Compilation converts utf-8 characters to question mark in PLSQL developer - oracle

I am using PLSQL developer to work with oracle db. When I compile a view which stores code like this:
select 'xidmət' as service from dual
the 'ə' character in the string becomes '?' character.
I think it's some oracle or plsql developer configuration problem, but I don't know what.What do you think the problem is?

First, check what your character set is using this:
select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
Then set your NLS_LANG environment variable to AMERICAN_AMERICA.CHARSET where CHARSET is the value found with that select. If you are in Windows, you will have to go to Control Panel, System, Advanced, Environment Variables, and set NLS_LANG under System variables.
Oracle does at least a 'one-pass' conversion between client and database, but the problem is that there are so many layers between client and database, including your client software, that it is usually better to match your client NLS_LANG with the database setting.
It also depends how that character was inserted. It might have been inserted using a different client tool using a different NLS_LANG, so you might have to update your extended ASCII characters (or foreign characters) before you get a consistent view from your select.

Need to configure your systems NLS_LANG parameter, according to your language preferences. Here's a link:
For example, we have letters like "ąčęėįšųū". So in order to see them in pl/sql, we set NLS_LANG with value "LITHUANIAN_LITHUANIA.BLT8MSWIN1257".
Hope it helps. Good luck.


Oracle Client_charset

I am using 19c client and my database's NLS parameters like these:
Also my clients specs are:
While (Windows 10 x64) I am using sqplus, I get this(you can see my NLS_LANG environment variable on the top of command line):
My 19c client home regedit NLS_LANG variable also is set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.W8ISO8859P9.
Yet, when I using TOAD for Oracle:
and using SQL Developer:
I got confused. On the internet they say NLS_LANG environment variable should be enough for setting client character set, but clearly it isn' t.
Due to this configuration difference, I am seeing "fıtıkçışahap"(on sqlplus) as "fıtıkçışahap"(on SQL Developer and TOAD for Oracle)
How can I overcome this situation?
Thanks in advance!
Forget about SELECT CLIENT_CHARSET FROM V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO, it does not mean anything.
SQL Developer is Java/JDBC based. Starting from Oracle Database 10g, the NLS_LANG variable is no longer part of the JDBC globalization mechanism. The JDBC driver does not check NLS environment. So, setting it has no effect.
Your NLS_LANG variable is set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.W8ISO8859P9 - what does it mean in terms of character set?
You tell the Oracle database: "my client uses character set W8ISO8859P9" (i.e. ISO-8859-9) - no more, no less!
When you run SQL*Plus then it inherits the character set from the command line codepage. You can interrogate and modify the codepage with command chcp. I assume it is either CP857 (if you run a Turkish Windows) or CP850 or CP437 (see National Language Support (NLS) API Reference). Non of these three codepages matches ISO-8859-9, so your output is gibberish.
Before you run SQL*Plus set the codepage accordingly, i.e. chcp 28599 (see Code Page Identifiers)
Usually TOAD handles the character set very smart, so I fear the gibberish you see in TOAD is the real data in your database, i.e. it is junk because you had the wrong NLS_LANG value when the data was inserted.
See also OdbcConnection returning Chinese Characters as "?"
My PostgreSQL database' s encoding was tr_TR.UTF8, so still UTF8. It should have been LATIN that support Turkish character set. Changing it to tr_TR.iso8859 solved my problem.

Gibberish filed values when Loading data with Oracle SQL Loader (sqlldr)

to load data in an oracle table doesn't result in any errors but the value of the fields are gibberish. not all the values of course, only the values which was in persian(arabic) format.
already read many questions here but could not resolve the issue, most relatable topic to this problem were :[Unreadable character in generated sqlplus file
although the values in my case isn't question mark, but something like ,ÑÇå Âåä or äÇ ãÔÎÕ
Also played with the NLS_LANG environment variable but it was to no avail.
Created different oracle databases with different character set's, this also was to no avail.
I'm new to oracle, so it is highly likely that I'm making a rookie mistake while creating database and setting character set or something else, to be honest i have no idea. but tried many responses from users and here i am.
I Uploaded the table schema and Ctl extension File to replicate the problem, the link to the related files are resided in this link: [][1]
In total you have three character sets or encodings.
What is the encoding of your file? Check the save options of the editor or the application which created the file.
The character set of your command line window cmd.exe, called "codepage". You can interrogate (or change) with command chcp
The character set of your database.
1) and 2) must be the same. Use command chcp to set them equal (or change settings in your editor)
3) can be different but the character set must support persian/arabic characters, so most likely AL32UTF8 which is the default nowadays.
Use the NLS_LANG value to tell the database which character set is used for 1) and 2), example
C:\>chcp 1256
Aktive Codepage: 1256.
C:\>set NLS_LANG=.AR8MSWIN1256
C:\>sqlldr ...
You can get a list of codepages vs. Oracle character set with this query:
And here a list of Code Page Identifiers
See also OdbcConnection returning Chinese Characters as "?" to get more details.

How do I change the NLS_CHARACTERSET setting on Windows 7 for Oracle 11g ODBC client

I'm trying to retrieve data from an Oracle database into MS Access or Excel on to a Windows 7 PC. The data includes characters such as degree and diameter symbols. These are not displayed correctly on the PC. I can see that the data is stored correctly using the dump function in my query, and that it is the translation to the client character set that not bringing them in.
By looking at this query, and also querying the database parameters with SELECT * FROM NLS_database_PARAMETERS, I can see that the NLS_CHARACTERSET = US7ASCII. I think this is cause of the problem as the diameter symbol etc is not included in this character set.
But, I've checked the registry to see what NLS_LANG is set to, and it is ENGLISH_UNITED KINGDOM.WE8MSWIN1252. I know that I'm looking in the correct registry key because when I change the language/territory (to GERMAN_GERMANY for example) it does change for my queries.
I've also checked for an environment variable that is overriding this setting and couldn't find one. I trying creating an NLS_LANG environment variable with the same settings as above but that didn't make any difference.
My Windows code page is set to 1252. The database NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET setting is AL16UTF16.
Any ideas of what to do next?
If NLS_CHARACTERSET is set to US7ASCII then you will never get any special characters from it. With NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET=AL16UTF16 you should get any character, provided the data type of your column is NVARCHAR2 or NCHAR (not VARCHAR2)
Set your local NLS_LANG to ENGLISH_UNITED KINGDOM.AL32UTF8 then it should work.

Oracle SQL Developer environment encoding

I have Oracle SQL Developer (3.1.07) and I'm trying to work with a database that uses WE8ISO8859P1 encoding:
SELECT * FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';
I have problems with saving packages that contains unicode symbols. When I open previously saved package all unicode symbols are turned to '¿'.
What settings do I have to change to make SQL Developer keep those symbols?
I've tried to set environment encoding to 'ISO-8859-15' and some other encodings, but it won't help.
If your database encodes text to a non-unicode single-byte encoding (e.g. ISO-8859), any symbol not present on the character table will be seen as invalid and replaced by a placeholder. You can't go back from that, the information is lost.
That can be usually worked around when storing data, but as for source code, you cannot control how Oracle would encode your strings.
If your database is configured to use such encoding scheme you're probably not supposed to write code that violates its rules.
Maybe you could need this character set migration
on the Oracle's documentation
At least to open PKG in sql developer, you can do a quick try and see if it works:-
Change SQL Developer 'encoding' to 'unicode-utf-8' which is default to later versions now.
You would ,eventually, need to go for database charset migration to 'AL32UTF8' to avoid other issues (like data) due to this char set.
If you look at USER_SOURCE you'll see that the source code, as stored/interpreted by the database, will be in a VARCHAR2 column so use the database character set. As such, your source code will need to be in WE8ISO8859P1.
In theory, if the client and database are using the same character set, then the database won't try to do any character set translation and you may be able to sneak in a sequence of bytes that the database thinks are WE8ISO8859P1 but will make sense in unicode. However, at some point, someone will use the wrong client and it will break.
You don't need unicode for identifiers etc in the code, so I assume it is in string literals. You are better off storing these in a table (NVARCHAR2 column) and selecting them into the code rather than hard-coding them. If that isn't possible, you could use UNISTR and hard-code the relevant hex values.

UTF 8 from Oracle tables

The client has asked for a number of tables to be extracted into csv's, all done no problem. They've just asked we make sure the files are always in UTF 8 format.
How do I check this is actually the case. Or even better force it to be so, is it something i can set in a procedure before running a query perhaps?
The data is extracted from an Oracle 10g database.
What should I be checking?
You can check the database character set with the following query:
select value from nls_database_parameters
where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET'
If it says AL32UTF8 then your database is in the format what you need and if the export does not impair it then your are done.
You may read about Oracle globalization support here, and here about NLS parameters like the above.
How, exactly, are you generating the CSV files? Depending on the exact architecture, there will be different answers.
If you are, for example, using SQL*Plus to extract the data, you would need to set the NLS_LANG on the client machine to something appropriate (i.e. AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8) to force the data to be sent to the client machine in UTF-8. If you are using other approaches, NLS_LANG may or may not be important.
What you have to look for is the eight-bit ascii characters in hte input (if any) are translated into double byte utf-8 characters.
This is highly dependant on your local ASCII code page but typically:-
ASCII "£" should be x'A3' in ascii magically becomes x'C2A3' in utf-8.
Ok it wasn't as simple as I first hoped. The query above returns AL32UTF8.
I am using a stored proc compiled on the database to loop through a list of table names held in an array inside the stored procedure.
I use DBMS_SQL package to build the SQL and UTL_FILE.PUT_NCHAR to insert data into a text file.
I believed then my resultant output would be in UTF 8 however opening in Textpad says it's in ANSI and the data is garbled in places :)
It might be important that NLS_CHARACTERSET is AL32UTF8 and NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET is AL16UTF16
