How to setup meson with Qt creator - qt-creator

I normally use Qt creator with cmake to program C++ projects. Lately I read quite a bit about meson and it's simplicity and I like to test it. This example explains how to setup meson.
When using meson, I like however to still use Qt creators shortcuts for building (ctrl + B) or running (ctrl + R). How can I configure Qt creator to build a meson project, when I'm using a "generic project"?

Meson is currently not directly supported by Qt Creator. There is a bug report requesting that: and I am considering to actually implement that.
For the time being I use meson via the "Generic Project". Go to "New File or Project", "Import Project" and there "Import Existing Project". That gets you a dialog where you can select the files that your project consists of.
After that is done you will need to edit "projectname.includes" and add the include directories (one per line) into that file. Then you need to edit "projectname.config" and add defines (one per line) there.
Finally you will need to edit the build configuration and call ninja instead of make there.
With that it works reasonably well for my small project.

Until the QtCreator supports directly project files, I find this python2 script useful to create QtCreator generic project files:
with meson and ninja in your PATH, this should work:
$ meson builddir
$ python2 builddir
this generates a .creator project file in builddir (if you get an error about "mesonintrospect" not found, try this PR:
To make CTRL+B work properly, In QtCreator build settings, remove the make build step and add a custom build step with the path to the ninja executable, and add the command line arguments
3>&1 1>&2 2>&3
Those redirect allow QtCreator to capture build errors in the "issue" panel.


How do cmake configuration and default build task configuration play together in VSCode?

I'm compiling this PCL Library example. For reference, it consists of a simple cpp file that includes some PCL headers and does some basic data manipulation, and a CMakeLists.txt file.
Using the command line, I am able to build it using cmake -> make. I want to build it also using VSCode IDE. When I open this project on VSCode, it detects I'm using cmake, and if I clean/build it using the cmake extension, everything seems to work as expected (including autocompletion by intellisense, etc).
However, this takes some time as it builds the whole project in the same way you would do it from the command line, only from VSCode. I wanted to understand if I can also configure a "default build task" (via the tasks.json file) to build files using Ctrl + Shift + B, and be able to build individual files, and have a more IDE-Like experience (something like the incremental compiler of Eclipse with Java, for example).
If I add a C++ configuration, it fails to find .h files, and errors are highlighted on the open file, until I clean/rebuild via de cmake extension.
My question is, are this two options (cmake extension vs build tasks) compatible or mutually exclusive? Is defining and compiling via a task in fact more agile than building via the cmake extension?

CodeLite with CMake does not execute make when building

I just switched to CodeLite for C++ development.
I followed the QuickStart guide and created a simple console executable (g++), and when setting up a new project, you can choose the Build System, which offers the options
GNU makefile onestep build
NMakefile for MSVC toolset
If I choose "CMake", and leave everything else the way it is, I get my usual hello world code in main.cpp.
Now I want to build it. I execute CMake, which produces a makefile, and then execute "Build" (by pressing F7 or via the menu). That does not work:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C cd "\\"C\Users\Username\Documents\CodeLite\WorkspaceName\cmake-build-Debug"\ProjectName" && C:/mingw/mingw64/bin/mingw32-make.exe -j4 SHELL=cmd.exe -e
CMD unterst_tzt keine UNC-Pfade als aktuelles Verzeichnis.
====0 errors, 0 warnings====
The last line says it does not support UNC paths. Not sure whether that's the problem, but anyway, nothing actually gets built.
However, if I simply open a command line in the cmake-build-Debug\ProjectName\ directory, I can execute "make" and my executable is built properly.
Now my question is: Why does CodeLite not build my project? This does not seem to work as intended. I did not change any settings and my project is a clean default, but yet, I have to build it manually.
If I simply choose "Default" instead of "CMake", it gets build, by the way.
A path in UNC (universal naming convention) has \\ before the host name and then the drive, directory, ... letters.
The path "\\C\Users\Username\Documents\CodeLite\WorkspaceName\cmake-build-Debug\ProjectName" does not look like a proper (UNC or other) path. Was it written this way by the CodeLite build system or did you need to do this manuully?
The form "C:\Users\Username\Documents\CodeLite\WorkspaceName\cmake-build-Debug\ProjectName" (or "C:\Windows\Users\ ...") should work on your system.

How to avoid qmake Build Step if using QT Creator

I have a Qt project file (.pro) and a Makefile (self-written).
The project file is simply used for editing the source files in the IDE:
I would like to build the project via IDE QT Creator 3.5.1
Therefore I would like to invoke make on the Makefile.
During the build process I always get the error that no Makefile can be found hence no build was triggered.
The solution is to always invoke qmake first, then make (even if a Makefile is still present and custom setting make -C ../build in /home/project/)
Could someone please explain, why it is not possible ignore qmake and directly invoke make on the already existing Makefile?
(No Qt library is used for the project)
This is quite easy, I use makefile only project alot because I like qt-creator as an IDE. In the IDE goto the projects tab on the left.
Select the "build" tab near the top of that page, looks like: (build | run).
In the build steps:
remove the qmake build step by press hovering the mouse over that step and clicking the X that appears.
Edit the build directory so that it is the same directory as your makefile.
Note: you will have to click the shadow build check box next to it to enable it.
remove any other steps you don't want (infact just remove them all for now).
Add a new step make step. It will try to use the default make, but you can override that if you want. Also add any arguments like debug or -j4 etc...
Then you are done :)
Next time you hit build it will simply invoke that make command.
Note: You will need to do the same for any other configurations you have (like release, debug, etc...). You can also just add loads more configurations for doing other make options (if you have them) for instance make doxygen or such...
Just remembered you can also either:
I am not sure why, but when I tested it (as OP did) you can't seem to just setup a make step with parameters -C ../, it seems to want to look in the "build directory" first.
I tend to use the build location since its a nice feature of the IDE.
Note an issue with newer versions of Qtcreator as a makefile IDE is that you cant share your build settings with other people (i.e. can't configure control them) because they are locked to your PC profile... long story... but its very sad and I no longer use qt creator for that one reason.

How to set a number of parallel jobs for make in Cmake QtCreator project?

My project is managed by CMake and I use QtCreator as a main IDE.
I want to make QtCreator run make -j number_here command when it launches a build task to speed it up, but I am unable to find a corresponding configuration in QtCreator's project settings UI. I became somewhat lost in all it's settings.
Should I modify CMakeLists.txt file somehow or is it configurable from the QtCreator's UI?
You can configure this in Qt Creator:
Go to: left panel/Projects/Build Settings.
Note: On the left Build & Run, select the build of your targeted "Kit" if you have several.
Build Steps (below CMake options), click Details.
In Tools arguments: add -jnumber_here.

Is it possible to automatically generate Xcode projects?

Simple question. Are there any tools for generating Xcode projects from the command line? We use SCons to build our cross-platform application, but that doesn't support intrinsic Xcode project generation. We'd like to avoid creating the project manually, since this would involve maintaining multiple file lists.
Look at CMake. You can generate XCode projects from it automatically. I found a previous StackOverflow question about its usage here. To get it to generate an XCode project, you use it as such:
CMake -G xcode
You can use premake ( to generate Xcode projects. It can also generate Visual Studio projects.
For the benefit of anyone who lands on this question, I’ve actually just pushed an Xcode project file generator for SCons up to Bitbucket.
I think that your question should be "Is there a way to generate an XCode project from a SCons one?". I suppose, by your asking and by reading the others, that the answer is 'no'.
SCons people should know it better. I think they will be happy if you contribute a SCons Xcode project generator.
In the meantime you may choose to switch to CMake or to create your XCode project by hand that, given a good source tree organization, may be the best pragmatic solution.
qmake in the Qt toolchain generates Xcode projects. You can at least download it and take a look at its source here (LGPL).
You can generate a XCode project using the python based build system called waf. You need to download and install waf with the xcode6 extension:
$ curl -o waf-1.9.7.tar.bz2
$ tar xjvf waf-1.9.7.tar.bz2
$ cd waf-1.9.7
$ ./waf-light --tools=xcode6
That will create a waf executable which can build your project. You need to configure how to generate your XCode project inside a file called wscript that should reside in your project folder. The wscript file uses Python syntax. Here's an example of how you could configure your project:
def configure(conf):
# Use environment variables to set default project configuration
# settings
conf.env.FRAMEWORK_VERSION = '1.0'
conf.env.ARCHS = 'x86_64'
# This must be called at the end of configure()
# This will build a XCode project with one target with type 'framework'
def build(bld):
# Specify source files.
# This will become the groups (folders) inside XCode.
# Pass a dictionary to group by name. Use a list to add everything in one
'MyLibSource': bld.path.ant_glob('src/MyLib/*.cpp|*.m|*.mm'),
'Include': bld.path.ant_glob(incl=['include/MyLib/*.h', 'include'], dir=True)
# export_headers will put the files in the
# 'Header Build Phase' in Xcode - i.e tell XCode to ship them with your .framework
export_headers=bld.path.ant_glob(incl=['include/MyLib/*.h', 'include/MyLib/SupportLib'], dir=True),
There are a bunch of settings you can use to configure it for your project.
Then to actually generate the XCode project, cd into your project folder where the wscript is and run your waf executable like
$ ./waf configure xcode6
A promising alternative to CMake which can generate Xcode projects is xmake. I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks good from the documentation.
Install xmake, create a simple project file (xmake.lua):
Then you can either do a command-line build:
or create an Xcode project:
xmake project -k xcode
Note that currently xmake seems to invoke CMake to generate the Xcode project, although they say they plan to add native Xcode project generation at some point.
You could use Automator to generate them for you.
I checked and there is no prebuilt action.
Therefore you would have to record your actions with Automator to do this.
