Docker and rancher - bash

i never really understood how to start a docker and how to maintain it alive.
I have a question, so when you start a docker in the terminal you must provide a command for the docker so it maintains alive, and when you dont provide a service it restarts everytime, you can provide the /bin/bash so it maintains open. (Could you show me how to do it the right way, maintain it open with bash ?)
When it comes to rancher, when you create a new docker you can provide the command too, but if you dont the docker won't restart it maintains alive, so what does this means, that it have default command ? (/bin/bash)? What command does exactly executes rancher to start the docker?
thank you all

It is probably best if you read some about docker, to get the various concepts clear. From your use of "a docker", it seems that you don't really have all the pieces yet for an easy understanding.
A quick layout would be that you have
Image. I have seen this compared to a 'class' in programming
Container. In the same comparison, this would be an object: an instance of a class.
If you want to run something with docker, you start a container from an image. Just like if you want to create an object, you create one from a class. (lets not take this comparison/simili too far)
Now a containers purpose is to run something, rather, to run a single something. So "keeping a docker open" is not something you 'should want' What you want is to run, for instance, a server. Or a script.
Every container runs a single process (or should run one). As the 'official' usecase is not 'create a virtual server you can play around', it might behave strange or complicated if you want to have place to ssh to and not run a specific thing.
This also means you don't want to run any services as a background: if you run apache, you want to run it not as a daemon, but just run it: that's what the docker container is for. If you need to run something else (for instance, a database server) you would start a second container.
There might be exceptions for this, but to get your head around the why stuff works as it does, you should probably start somewhat religiously with these 'rules', and from that point go on.


Running bash script on GCP VM instance programmatically

I've read multiple posts on running scripts on GCP VMs but unfortunately could not find an answer that would satisfy my needs.
I have a Go application and I'm looking for a way to run a bash script on a VM instance programatically.
I'm using a Google Cloud Golang SDK which allows me to fetch VM instance info. Unfortunately SDK does not contain a functionality that allows running a bash script on a specific instance(unlike an Azure Cloud SDK for example).
Options I've found:
Google Cloud Compute SDK has an option to set a startup script, that
will run every time an instance is restarted.
Add instance-level public SSH key. Establish an SSH connection and
run a script using Go SSH client.
Obviously startup script will require an instance reboot and this is not possible in my use case.
SSH might be also problematic, in case instance is not running SSH
daemon or SSH port is not open. Also, SSH daemon config does not
permit root login by default(PermitRootLogin might be false), thus
script might be running on a non privileged user, making this option not
suitable either.
I should probably note that I am not authorised to change configuration of those VMs (for example change ssh daemon conf to permit root login), I can just use a token based authentication to access them, preferably through SDK, though other options are also possible as long as I am not exposing the instance to additional risks.
What options do I have? Is this even doable? Am I missing something?
As said by Kolban, there is no such API to trigger from outside a bash inside the VM. The best solution is to deploy a webserver (a REST API) that call the bash and to expose it (externally or internally).
But you can also cheat. You can create a daemon on your VM that you run with a startup script and that listen a custom metadata; let's say check it every seconds.
When the metadata is updated, the daemon can perform actions. You can imagine that the metadata contain the script to run with the parameters. At the end of the run, the metadata is cleaned by the daemon.
So now, to run your bash, call the setMetadata Api. It's not out of the box, but you can have something similar of what you expected.
Think of GCP as providing the virtual machine infrastructure such as compute, memory, disk and networking. What runs when the machine boots is between you and the machine image. I am hearing you say that you want to run a bash script within the VM. That is outside of the governance of GCP. GCP will only affect the operation and existence of the environment. If what you want to happen is run a script within the VM programatically you will need to run some form of demon inside the VM that can be signaled to run such a script. This could be a web server such as flask or express, it could be your SSH server or it could be some other technology you choose.
The core thing I think you were looking for was some GCP API that, when called, would run a script within the Compute Engine. I'm going to say that there is no such API.

How to edit internal files without running container

Mariadb10.3 was installed as Docker on Mac, and the collaction-server value in the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file was modified.
After modification, I tried to restart the container, but when I entered the'docker ps -a' command, the Status was displayed as Exited(1).
So I entered docker logs [container name] and the following error was displayed.
The setting parameter was incorrectly written as'collection-server=utf8_unicode_ci'.
So the container did not run.
I've looked at several ways, but I can't find a way to modify the internal files without running the container.
I know that you shouldn't tamper with files inside the Docker container.
My question may be,'How do I edit a file inside the computer without turning on the computer?', but I don't think that the answer is to delete the container and create a new one.
Of course, deleting the container and installing a new one will save time and may be the simplest method. But I thought in a different way.
If a company that actually operates this docker container has the same mistake as me and cannot operate the container, it must be a very fatal mistake.
Because of that, I don't know... I think there is definitely a way.
I would like advice on a solution to this method.

Tomcat as a Service

I need to write a shell script in which I need to bounce the Tomcat server(it would possibly on anyone's system). Hence, I wanted to know how should I check if tomcat is ran as a service with "service tomcat6 start" or with the script "./bin/"?
If this is for a production server: Assume that it's always started as a service. If you find out that it isn't: Find the person that started from the shell and fire them.
Hard words, but on production systems: Hand off, keep them operating according to a standard. If you automate the bouncing (restart): This is what you do.
Dangers when starting through The process will be started as whatever user executes the script - potentially lacking write permissions to the log and temp files, or ruining it for the next start through service tomcat start, when the service can't access those files any more.
Thinking of it: It might be a good idea to check (at least) the identity of the current user in (or and terminate if it's not the expected one. Thus effectively forbidding to ever run as a regular user, including root.

How to run an application inside docker safely

I want to run an arbitrary application inside a docker container safely, like within a vm. To do so I save the application (that I donwloaded from the web and that I don't trust) inside a directory of the host system and I create a volume that maps this directory with the home directory of the container and then I run the application inside the container. Are there any security issues with this approach? Are there better solutions to accomplish the same task?
Moreover, to install all the necessary dependencies, I let to execute an arbitrary script inside a bash terminal running inside the container: could this be dangerous?
To add to #Dimitris answer. There are other things you need to consider.
There are certain things container do not contain. Docker uses namespaces to alter process view of the system.i.e N/W Shared memory etc. But you have to keep in mind it is not like KVM. Docker do talk to kernel directly unlike KVM(Vms) like /proc/sys.
So if the arbitrary application tries to access kernel subsystems like Cgroups , /proc/sys , /proc/bus etc. you could be in trouble. I would say its fine unless its a multi-tenant system.
As long as you do not give the application sudo access you should be good to try it out.
Dependencies are better off defined in the Dockerfile in a clear way for other to see. Opting to run a script instead will also do the job but it's more inconvenient.

How can I launch 10 instances, and tag them at once

I want a single script that can lauch, and tag my instances which I can then use chef to configure them accordingly.
Say my service requires 10 instances, I want to be able to run 10 instances, then tag them according to their role (web, db, app server).
Then once I do that, I can use chef to connect to each one and configure them how i want.
But I'm confused, I know I can launch instances, but how do you wait for them to come online? Do you have to continously loop in some sort of a timer? That seems like a very hacky way to do it!
If you're going to do everything from the outside you do just have to poll to wait for the instance to be ready (which doesn't necessarily mean its ready to use - actual startup completed a little later)
You can also pass user data when you start an instance. Most amis support cloud init, and will interpret the data passed as a shell script if in the right format. That shell script could run chef or do other configuration tasks.
