A batch file to move the most recent folders first?
For example i have a batch file which moves folders from my local machine to a remote machine, is there a way to move the most recent created folders first?
Currently i have the following:
xcopy /s C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\AutoFrameworkResults \\192.1xx.1.xx\xxxx\xxxxx\Common\AutoFrameworkResults
thanks for your help
I might be too late to the party but here is the script anyway.
set "sourceDir=c:\users\xxxx\desktop\autoframeworkresults"
set "destDir=\\192.1xx.1xx\xxxx\xxxx\common\autoframeworkresults"
for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir "%sourceDir%" /o-d /ad /b') do (
xcopy /s "%sourceDir%\%%d" "%destDir%\%%d\"
I'm trying to search for specific files in all directories and subdirectories inside my batch file path in order to delete them at once :
for /F "delims=" %%A IN ('dir /B /S %~dp0bb1-*.png bb2-*.png bb1_0*.png bb2_0*.png style.css *.thumb 2^>nul') DO del /q "%%A"
What do you think of this code ? Are there things that could be changed/improved ? Is it reliable and safe from unwanted deletion ?
Any help is appreciated.
I have a data set consisting of files organised according to the following hierarchical folder/subfolder structure:
I would like to remove all nuisance subfolders (move its contents outside of it at the same hierarchical level + delete the nuisance folder), thus ending up with the files organised like this:
How can I achieve this, using a batch file, run from a command prompt inside Windows 7? I've tried a number of for statements with %F and %%F, but none worked. Grateful for any tips.
I believe the following will accomplish your goal if and only if all child folder and file names are unique. If there are duplicates, then all hell will break loose.
I have not tested, so backup and/or try the code on disposable data first.
You will have to modify the first PUSHD command to point to the root where all your "person n" folders reside.
#echo off
pushd "yourRootWherePersonFoldersReside"
for /d %%U in (*) do (
pushd "%%U"
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%A in ('dir /b /ad 2^>nul') do (
for /d %%B in ("%%A\*") do (
for /d %%C in ("%%B\*") do (
md "%%~nxC"
for /d %%D in ("%%C\*") do move "%%D\*" "%%~nxC" >nul 2>nul
rd /s /q "%%A"
The second FOR loop must be FOR /F instead of FOR /D because FOR /D has the potential to iterate folders that have been added after the loop has begun. FOR /F will cache the entire result of the DIR command before iteration begins, so the newly created folders are guaranteed not to interfere.
To clean up our back-ups folder I have written a short batch file that will be run Via task scheduler to periodically clear all files except the 3 most recent copies.
Currently I have the following
for /f "skip=3 eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /o-d *.sqb ^| findstr /r /c:"LOG_.*"') do #del "%%F"
This will work for the files inside the folder with the batch file, however I would like to run it from a higher level to check all the backups, I have tried the /s command but these only leaves the 3 most recent out of ALL folders where as I need to keep the 3 most recent files in EVERY folder and subfolder
Loop recursively by directories first:
for /r /d %%a in (*) do (
for /f "skip=3 eol=* delims=" %%b in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d "%%a\*LOG*.sqb"') do (
del "%%~fb"
) 2>nul
I have this batch:
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.pdf') do call convert.exe %%a
This gets every pdf file thats in the same folder as convert.exe. I want to be able to say where the PDF resides. What do I have to change?
If the directory name can be hardcoded, then it will be
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b /s "Disk:\Your\Directory\Name\*.pdf"') do call convert.exe %%a
Note that this will also return all .pdf files in subdirectories of Disk:\Your\Directory\Name.
Using CMD line, in a given directory, I want to detect the most recently created/written folder and delete all the contents of that folder.
Any help/suggestions would be helpful.
This command prints all subdirectories in order of their last write/created time in reverse order (latest directories first):
DIR /A:D /O:-D /TW /B
To delete a directories' contents, a simple
DEL /S /Q "directory"
should be sufficient
If you want to process only the first result of the DIR command, you can use a FOR loop in a batch file, that leaves after the first iteration.
It should look something like this:
REM delete all contents from the sub directory most recently created or written to
FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN ('DIR /A:D /O:-D /TW /B') DO (
RD /S /Q %%A
Only works for the subdirectories of the current working directory, so use with care!
I guess for empty directories there will be some weird output, but I didn't test it.
Updated the batch file to remove the whole directory and its content using:
RD /S /Q "directory"