVICE_SID_TYPE_UNRESTRICTED or SERVICE_SID_TYPE_RESTRICTED. You can do this using the ChangeServiceConfig2() function and the SERVICE_CONFIG_SERVICE_SID_INFO option.
You can then grant access to files and other protected resources using the service SID, whose name is NT SERVICE\myservice, rather than LocalService. This will grant access to only your service. (Well, and any other services sharing the same process, but most third-party services run in their own process.)
For least privilege, use SERVICE_SID_TYPE_RESTRICTED. This means that the service can only access protected objects that explicitly grant access to either Everyone, the service SID, the logon session SID, or WRITE_RESTRICTED. You should also use the SERVICE_CONFIG_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFO option to reduce the privileges granted to the service; many services do not need any privileges at all. (In that case, you may find that you need to specify SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME rather than an empty list, though I might be misremembering.)

remote login a windows user knowing it's name and password

Here's what I want to do:
a program that listens in the network for a message, and when that message is received, if the user is not logged in (for example the computer just powered on and windows displays the classic login screen), it automatically logs in a certain user accordingly to the message. the username and password are known and stored safely inside the computer in a configuration for the program i'm talking about.
What I had in mind was a windows service that starts with the computer and also listens to those messages, and if one is received, then it does it's job
but I have no idea of where to start
(basically i'm trying to login a user without having to type the password, which I said is stored and known - need something mostly like the fingerprint software windows 7 comes with, and the ones that you had to install in vista/xp so that fingerprint login would work (fingerprint was only an example) )
There's two methods to pursue depending upon which operating system you're looking to run under.
For Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 you need to create a GINA.DLL. This is a replacement DLL which must follow specific rules which handles the authentication process. In your case your replacement DLL would be known by the service which was listening for your start signal, and it would make a call into the DLL with the username and password as appropriate.
MSDN Magazine article on customizing GINA.DLL
MSDN entry on GINA
For Windows Vista/7 and above you'll need to look into the Credential Provider API.
MSDN Magazine article on Credential Provider API in Vista.
MSDN entry on Credential Provider API
You can use windows auto logon feature to do this.
Create a service which waits for the required data on a network socket. Make sure this service is started after the network service (Tcpip). Modify winlogon service properties (manually) so that it depends on your service. By depends, I mean that winlogon service is started after your service.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon to 1
Once you receive the data on your network socket, set the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultPassword
Once the registry settings are in place, then the winlogon service can read those values and proceed with the login process.
For more details on setting the registry values refer:
I want clarify a little the suggestion of Vikram.exe.
Of cause the usage of AutoAdminLogon seems native for the problem, but saving of the password in registry as a clear text under HKLM\...\Winlogon\DefaultPassword is not good. Since Windows 2000 it is supported the usage of the secrets DefaultPassword which makes the same effect as the DefaultPassword registry value (see Protecting the Automatic Logon Password for the code example).
Another way to force user login or to do any other actions on the login screen is switching to the Winlogon desktop (full name WinSta0\Winlogon). You can use SwitchDesktop and SetProcessWindowStation to do this (see Window Stations and Desktops). If the service run under System account you will have all rights to do this. Depend on the configuration of your service it could be also needed to use SetTokenInformation with TokenSessionId to change the current session id. After the service process will run on the WinSta0\Winlogon desktop you can use functions like FindWindow and other GUI API to place any information in controls of the window (user name, password and so on) of other process. So you can implement more complex scenarios.
Firstly let me just say im not 100% sure how to fully complete such a application but I have a few tips.
you will need to create a Windows Service that starts during the Pre-Login, you can create a service in C#, An example of creating a C# Service is linked below:
Within your application you would set the property Startup Type to Automatic, This will automatically start your service on boot.
You should know that windows services run under a secure context by account so you will have to get your service to run with privs do do this.
In your Service Properties you can Click Log On and you can
To specify that the service uses the Local Service account, click This account, and then type the following NT AUTHORITY\LocalService.
To specify that the service uses the Network Service account, click This account, and then type the following NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService.
As your trying to do this remotly you will have to look at WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) and you will be able to start/stop and send commands to your service.
Your service then would send a command to the Login Management (Not Sure of the name).
you may also wish to check this WOL class which will switch the computer on remotely as long as it supports Wake On LAN, If this is for a corporate environment then I advise you to check your network cards to make sure they are supported
I know of some education software that I use for schools that's called CC4 ( ) and we can do exactly what you need within this system, I'm not fully sure of how it works fully but i believe it takes the same principles described above.

Confused over LocalSystem and LocalService Accounts

I am new to windows services programming. I have confusion about what to set the Account type while writing a windows services.
How to choose or how to determine to which account type we need to set while writing a service?
We generally create special windows (local for local only access or domain account for things that need to authenticate accross the network) accounts to run custom services. This way we can restrict and lock down the permissions to make sure it only has access to what we need. You can also see which specific users are culprits or resource hogging with monitoring on a shared server.
As for the built in accounts...
Local System:
The built-in LocalSystem user account has a high level of access privileges; it is part of the Administrators group.
Network Service:
The built-in Network Service user account has fewer access privileges on the system than the LocalSystem user account, but the Network Service user account is still able to interact throughout the network with the credentials of the computer account.
Local Service:
The built-in Local Service user account has fewer access privileges on the computer than the Network Service user account, and those user privileges are limited to the local computer. Use the Local Service user account if the worker process does not require access outside the server on which it is running.
Microsoft Technet
The LocalSystem account is a predefined local account used by the service control manager. This account is not recognized by the security subsystem, so you cannot specify its name in a call to the LookupAccountName function.
It has extensive privileges on the local computer, and acts as the computer on the network. Its token includes the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and BUILTIN\Administrators SIDs; these accounts have access to most system objects. The name of the account in all locales is .\LocalSystem. The name, LocalSystem or ComputerName\LocalSystem can also be used. This account does not have a password. If you specify the LocalSystem account in a call to the CreateService or ChangeServiceConfig function, any password information you provide is ignored.
The NetworkService account is a predefined local account used by the service control manager. This account is not recognized by the security subsystem, so you cannot specify its name in a call to the LookupAccountName function. It has minimum privileges on the local computer and acts as the computer on the network.
This account can be specified in a call to the CreateService and ChangeServiceConfig functions. Note that this account does not have a password, so any password information that you provide in this call is ignored. While the security subsystem localizes this account name, the SCM does not support localized names. Therefore, you will receive a localized name for this account from the LookupAccountSid function, but the name of the account must be NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService when you call CreateService or ChangeServiceConfig, regardless of the locale, or unexpected results can occur.
A service that runs in the context of the NetworkService account presents the computer's credentials to remote servers. By default, the remote token contains SIDs for the Everyone and Authenticated Users groups. The user SID is created from the SECURITY_NETWORK_SERVICE_RID value.
The NetworkService account has its own subkey under the HKEY_USERS registry key. Therefore, the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key is associated with the NetworkService account.
