Spring zuul proxy to OAuth2 server password grant - spring

I'm trying to implement a Zuul reverse proxy with #EnableOAuth2Sso so I can relay the access tokens obtained from the authentication server to my resource server.
The question is how do I configure the Zuul proxy to forward the username and password to the authentication server, since I am using the password grant flow to obtain the tokens.

If the question is still relevant...
I had a task to configure Authorization and Resource servers behind Zuul using password grant type.
This article and example on github helped me a lot, but mostly I've used debug to configure the environment.
Please check my example of configuration OAuth2 Password Grant Type behind Zuul.
To run the example, inside every service folder run mnv spring-boot:run
In browser go to http://localhost:8765, credentials user/user, admin/admin
http://localhost:8761/ - eureka
I have not used #EnableOAuth2Sso, but instead #EnableOAuth2Client and configure only ResourceOwnerPasswordAccessTokenProvider (more details here).
#EnableOAuth2Sso is configured all token providers, but I need only password provider.
Example uses JwtTokens.


Resource Owner Password Credentials with Spring Boot

I have a legacy desktop application that communicates with a Spring Boot server (latest version 2.2.2.RELEASE). I'm using OAuth2 for authentication (provided by spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client). I want to avoid changing the client because is a legacy application. It is capable of collecting the credentials and start the session via HTTP Basic Authentication, and then keep the cookies for the session in the following requests.
Given this scenario, I think best option is to make use the OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant. With this, we can exchange the collected credentials by the OAuth2 Tokens. We have two options:
Option 1:
Modify the client application to use the access tokens via the Authorization header. This will require to make an initial call to the Authorization Provider to exchange the collected credentials by the tokens.
Option 2:
Keep using the Spring session and store the information about the OAuth client in the server.
I found this project ALMOST does that: https://github.com/jgrandja/spring-security-oauth-5-2-migrate. It has a client (messaging-client-password) defined with authorization-grant-type: password which will activate the OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant in Spring Boot.
It creates an OAuth2 client and stores its information in the session, then Spring is able to use that client in further requests. The problem with this project is it seems to only work as when the OAuth client is used to make HTTP requests (e. g. an endpoint that makes a call to another service) and not provide authentication to the controller. You can find more information about this in here:
Spring Security 5.2 Password Flow
Github related issues: link1, link2, link3
Exception thrown when we try to use the password client as authentication
The natural idea to overcome this is to implement a proxy and use the OAuth2 client in the requests. Well, Spring already offers a proxy solution, the Spring Cloud Gateway. But I don't know to accomplish that with this setup.
Any insights? Am I thinking correctly or should I follow a different approach?

Client Application using Basic Auth with Spring Security and Keycloak

I have an architecture where my user application wants to use a basic authentication when accessing a spring service. This service has to use a Keycloak instance to verify the user/pass of the user application. I don't succeed to configure it (and don't know if its possible).
Yes, it is possible. Keycloak has Spring Security adapter that can be configured for Client and/or Resource Server.
And also a working example here:

How to implement JWT with Keycloak in Spring boot microservice acrhitecture?

I have read some articles for Keycloak spring implementation (eg: easily-secure-your-spring-boot-applications-with-keycloak) but no one mention how to use with JWT.
I have created zuul api gateway and add Keycloak adapter as described in the previously linked article. That's ok, but I want to use JWT with keycloak.
Mentioned elsewhere set the client access type to bearer-only and the session strategy to NullAuthenticatedSessionStrategy. That's enough or need something else for JWT?
So my questions:
How do I configure client on Keycloak admin for JWT?
How do I configure Keycloak in backend config file for JWT?
How do I configure Keycloak adapter for JWT?
How do I pass user info to microservice? Create filter in gateway? But how I get user info from request?
Keycloak access token is a JWT. It is a JSON and each field in that JSON is called a claim. By default, logged in username is returned in a claim named “preferred_username” in access token. Spring Security OAuth2 Resource Server expects username in a claim named “user_name”. So, you need to create mapper to map logged in username to a new claim named user_name.
In order to provide access to client (micro-service), respective role needs to be assigned/mapped to user.
In your spring boot application, then you need to configure connection to keycloak server, providing, auth url, token url, scope, grant-type, client-id and client-secret.
Afterthat, your app be able to parse JWT token, you need to create some JwtAccessTokenCustomizer. This class should extend DefaultAccessTokenConverter and implement JwtAccessTokenConverterConfigurer classes. The main logic lays in public OAuth2Authentication extractAuthentication(Map<String, ?> tokenMap) method.
Then you need to configure OAuth2 Resource Server to provide access for other micro services. For that you define here - Oauth2RestTemplate Bean.
And in the end, secure your REST API, via the standard configuration Component.
So, you can see that, it is a large work, and couldn't be described with code, show some of your work, divide it to the chunk, and ask interesting your questions.

Getting HTTP 401 with Spring Boot custom authorization server when accessing spring client

Hi everyone i am not able to proceed with following settings. your small pointers are appreciated.
problem statement
i am trying to use custom authorization server provided by spring cloud security and OAuth2 with my web application so that it can propagate access token to micro services in back end.
i can able to see my authorization server can able to provide access token and when try to ingest access token for invoking endpoints for for back end micro service it work as per expectation
problem faced
when i provide following configuration in spring boot web client(which will call my back end micro service)
in application.properties
and i provide
in my browser. it asks for credentials. i provide credentials as present with authorization server.
once valid credentials provided authorization server asks for valid scopes.
but one important thing i observe when my web client routed to authorization server it has redirect_uri
(not ok since initially i entered http://localhost:8080)
i am also getting HTTP 401 error

Allow Authentication server access to Resource server

I'm working with the Spring OAuth2 sparklr and toner examples. I've broken up sparklr into two applications to separate the Resource server and Authentication server. They're both running on Spring Boot and Java Config.
The Resource server (API) has a /account resource I would like to expose to the Authentication server (MVC) so that the Auth server can create accounts, but of course the resource is protected.
How can I grant the Authentication server access to the /account on the Resource server?
If your /account resource is an oauth protected resource then your auth server is now a client. I don't see any in principle problem with that (copy the client side config from tonr and use an OAuth2RestTemplate like it was a vanilla RestTemplate). You haven't really provided enough information to know what kind of client and grant type should be used (maybe client_credentials?).
