How do you write a Spring Cloud Config Server with Spring Boot (1.5.3.RELEASE) and Spring Cloud Config (1.3.0.RELEASE)? - spring

I modified the spring-cloud-config-server-mongodb project to use the latest version of Spring Boot (1.5.3.RELEASE) and Spring Cloud Config (1.3.0.RELEASE).
I also introduced the class MongoConfigServer that runs the mongo db config server.
When I run it, I get this error:
No qualifying bean of type
'' available:
more than one 'primary' bean found among candidates: [searchPathLocator, environmentRepository, searchPathCompositeEnvironmentRepository]
I am not sure what I did wrong. How do I write my own config server without getting this error?
I don't see any documentation on how to do this.
Can somebody please help me, or guide me?
This mongo db config server used to work with older versions of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Config.
I am using this Mongo DB Config Server as an example for writing a different Config Server, which is also receiving the same error.
My fork of spring-cloud-config-server-mongodb is available at

The spring-cloud-config-server-mongodb project has been upgraded to use spring-boot 1.5.7 snapshots.

I fixed this issue by updating
What I did was I removed the searchPathLocator bean, and removed the primary annotation from environmentRepository.
I guess Spring Cloud Config was updated to conditionally find an environmentRepository bean.


RestHighLevelClient Bean for elasticsearch not found on classpath in spring boot 3

I am trying to upgrade my existing spring boot 2.7.x project to spring boot 3.x.x.
I have sorted out everything except this error while running the application.
Parameter 0 of method lockProvider in com.cox.config.ShedLockConfiguration required a bean of type 'org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient' in your configuration.
Process finished with exit code 0
Spring Boot Version used is 3.0.0
I am aware that RestHighLevelClient is deprecated, but documentation says it's still available in spring-data-elasticsearch
Tried upgrading all dependencies to be compatible with spring boot 3
Also getting below error for another component with elastic search which I am trying to upgrade to spring boot 3
Parameter 2 of constructor in com.cox.service.esindex.EsIndexRefreshService required a bean of type '' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type '' in your configuration.
It looks like spring boot is no longer creating beans for deprecated methods/classes. Can you please help me map each deprecated method/class with the new spring-data-elasticsearch
The documentation explicitly states:
The old deprecated RestHighLevelClient can still be used, but you will need to add the dependency explicitly to your application as Spring Data Elasticsearch does not pull it in automatically anymore:
Edit 18.02.2023:
Check the documentation it also documents how to configure the different clients. You will have to do this configuraiton by yourself, I don't think that Spring Boot will configure this automatically, they are using the current stuff from Spring Data Elasticsearch .

Neo4J connection timed out in Spring Boot 2.2.4 but not in 2.0.5

I'm building a Spring Boot application with neo4j. I have an issue connecting to a deployed database when I'm running on Spring Boot 2.2.4. In an other project with Spring Boot 2.0.5 it works, but when I upgrade that project to 2.2.4 it also breaks with the same exception.
The weird thing is that it also works on 2.2.4 locally when using a local Docker image.
I get the following exception when I try to connect to a deployed neo4j instance in the cloud using an uri of the form bolt://35.xx.xx.xx:7687 AND on Spring Boot 2.2.4:
If I run my docker image and I change the connection uri to bolt://localhost:7687 it also works perfectly fine on Spring Boot 2.2.4.
Even in my gitlab CI/CD pipeline the test works fine using a service inside the pipeline, also with the same neo4j image.
This is my build.gradle:
And these are the versions effectively installed:
I also can always use browser to connect to my database that's why I assume that it has something to do with the versions instead of my cloud configuration.
Anyone any idea what I have to change on my configuration?
Thanks in advance!
We run following versions:
neo4j 3.5.14
Spring Boot 2.2.4
Java 11
As someone proposed, I also setup a very simplistic example application ( using just the neo4j driver v4 with my GCP instance of Neo4J. This works perfectly fine.
My looks like this: # <- in prod # <- in dev # <- in CI/CD****
The different environments are splitted in seperate property files that set the spring active profile. Im always testing this with replacing the localhost one in the to the public ip.
My final setup (and solution) was to use only following dependencies:
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j'
implementation 'org.neo4j.driver:neo4j-java-driver-spring-boot-starter:'
And use following settings in the properties file:
Encryption wasn't the problem, but the settings had to be set to org.neo4j.driver instead of the org.springramework.boot dependency. The springframework dependency is still needed to use #Query etc in the repositories, thats why I needed both.

Spring cloud starter task : Not able to work on Spring boot 2.x

I was trying to make spring boot batch application(2.0.0.RC1) work with Spring cloud starter task(2.0.0.M2).
Getting a range of errors while making Spring cloud starter task work with spring boot 2.x batch application.
I was able to run batch applicationspring-boot-starter-parent(1.5.10.RELEASE) with Spring cloud starter task(2.0.0.M2) successfully.
Here is the screeenshot
But when I tried Spring cloud starter task(2.0.0.M2) with spring boot 2.0.0.RC1, I am getting following error.
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidTypeIdException: Could not resolve type id '' into a subtype of [simple type, class java.lang.Object]:
Here is the screenshot of the same.
So I decided to downgrade Spring boot to 2.0.0.M7.Alas I am getting a different exception.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext#61f78561 has been closed already.
Why this exceptions happens?Any help/guide would be appreciated.
There have been quite a few upstream changes in Spring Boot, which caused side effects in Spring Cloud Task's 2.0.
We have had a all of them resolved (some in Boot itself) - see here.
We are targeting a 2.0 M3 release this week, so until that is done, perhaps you could try building 2.0 BUILD-SNAPSHOT locally. If you see any other anomaly, please let us know.

JHipster update configuration at runtime

I have a java service created using JHipster Generator ver 3.4.0 using the monolith approach. How can I use #RefreshScope? Is it just a matter of brining in spring-cloud as dependency and annotating with bean #RefreshScope?
Does the JHipster Configuration UI support updating configuration values?
Is it just a matter of brining in spring-cloud as dependency and annotating with bean #RefreshScope?
You can add spring cloud dependencies partially, so yes. You can generate a microservice application to see how this should be configured properly by taking a look at bootstrap.yml
Does the JHipster Configuration UI support updating configuration values?
I believe you are talking about the JHipster Registry. The purpose of this UI is to show you an aggregated configuration, which is efficiently loaded for some application. This is not really part of spring cloud config. The only 2 ways are filesystem or git repository.
But we are currently working on integrating consul as config solution as well. Consul itself does provide an UI to change config on the fly

Spring Boot blows up when using solrj but not spring-boot-starter-data-solr

I am trying to port an existing Spring application across to Spring Boot. I am NOT using the spring-boot-starter-data-solr starter however I have apache solrj (5.0.0) on my classpath.
During startup the app blows up. It seems that spring boot sees the solr classes and assumes that I also have spring-boot-starter-data-solr on the classpath. In particular I get this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: #ConditionalOnMissingBean
annotations must specify at least one bean (type, name or annotation)
If I drop the solrj dependency and use spring-boot-starter-data-solr instead it is ok. However I don't need the spring-data-solr integration and doing so will force me to backport our app to the 4.7.x release of solr.
Is anyone aware of a workaround for this?
So it seems the problem was caused by spring boot's dependency on solrj 4.7.x whereas I am using 5.0.0
I fixed it by using
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = {SolrAutoConfiguration.class})
To tell boot to ignore the SolrAutoConfiguration completely.
