How to make visual studio auto-save changes after delay like vscode? - visual-studio

I recently started to work with visual studio 2017. I am looking for making visual studio 2017 to auto-save after delay as what vscode does. Is there any way to achieve that?

Not exactly what you ask for, but Visual Studio has AutoRecover feature that can restore unsaved changes in case of a crash.
You can also auto save files when Visual Studio loses focus.


Visual Studio 2017 - How to get rid of split view bar?

How to get rid of bar marked on below screenshot? Previously I had there some kind of code tracking, like code minimap, using which I could quickly move to specific part of my code, but I decided to remove it. It worked, but bar remained and it is misleading for me, as it cuts my code (it can also be seen on screenshot) and just waste space.
I remember that I saw this feature for first time in Visual Studio Code, but disabling it was easy as it required only to add one line to settings JSON file. Unfortunately, I can't see such a file for Visual Studio 2017. On the other side - last time Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code acted like two separate beings and that's fine for me. This time they act like Visual Studio 2017 inherits settings from Visual Studio Code. I had this code minimap though I never enabled it. I had ESLint enabled in Visual Studio 2017 though I never enabled it. However both of those were enabled in Visual Studio Code. Is there a way to separate Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code again? I would like my settings from Visual Studio Code to not be adopted by Visual Studio 2017.
Fixed. I had to enter Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> Scroll Bars and changed Behavior from "Use map mode for vertical scroll bar" to "Use bar mode for vertical scroll bar".
My question about inheriting settings from Visual Studio Code by Visual Studio 2017 is still up-to-date.

How can I disable this pop-up that appears during hover in the Visual Studio editor?

I've already turned off many options in Visual Studio 2017, but I can't suppress this annoying pop-up. (Not this specific one, but all of them, for all the API's)
Can someone please show me the setting I need?
Check this old post How do I turn off code tooltips in Visual Studio 2010. In it a workaround is provided but you will probably make a new extension from the source for it to work in Visual Studio 2017.
Looks like there is no setting for this except for the C/C++ language.

Visual Studio takes ages creating a project

I have problem with my Visual studio 2013. When I'm trying to create even a simple console application,VS hangs and after a while the message 'Visual studio is busy: Microsoft Visual studio is waiting for internal operation to complete.' shows up.
I have reinstalled Visual Studio but without any luck. I've used ProcMon to check devenv and all the paths it shows, have to do with Android Studio.
I 'solved' the problem by accident. I disabled Source Control and for some reason, VS started working again. I know it's not an ideal solution but works just fine when you need VS urgently.
Don't know if Visual Studio is one of those programs. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe even after uninstalling, Visual Studio keeps some files in the registry from your previous installation and the AppData folder. You might want to clear those.
Close Visual Studio (if you haven’t already).
Open the registry editor (regedit.exe)
Delete the
Delete the
Delete the %USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio{version}
Use {version}=10.0 for Visual Studio 2010
Use {version}=11.0 for Visual Studio 2012
Use {version}=12.0 for Visual Studio 2013
Hope this helps

How to use Visual Studio 2010's advanced intellisense tooltip in Visual Studio 2012?

I don't know whether it is missing in Visual Studio 2012 but I wonder why I cannot see the advanced tooltip feature in 2012.
In VS2010, once you hover your mouse over a code, it displays the following:
But it is how it looks right now in Visual Studio 2012:
And it looks rather primitive compared to Visual Studio 2010.
That's from a Visual Studio Plug-in. I think it's either PowerTools or VSCommands. You should install the same plug-in in VS2012, and you should get that behavior back.
(Just confirmed that it's Productivity Power Tools that provides that feature.)

Is there an MRU Document order feature in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio 2005/2008 you could have your documents automatically arrange by the most recently used. The registry setting doesn't work for Visual Studio 2010. Does anybody know how to enable this feature for 2010.
This was an undocumented feature in VS 2005/2008. I was a big fan of it as well, and was wondering what happened to it. It appears that they've axed the feature from VS 2010.
