Merging two Magento 2 installations - magento

I had two different Magento stores running on Magento 1.9 each on a separate installation. I have upgraded one to Magento 2 which is running fine. Is it possible to now upload/convert the old website (still on Magento 1.9) to this new Magento 2 installation as a separate store.

It's unlikely that this is possible to upload/convert in a simple way. If there are a lot of data (categories, products, cms blocks and pages, customers) you could try to use official migration tool or write a custom scripts by yourself.

Magento 2 is completely different to Magento 1, it is a complete rebuild of the platform; unfortunately there is no quick and easy way to convert your old M1 site to M2. There are 3 essential areas to cover:
Your templates will need to be rebuilt as well as any custom or 3rd party modules, however there are a fair few extensions out there you can leverage. Finally, and the most volatile, is your data, I suggest using the official migration tool or use a data transfer service such as Cart 2 Cart to migrate the data from M1 to M2.


Install Magento1.x theme to Magneto 2.x version

I want to migrate my magento website store version 1.7 to 2.0.4.
First of all we are thinking to apply same theme as our existing website have, so the same look will for magento 2.x website also.
So I would like to know which steps are necessary to migrate complete store,
Initially I am looking for just installing magento 1.7 theme into magento 2.
I check this link but not able to figure out.
Is this possible ?
Any guidance please.
As per magento 2 guide lines you can't migrate whole m1 to m2. you can only able to get the following details like "order","customer","promotion rule".
As far as your theme is concern your current m1 theme is not compatible with m2 as M2 totally changed in term of coding structure.
if you have purchased your current theme for m1 then you can have wording with your theme proving to find out whether they have ready theme for m2.
Make sure before migration cause m1 extension are also not compatible with m2.
First Thing First : get your self a development environment set up and migrate your current data i.e customer orders, products blar blar and then have a play in the development environment.
You can download the migration tools HERE
Then write down a list of all your current M1 extensions and site features and then look for the equivalant extenion on M2 market place or get one built, or build your own.
Get all your business logic working on you the new M2 development site and then when you have your site functioning as it should with the data from your M1 site start to think about the theme and styling to match your M1 site and only when you are happy flick the switch!
Just make sure you test and test every site feature in M2, migrating from magento 1 to magento 2 is not easy but its just a matter of proper planning and when you get stuck just ask here on stack for help at each point.
Good look

I need to migrate Menus and Menus Items from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5

i have already upgraded my site earlier to Joomla 2.5, but still i am using Joomla1.5 as live site. now i need to fully upgrade but dont want to fully migrate i just need menus and menu items from joomla 1.5 other things are already updated in New Site (Joomla 2.5).
so please tell me the way by which only menu and menu items were migrated i cannot do it manually beacuse they are in thousnds (approx 4000 Menu Items). i have tried by exporting and importing menus databse tables manually, but with no success.
Please advice me
Thanks in Advance
Since you have already done this, you should be familiar with the process of the upgrade/migrate data from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5.
However much of the success of your attempt is depending also on the overall db changes that might have occurred on your current 1.5 live site.
Given that, you might be just good by only migrating the menu-items, but if any other changes occurred in your website, like changing older articles or categories etc (changes that do not exist on the already upgraded 2.5 site), then you might end with a messy database, if you only try to import the menu items.
In this case, you might want to consider to migrate/upgrade the whole database again, and connect your 2.5 website with this database.
But if you are sure that you only need the menu-items, then follow below:
Probably you used one of the available tools JUpgrade or SP Upgrade. I don't know about JUpgrade, but I would recommend to use the SP Upgrade (paid download), which allows migration of selected db tables.
If this is not the option for you, then perform the full database upgrade with your preferred method (as you have already done), in order to create a fresh new 2.5 database (not do this over the current 2.5). Then you can export/import/replace data from the fresh 2.5 to the old one.
Hope this helps a bit...

How to create multiple frontend-editable textfields on one page

I need to have several textfields (may be articles, but not neccessarily) on a page, that is easily edited from frontend for registered users.
How do I best achieve this?
It is for Joomla 3.1
You can go several ways:
Use a cck: this is the easiest, no coding required, browse the JED for Sobi, K2, Zoo, Content builder...
Write a simple component: using componentbuilder or the like it won't take long and you'll only need to write very little code if this is the only requirement.
Upgrade to J3.2 and use the bundled FOF (by akeeba, introduced in Joomla core as of 3.2); Joomla! 3.2 will be available in 3 days, but you can already download the beta. With FOF you can achieve much the same as 2. by writing a simple xml file.
Depending on what you plan to do with this data, and your coding skills, the right answer may be any of the above.

How to preserve customization while upgrading to a new version of nopCommerce?

I'm working on NopCommerce 2.60 and I have extended Affiliate Module in NopCommerce 2.6 by adding two new fields like "WebsiteURL" and "Picture Upload".
For that I have made changes in Affiliate Services, Affiliate Controller, Affiliate.cs, Affiliate Map, Affiliate Model files. Now If I want to integrate these changes in upcoming versions of NopCommerce.
So What is better way to make changes in NopCommerce code and easily integrate in upcoming versions of NopCommerce?
There is no any way in nopcommerce to upgrade custom functionality in higher version. instead of that i would suggest right you function independent to nop means write separate classes for all Affiliate functionality, copy it in next version as you see in nopcommerce2.65 they have change some service, properties name.
I have recently looked into this since our company wanted to make sure nopCommerce could be upgraded at later dates if needed. The best solution we found was to make our modifications into plugins so that we could refrain from modifying the core as much as possible. Like Shivkumar said, it's not really possible to make nopCommerce upgrade proof.
Hope this helps.

Joomla - VirtueMart 1 or 2

I am pretty new to Virtuemart and now I do have to set up my first Webshop for a Customer.
As there is already a Virtuemart 2 Version I am now not shure which Version to take.
Well I think I am going to use VM1, because it is stable. But now I am asking myself:
What are the advantages/features of VM2?
Are there already Plugins out there for VM2? (Because I assume that
they'll need to be rewritten for VM2)
When can I expect a stable version of VM2?
Do you already have experience with VM2?
Advantages/features of VM2
For faster and more secure programming they use now more abstract classes.
Completly redesigned table layout.
Added hooks for plugins (own views, own customer number system, and so on,...), look in the wiki for more information ( )
Added registering while checkout
New backend design
Hardened against hackers
New js (jQuery to avoid Mootools incompatibility problems)
Customfields for the computer/pizza configurator
Real multicurrency, real currency format defined by currency
Prices displaying configurable by shoppergroups (also rounding)
Various sorting and searching options
Update system using Akeeba Release System (ARS, more information
Extensions for VM2
The extensions directory contain a lot of extensions for VM and some were updated for VM2 ( )
Stable version of VM2
There is no clear data about this now. The current version at the moment is a release candidate which means a sable version is coming soon after sufficient users and developers test it and report the bugs.
Experience with VM2
I've used VM1 and migrated two websites for VM2 before. VM2 definitely worth the try, templates is way much better than the old table based ugly coded layout. Everything is perfect except if you are going to use Joomla 1.6 The modules does not work without glitches. Other that it's working with Joomla 1.5 perfectly.
Try Virtuemart 2 only if you are not planning to use any custom shipping module like canada post or UPS.
Or have enough knowledge to build it on your own.
VM2 performs shipping and payment system using plugin and trying hard to follow MVC structure of joomla.which is still under development.
Unless, VM2 is great and flexible.
