Manual messages sync when coming from background? - applozic

I would like to use Applozic for my app. Especially the 1-to-1 chat feature.
But I heard that on iOS, when the app is in background and I got a push notification, the coming message is not showed because it needs a manual sync.
How do you manage it?


Alternative of cloud functions

I am developing an app for elderly for my graduation project. There are 2 actors, elderly and the watcher who takes care of elderly.
'all application data stored in Firebase'
My app reminds elderly about their medication time and to check their blood pressure and glucose.
Also, there is a chat between elderly and watcher.
My question is how to push notification without using cloud functions?
I have watched a Flutter course and he used Firebase Cloud Messaging and Cloud Functions, but now Cloud Functions requires to upgrade project's billing plan, so it requires money and credit card, and I don't want to spend money for my graduation project especially that I don't have a huge knowledge about flutter.
I watched a YouTube video that someone explains push notification using Laravel with Flutter, but I afraid about that because I DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA ABOUT Laravel.
Also I see that there are many Flutter packages for push notification, but I don't know how to use it or if it uses a Cloud Functions or not. such as: awesome_notifications, flutter_local_notifications, pusher
I hope someone guide me to the right way.
in order to send custom notifications you can create your own server environment (backend) and from there perform all the logic to be able to send the notifications to the devices.
The only thing you need to be able to send a personalized notification from an external environment is to have the token device, in the case that you will send it to a specific person, you can also send notifications if the devices are subscribed to a topic.
This is the documentation to send notifications from a server to the device:

How to build real time notifications in a distributed project?

I wonder to know which technique and tools I should use to have the ability to send real time notifications to users. Specifically if I build a messaging system.
I can see that modern social networks can send notifications about new messages almost immediately. Even when the user 'A' from one country writes a message to the user 'B' in another country you can see that the user 'A' writes a message and you immediately see it (even if those users live in different continents).
I tried to figure out how it is possible and find any information about this but without success.
The only thing I found out is the technique when we use a Redis or RabbitMQ server with several servers which acts like publishers and subscribers. Our API servers receive new messages then they push a new message in the queue then subscribers receives the messages and if they have an open WebSocket with the recipient they push this message in the WebSocket and a client receives the message.
But it really won't work if you have a distributed project and your clients are connected to the nearest servers in the nearest data center.
The question is: what technologies/techniques/anything we should use to be able to build notifications in a distributed project?
If you develop your distributed app/system using web technologies, you can consider building what is referred to as a Progressive Web App. With PWAs you can add push notifications in a relatively easy way. You could start with a PWA approach, and then decide later on if developing a native app as well (i.e. iOS or Android) would be necessary.
There are many resources to learn and guide you in developing progressive web apps. Check the references I mentioned above, and you can do this codelab as a starting point.

Migrate parse installation object to firebase

I have an app which uses Parse and I want to migrate it to Firebase. I was extended the parse installation objects to send customized push notifications. I'm wondering if I can migrate these parse installation objects to Firebase and use it from Firebase.
There is no cookie cutter click-though way to import an app that uses into Firebase. The products are too different for that.
There are however migration guides for developers looking to migrate their iOS and Android apps on the Firebase site:
There is also a repo with parse-migration-tools from Firebase:
Finally have a look at this question, where experienced developers chimed in already: How to migrate data from to Firebase
[Disclaimer: Former lead of Parse Push. Author of parse-migration-tools]
I'm a bit nervous that you're out of luck if you're referring to "installation Ids". Firebase supports iOS and Android. Android devices aren't going to be easy to port for a few reasons, though iOS can be done without too much work. Let's break it down by the push backend:
Most people who talk about "installation Ids" are talking about Parse's self-hosted push network (PPNS or Parse Push Notification Service). This is hosted at and will go away in January. There's nothing anyone can do to keep those devices connected. As an FYI you'll also realy want to update your apps to disable PPNS because it will likely drain your customers' battery when they have a background service repeatedly trying to connect to a URI that isn't going to exist anymore.
If you're using GCM directly, you're still out of luck actually. Parse uses a version of GCM that's too old to work with Firebase. I tried to help fix it, but we weren't able to upgrade to GCM v4 and keep the Parse design style. The new Firebase SDK makes it possible to fix the issue and keep the Parse design requirements, but I'm far too overextended to build this right now. If someone wants to grab a shovel, I'd be glad to explain the right design.
iOS will actually work. I intended to make this turnkey in parse-migration-tools but won't have time until the end of the year. Firebase Cloud Messaging has a batchImport API for importing iOS tokens. I also wrote support for batchImport in parse-migration-tools to help you import your devices (and other data) faster. If I were migrating Parse Push from iOS, I would personally write a migration and bulkImport function that used batchImport to create GCM tokens and subscribed Parse Channels as FCM topics (note the batchAdd method; it may help you more efficiently do your initial import).
This should do the trick:
You can just importat all of the existing users device id's and FireBase will generate unique id's for them.

Receiving pushed messages from web service

I am working as part of a team using Android and WP7 to create apps that communicate with a server. So ideally we want a consistent approach to receiving the data from the server.
I currently am using HTTPWebRequest to form a SOAP message and send it to a Java-based web service to receive messages (Adding as a ServiceReference didn't work no matter what I tried) At the moment it's a simple case of receiving the full list of things and just recreate the list each time via DespatchTimer to do periodic calls. But of course periodic pollin is likely to be ratehr battery intensive so not the best apporach for my needs.
I now need to change the code so that changes are pushed rather than polled. The team is looking at XMPP to do this as Android libraries are readily available to do this but I am having trouble finding open source libraries to do this.
Microsoft Push seems available but this appears to require a Microsoft based server side environment to push unless I have misinterpreted this? Or even if push notifications are a sensible way to do this.
So what I would like to know is the approach to handling pushed messages in this scenario which i hope someone out there has had experience in
Microsoft Push Notification System [MPNS] does not require a MSFT-based server backend. It simply relays the Push Notifications through carrier or other data channels to subscribing phones. You should be able to make HTTP POST requests to MPNS at the Windows Phone subscriber Channel URI & MPNS would deliver the Push Notifications for you. Your server side can be anything, as long as you able to make the HTTP requests.
A good starting point can be found here.
Hope this helps!

Messaging app on the WP7

I was wondering if it is possible to develop a text messaging kind of application similar to WhatsApp, but for between WP7 devices? What difficulty programming skill level am I looking at and what would be required to develop such an app? Thanks!
In general I don't think it will be really difficult to build an app like WhatsApp. (Although I only heard about the funcationality) So I will give you the information I think you should have at a minimum.
In the first place you need your WP7 app, which I think should have push notifications to notify users about new messages. (Note: push notifications work in batches, so there will be no instant delivery notification to the end user.) You should have a login system in your WP7 app, which makes users uniquely identifiable.
Somewhere you should have a central datastore where you can store users, messages, relations between messages (replies, forwards, etc.) (Note: If your app becomes as big as WhatsApp you should have a really good scalable datastore.).
I would use WCF to communicate between your datastore and the WP7 app. Probably I have overseen something right now, but this will give you a start for defining your applications architecture.
UPDATE 12:54
As i saw your comment about where to start I searched for some documentation:
There is a free e-book from Charles Petzold which covers alot:
Also there are a lot of code samples and documentation on MSDN:
Main overview of WP7 development:
WP7 code samples:
You can have a look at the Sockets Support section, which may help you to get started.
