Best algorithm for threshold identitication - algorithm

Assume I have huge set of data about a system idle time.
Day 1 - 5 mins
Day 2 - 3 mins
Day 3 - 7 mins
Day 'n' - 'k' mins
We can assume that even though the idletime is random, the pattern repeats.
Using this as a training data, is it possible for me to identify the idle time behavior of the system. With that, can a abnormality be predicted
Which algorithm would best suit for this purpose
I tried to fit in regression, but it can just answer me " What is the expected idle time today "
But what I want to do is. When the idle time goes away from the pattern, it has to be detected.
Or does it make sense to predict for the current day only. i.e Today the expected idle time is 'x' mins. Tomorrow it may differ

I would try a Fourier Transformation and have a look if your system behaves in a periodic way (this would mean there are some peaks in the frequency domain).
Than get rid of the frequencies with low values and use the rest to predict the system behavior in the future.
If the real behavior differs a lot from the prediction that is what you want to detect.
wikipedia: Fast Fourier Transformation


Algorithm / data structure for rate of change calculation with limited memory

Certain sensors are to trigger a signal based on the rate of change of the value rather than a threshold.
For instance, heat detectors in fire alarms are supposed to trigger an alarm quicker if the rate of temperature rise is higher: A temperature rise of 1K/min should trigger an alarm after 30 minutes, a rise of 5K/min after 5 minutes and a rise of 30K/min after 30 seconds.
I am wondering how this is implemented in embedded systems, where resources are scares. Is there a clever data structure to minimize the data stored?
The naive approach would be to measure the temperature every 5 seconds or so and keep the data for 30 minutes. On these data one can calculate change rates over arbitrary time windows. But this requires a lot of memory.
I thought about small windows (e.g. 10 seconds) for which min and max are stored, but this would not save much memory.
From a mathematical point of view, the examples you have described can be greatly simplified:
1K/min for 30 mins equals a total change of 30K
5K/min for 5 mins equals a total change of 25K
Obviously there is some adjustment to be made because you have picked round numbers for the example, but it sounds like what you care about is having a single threshold for the total change. This makes sense because taking the integral of a differential results in just a delta.
However, if we disregard the numeric example and just focus on your original question then here are some answers:
First, it has already been mentioned in the comments that one byte every five seconds for half an hour is really not very much memory at all for almost any modern microcontroller, as long as you are able to keep your main RAM turned on between samples, which you usually can.
If however you need to discard the contents of RAM between samples to preserve battery life, then a simpler method is just to calculate one differential at a time.
In your example you want to have a much higher sample rate (every 5 seconds) than the time you wish to calculate the delta over (eg: 30 mins). You can reduce your storage needs to a single data point if you make your sample rate equal to your delta period. The single previous value could be stored in a small battery retained memory (eg: backup registers on STM32).
Obviously if you choose this approach you will have to compromise between accuracy and latency, but maybe 30 seconds would be a suitable timebase for your temperature alarm example.
You can also set several thresholds of K/sec, and then allocate counters to count how many consecutive times the each threshold has been exceeded. This requires only one extra integer per threshold.
In signal processing terms, the procedure you want to perform is:
Apply a low-pass filter to smooth quick variations in the temperature
Take the derivative of its output
The cut-off frequency of the filter would be set according to the time frame. There are 2 ways to do this.
You could apply a FIR (finite impulse response) filter, which is a weighted moving average over the time frame of interest. Naively, this requires a lot of memory, but it's not bad if you do a multi-stage decimation first to reduce your sample rate. It ends up being a little complicated, but you have fine control over the response.
You could apply in IIR (Infinite impulse response) filter, which utilizes feedback of the output. The exponential moving average is the simplest example of this. These filters require far less memory -- only a few samples' worth, but your control over the precise shape of the response is limited. A classic example like the Butterworth filter would probably be great for your application, though.

Specific Cache Hit Rate calculation

Suppose we have infinite cache memory size. Caching is just limited by timeout, value of this timeout is half an hour. Cache is initially empty.
We have 50,000 distinct request. Our system is querying, randomly, at the rate of 15 request/second i.e. 27,000 request in half an hour . What kind of curve or average value of cache hit rate could we expect for first 5 hours?
Note: This scenario is fixed. I need an approach to find out hit rate. If you think tag is wrong, please suggest appropriate tag.
I think you're right and this is a math question (certainly not a programming
One approach is to consider the extremes -- what is the hit rate for the
first query when the the system starts running? For the second query?
After one second? After 10? After a minute? And what is the likelyhood
that any random query will be found in the cache once the system has been
running a long time?
These are few specific values, and together they give you a curve.
I don't think great numeric precision is necessary; the long-term average
and the shape of the curve is more interesting.

How to Calculate average case after doing HTTP benchmark

If i do a benchmark, and for example i found the following:
With 1 concurrent user, The api give 150 req/s. (9000 req/minute)
With more than 300 concurrent user, The api start throwing exception.
An app is doing request 1 every 30 minute.
Is it correct if I say:
the best cases is that the api could handle (30 * 9000 = 270.000 user). That is under 30 minute, there would be 270.000 sequential request and each are coming from different user
The worst cases would be when there is 300 user posting request at the same time.
And if it's true, would there any way to calculate the average case ?
Is is the same as calculating worst case, average case complexity of an algorithm ?
One theoretical tool to answer these questions is It says that you are very unlikely to get the level of performance that you are assuming, because the load applied to the system fluctuates, so that there are busy periods and quiet periods. If the system has nothing to do in quiet periods it is forced into idleness that you haven't accounted for. In busy periods, on the other hand, it will typically build up long queues of pending work, until the queues get so long that customers walk away, or the queues become longer than the system can support and it collapses, or both.
The graph at figure 1 page 3 of shows a graph of response time vs applied load for what is probably the most optimistic even vaguely realistic situation. You can see that response time gets very large as you approach maximum load.
By far the most sensible thing to do is to run tests which apply a realistic load to your application - this is important enough for people to build things like If you want a rule of thumb I'd say don't plan to stress the system at more than 50% of theoretical capacity as you originally calculated.

Regrading simulation of bank-teller

we have a system, such as a bank, where customers arrive and wait on a
line until one of k tellers is available.Customer arrival is governed
by a probability distribution function, as is the service time (the
amount of time to be served once a teller is available). We are
interested in statistics such as how long on average a customer has to
wait or how long the line might be.
We can use the probability functions to generate an input stream
consisting of ordered pairs of arrival time and service time for each
customer, sorted by arrival time. We do not need to use the exact time
of day. Rather, we can use a quantum unit, which we will refer to as
a tick.
One way to do this simulation is to start a simulation clock at zero
ticks. We then advance the clock one tick at a time, checking to see
if there is an event. If there is, then we process the event(s) and
compile statistics. When there are no customers left in the input
stream and all the tellers are free, then the simulation is over.
The problem with this simulation strategy is that its running time
does not depend on the number of customers or events (there are two
events per customer), but instead depends on the number of ticks,
which is not really part of the input. To see why this is important,
suppose we changed the clock units to milliticks and multiplied all
the times in the input by 1,000. The result would be that the
simulation would take 1,000 times longer!
My question on above text is how author came in last paragraph what does author mean by " suppose we changed the clock units to milliticks and multiplied all the times in the input by 1,000. The result would be that the simulation would take 1,000 times longer!" ?
With this algorithm we have to check every tick. More ticks there are the more checks we carry out. For example if first customers arrives at 3rd tick, then we had to do 2 unnecessary checks. But if we would check every millitick then we would have to do 2999 unnecessary checks.
Because the checking is being carried out on a per tick basis if the number of ticks is multiplied by 1000 then there will be 1000 times more checks.
Imagine that you set an alarm so that you perform a task, like checking your email, every hour. This means you would check your email 24 times in day, assuming you didn't sleep. If you decide to change this alarm so that it goes off every minute you would now be checking your email 24*60 = 1440 times per day, where 24 is the number of times you were checking it before and 60 is the number of minutes in an hour.
This is exactly what happens in the simulation above, except rather than perform some action every time an alarm goes off, you just do all 1440 email checks as quickly as you can.

Google transit is too idealistic. How would you change that?

Suppose you want to get from point A to point B. You use Google Transit directions, and it tells you:
Route 1:
1. Wait 5 minutes
2. Walk from point A to Bus stop 1 for 8 minutes
3. Take bus 69 till stop 2 (15 minues)
4. Wait 2 minutes
5. Take bus 6969 till stop 3(12 minutes)
6. Walk 7 minutes from stop 3 till point B for 3 minutes.
Total time = 5 wait + 40 minutes.
Route 2:
1. Wait 10 minutes
2. Walk from point A to Bus stop I for 13 minutes
3. Take bus 96 till stop II (10 minues)
4. Wait 17 minutes
5. Take bus 9696 till stop 3(12 minutes)
6. Walk 7 minutes from stop 3 till point B for 8 minutes.
Total time = 10 wait + 50 minutes.
All in all Route 1 looks way better. However, what really happens in practice is that bus 69 is 3 minutes behind due to traffic, and I end up missing bus 6969. The next bus 6969 comes at least 30 minutes later, which amounts to 5 wait + 70 minutes (including 30 m wait in the cold or heat). Would not it be nice if Google actually advertised this possibility? My question now is: what is the better algorithm for displaying the top 3 routes, given uncertainty in the schedule?
How about adding weightings that express a level of uncertainty for different types of journey elements.
Bus services in Dublin City are notoriously untimely, you could add a 40% margin of error to anything to do with Dublin Bus schedule, giving a best & worst case scenario. you could also factor in the chronic traffic delays at rush hours. Then a user could see that they may have a 20% or 80% chance of actually making a connection.
You could sort "best" journeys by the "most probably correct" factor, and include this data in the results shown to the user.
My two cents :)
For the UK rail system, each interchange node has an associated 'minimum transfer time to allow'. The interface to the route planner here then has an Advanced option allowing the user to either accept the default, or add half hour increments.
In your example, setting a' minimum transfer time to allow' of say 10 minutes at step 2 would prevent Route 1 as shown being suggested. Of course, this means that the minimum possible journey time is increased, but that's the trade off.
If you take uncertainty into account then there is no longer a "best route", but instead there can be a "best strategy" that minimizes the total time in transit; however, it can't be represented as a linear sequence of instructions but is more of the form of a general plan, i.e. "go to bus station X, wait until 10:00 for bus Y, if it does not arrive walk to station Z..." This would be notoriously difficult to present to the user (in addition of being computationally expensive to produce).
For a fixed sequence of instructions it is possible to calculate the probability that it actually works out; but what would be the level of certainty users want to accept? Would you be content with, say, 80% success rate? When you then miss one of your connections the house of cards falls down in the worst case, e.g. if you miss a train that leaves every second hour.
I wrote many years a go a similar program to calculate long-distance bus journeys in Finland, and I just reported the transfer times assuming every bus was on schedule. Then basically every plan with less than 15 minutes transfer time or so was disregarded because they were too risky (there were sometimes only one or two long-distance buses per day at a given route).
Empirically. Record the actual arrival times vs scheduled arrival times, and compute the mean and standard deviation for each. When considering possible routes, calculate the probability that a given leg will arrive late enough to make you miss the next leg, and make the average wait time P(on time)*T(first bus) + (1-P(on time))*T(second bus). This gets more complicated if you have to consider multiple legs, each of which could be late independently, and multiple possible next legs you could miss, but the general principle holds.
Catastrophic failure should be the first check.
This is especially important when you are trying to connect to that last bus of the day which is a critical part of the route. The rider needs to know that is what is happening so he doesn't get too distracted and knows the risk.
After that it could evaluate worst-case single misses.
And then, if you really wanna get fancy, take a look at the crime stats for the neighborhood or transit station where the waiting point is.
