ELK Docker - Kibana saved objects - elasticsearch

Does anyone know if it's possible to provide to kibana dockerized container saved objects (dashboards/ visualizations) during the startup of the container? I didn't notice any specific configuration for this on the elastic.co guides. Are there volumes on the container on which I can copy my .json files

Kibana uses an index in Elasticsearch to store saved searches, visualizations and dashboards.
It creates a new index if the index doesn’t already exist.
kibana.index: ".kibana"


Delete daily filebeat index

I'm using the kibana interface to manage ELK in Kubernetes. ELK creates a new filebeat index every day filebeat-<date> with several GB.
I created a index lifecycle policy but I can only add it to an existing index.
I want it to be added to new filebeat indexes as well.
Kibana has the concept of index patters but I cannot find the place to link it to a policy.
I want to know if this is possbile to do in Kibana?
I'm using kibana 7.12.0
you need to add the ILM policy to the index as per https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.12/ilm-with-existing-indices.html
however it should be handled automatically in 7.12, unless you've changed the default config? https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/7.12/ilm.html

Run ELK with filebeat

I try to start ELK in docker-compose in WSL2. But I can't find any indexes in kibana.
Test code.
I try to load any logs from /var/log/*.log using filebeat
When I open kibana http://localhost:5601/ it offer to add new data.
I expected data in kibana on indexes witch must be created by beanfile.

Kibana index pattern not saved

I have an ELK stack running on the Kubernetes cluster with security enabled. Everything is running fine and I am able to push data to an index. After logging in to Kibana as an admin user, and I to "Discover" it asks me to create an index pattern. So I have some metricbeat data, and I create a pattern and saved it. But when I go back to discover, it is prompting me to create an index pattern again!
I don't find any errors in Kibana/Elastic pods
Really appreciate any pointers
Elastisearch version: 7.10.1
What finally worked for me was destroy and recreate Kibana. After recreating kibana i was able to see all the index patterns i have been trying to save

Where the elasticsearch data is stored?

I've installed filebeat in a server, collecting all the logs from all the containers i have. With filebeat i indicate to which elasticsearch and kibana hosts he must send them (both, elasticsearch and kibana are running as a service in another server). So now all the logs appear in kibana. My question is, all those logs that appear there, are stored somewhere? In elasticsearch or in kibana?
Thank you in advance
All the data is stored inside Elasticsearch.
Kibana is a visualization engine on top of Elasticsearch. Kibana itself also stores its configuration data inside an internal Elasticsearch index called .kibana.
Whatever you can see from Kibana always comes from Elasticsearch.
You can learn more about Elasticsearch here and Kibana here.

Kibana: store and load Kibana index from another Elasticsearch server?

Hihi everyone
In the configuration file of Kibana, "config.js" we can only configure elasticsearch address and the name of the kibana index, i would like to be able to configure another ES adress for the the kibana index.
So i could store and load kibana dashboard from/to another ES server that the one i'm requesting data.
Could anyone please help ;) thanks
