Run generated scripts against tablespaces_Oracle - oracle

The homework asks to re-org a fragmented tablespace. Instead of manually copy and drop each table between two tablespaces, the homework requires to write a script that will generate a script file which automatically runs against the tablespace and reconstruct it.
How to generate a script that runs automatically against thousands of tables?

you can use following query :
select 'alter table '||table_name ||' move tablespace NewTableSpace ' from dba_tables where TABLESPACE_NAME='current tablespace name';
if your table's owner is special user then use where clouse :
where owner = 'the owner name'
if you
remember that :first you need to create new tablespace with name :NewTableSpace
be carefull about the space of new tablespace(your new tablespace have to had enough space.


How to change the default tablespace of the schema in Oracle

There is a schema called Docker, in which there are tables named TABLE2, TABLE3.
SELECT * FROM all_all_tables WHERE TABLE_name= 'TABLE3';
Also, the Docker schema belongs to the DEFAULT TABLESPACE SYSTEM tablespace.
, default_tablespace from dba_users WHERE USERNAME = 'DOCKER';
The following syntax is used to change the default tablespace of the schema. (TS3 tablespace already exists)
ALTER USER docker DEFAULT tablespace TS3;
Then, when I searched again, I found that the DEFAULT TABLESPACE was changed.
, default_tablespace from dba_users WHERE USERNAME = 'DOCKER';
And, of course, I thought that the tablespace in which TABLE2 and TABLE3 were designated would also have been changed to TS3, and the following statement was executed.
However, the tablespace of the table was SYSTEM, not TS3. I am curious about why it hasn't changed, and I want to know how.
SELECT * FROM all_all_tables WHERE TABLE_name= 'TABLE3';
The default tablespace is just that-- a default for when you create a segment (normally a table or an index but a segment could be a partition of a table, a materialized view, or anything else that requires space) and don't specify the tablespace. Once you create a segment and it is assigned to a particular tablespace, it will remain in that tablespace unless you move it.
Assuming you are on 12.2 or later so that online moves are an option (in other versions you'd need to remove the online keyword)
alter table table3
move online tablespace ts3;
You'd need to do that for each table. If there are also indexes in the system tablespace, you'd want to move those as well
alter index index_name
rebuild online tablespace ts3;
Depending on the number of tables and indexes involved, you may want to write a bit of dynamic SQL to generate the various alter table and alter index statements for you.

Is there a need to create a tablespace in oracle

Is it mandatory to create a tablespace in oracle? I do know that it will take a users tablespace by default. What difference does it make by specifying a tablespace and without one? Now i have created a schema without tablespace and be defualt it is in users tablespace , what are the steps to take to move my objects and datas from default to one custom tablespace.Please suggest
You can simply rename USERS tablespace if you dislike its name.
alter tablespace USERS rename to COOLNAME;
If you want also to rename files then you need to offline tablespace and rename them.
To know the names you can select from dba_data_files or v$datafile
alter tablespace COOLNAME OFFLINE;
move file at OS level..
host mv /oracle/users01.dbf /oracle/coolname01.dbf
alter database rename file '/oracle/users01.dbf' to '/oracle/coolname01.dbf';
alter tablespace COOLNAME online;
If you need to move objects to another tablespace you should use move and rebuild DDL. Here is some useful queries to generate DDLs.
select 'alter table ' || OWNER || '.' || SEGMENT_NAME || ' move tablespace COOLNAME;' from dba_segments where OWNER='YOURUSER' and SEGMENT_TYPE='TABLE' and TABLESPACE_NAME='USERS';
select 'alter index ' || OWNER || '.' || SEGMENT_NAME || ' rebuild tablespace COOLNAME;' from dba_segments where OWNER='YOURUSER' and SEGMENT_TYPE='INDEX' and TABLESPACE_NAME='USERS';

How to move table from one tablespace to another in oracle 11g

I run oracle 11g and need to move table (tbl1) from one tablespace (tblspc1) to another (tblspc2). What is the easiest way to do that?
Try this:-
Very nice suggestion from IVAN in comments so thought to add in my answer
Note: this will invalidate all table's indexes. So this command is usually followed by
alter index <owner>."<index_name>" rebuild;
Use sql from sql:
spool output of this to a file:
select 'alter index '||owner||'.'||index_name||' rebuild tablespace TO_TABLESPACE_NAME;' from all_indexes where owner='OWNERNAME';
spoolfile will have something like this:
alter index OWNER.PK_INDEX rebuild tablespace CORRECT_TS_NAME;
Moving tables:
First run:
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE <schema_name>.' || OBJECT_NAME ||' MOVE TABLESPACE '||' <tablespace_name>; '
WHERE OWNER = '<schema_name>'
-- Or suggested in the comments (did not test it myself)
FROM dba_tables
Where <schema_name> is the name of the user.
And <tablespace_name> is the destination tablespace.
As a result you get lines like:
Paste the results in a script or in a oracle sql developer like application and run it.
Moving indexes:
First run:
SELECT 'ALTER INDEX <schema_name>.'||INDEX_NAME||' REBUILD TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>;'
WHERE OWNER = '<schema_name>'
AND TABLESPACE_NAME NOT LIKE '<tablespace_name>';
The last line in this code could save you a lot of time because it filters out the indexes which are already in the correct tablespace.
As a result you should get something like:
Paste the results in a script or in a oracle sql developer like application and run it.
Last but not least, moving LOBs:
First run:
WHERE OWNER = '<schema_name>' AND DATA_TYPE like '%LOB%';
This moves the LOB objects to the other tablespace.
As a result you should get something like:
ALTER TABLE SCOT.bin$6t926o3phqjgqkjabaetqg==$0 MOVE LOB(calendar) STORE AS (TABLESPACE USERS);
Paste the results in a script or in a oracle sql developer like application and run it.
O and there is one more thing:
For some reason I wasn't able to move 'DOMAIN' type indexes. As a work around I dropped the index. changed the default tablespace of the user into de desired tablespace. and then recreate the index again.
There is propably a better way but it worked for me.
Try this to move your table (tbl1) to tablespace (tblspc2).
alter table tb11 move tablespace tblspc2;
I tried many scripts but they didn't work for all objects. You can't move clustered objects from one tablespace to another. For that you will have to use expdp, so I will suggest expdp is the best option to move all objects to a different tablespace.
Below is the command:
nohup expdp \"/ as sysdba\" DIRECTORY=test_dir DUMPFILE=users.dmp LOGFILE=users.log TABLESPACES=USERS &
You can check this link for details.

Create index without specifying the tablespace

I'd like to ask a question.
What happen If I create an index without specifying the tablespace in the process of creation.
For example :
CREATE INDEX indx_cd on distributors(dist_cd)
In what tablespace does the index created? And will the index still works as it should even if I put it that way?
The index will be created in the default tablespace of the schema.
As system user you can determine what tablespace that is:
select username,default_tablespace from dba_users

how to execute several ddl words with batch processing

When I deploy my application,I have to create some tablesapces/users,I use the pqsql,however I want to know is there any way I can create them with batch processing?
For example,I can execute this ddl:
create tablespace TSA.....
Then I can execute:
create user a ... default tablespace TSA...
But when I execute them at the same time:
create tablespace TSA.....
create user a ... default tablespace TSA...
I will get an error.
ANy way?
Error is something like this:
ORA-02180: invalid CREATE TABLESPACE words
BTW,I run the sql batches in the sql window of the pl/sql developer.
Now,I just want to know if there is any way I can run a whole ddl sql file?
Suppose this is the content of the init.sql:
create smallfile tablespace "DEV" datafile 'f:\app\administrator\oradata\orcl\dev01.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 10m maxsize unlimited logging extent management local segment space management auto default nocompress
-- Create the user
create user dev_sa
identified by "000000"
default tablespace DEV
temporary tablespace TEMP;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to dev_sa;
grant dba to dev_sa;
--create another tablespace
How to execute it in the batch process model?
If you have the two statements in a file you're running from SQL*Plus, you need to separate the statements with the / character, which also causes each to be executed
create tablespace TSA ...
create user a ... default tablespace TSA
(That's quite a big 'if', of course as per #APC's comment; but is something that's come up before. As has different ways of running things in SQL Developer, among other things. But really no more than a guess from the minimal info given...)
You have a semi-colon ; missing off the end of your first CREATE TABLE
