Watson IoT Platform and IBM Blockchain: No fabrics are configured for your organization - watson-iot

I am trying to link my Watson IoT Platform with IBM Blockchain on Bluemix instance. In the Watson IoT Platform Extensions page, in the Blockchain tile, I click Setup and fill in Fabric information as per the instruction available here: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/IoT/blockchain/dev_blockchain.html#iotblockchain_link
As requested, I noted down following service credentials:
Peer information: api_host and api_port_tls
User of type 1 (client) information: username and secret
I also made sure that the user that I select must not be previously registered with a peer other than the peer that I selected.
However, my IBM Blockchain instance never gets discovered by my Watson IoT instance. I always receive "No fabrics are configured for your organization." in Configure Blockchain pane.
Any help with the above would be greatly appreciated!

It might help to check your fabric details. Here is an example of a correctly formatted configuration:
Name: my_fabric
Host: 01234567890123456789-vp2.us.blockchain.ibm.com
Port: 5001
User ID: user_type1_0
Secret Key: 0123456789
Use TLS?: On (slide to the right)
Use TLS must be on for IBM Blockchain fabrics. Check your fabric in Bluemix using the dashboard and make sure all your peers are working properly. You can also try a different user (e.g. user_type1_1 and corresponding secret) or a different peer in the same fabric. The user you specify does not have to be already enrolled with the fabric.


IBM API Connect

I would like to test IBM API Connect. I have a Lite account, but I cannot find the way to start a service.
I tried 2 ways:
I went to API Management > API Connect > Services and I found a funny message saying "There's no API Connect service. To start using the platform, click on Create service". But no Create service button is there.......
I went to Catalog > API Connect and in the new page I selected: Location: Frankfurt (because I'm in EU), Plan: Lite, and a message appears saying "You cannot use Lite plan with multiple locations".... but I have selected only one!!
What could I do? Is there something wrong in how I tried to create an API Connect Service?
Check in your resource list if you already provisioned it without knowing. Usually, only one free instance of a service is allowed.
If there is none, directly go to the provisioning page for API Connect.

Custom REST API in spring boot for creating Peers, Orderer, Channels etc in Hyperledger Fabric

I have created a basic network in HLF
Single Orderer
2 Organization, has 2 peers each
Channel: finance
Now, If I wanted to add one more peer or create any other channel. I have to add the configuration in the crypto-config.yaml and configtxgen.yaml and execute peer and channel-related commands in the cli as per my understanding.
Is there any way that, I can create any REST API in spring boot to create the above process?
SDK's available for adding peer's organization
Check this golang : link
Also there are different SDK for java, node.js.
Yes, but if you want to add a new organization or a new peer, you must use the fabric-SDK for those operations; this channel configuration updates will be the responsibility of an organization admin.
The SDK also provides a client for Hyperledger's certificate authority.
fabric-sdk-node doc: https://hyperledger.github.io/fabric-sdk-node/
fabric-sdk-node: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-node/
fabric-sdk-java: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-java
fabric-sdk-go: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go

IBM Watson Assistant Endpoint URL does not work anymore for Alexa Skill. Alexa can't reach Endpoint

I've created an Watson Assistant and pasted the OpenWhisk Action Endpoint URL to my Alexa Skill as described in this GitHub Repo.
Everything worked fine so far. I was able to send questions to my Chatbot by talking to the Alexa Simulator and received the expected answer which was read out by Alexa. But if I launch my Alexa skill now I get the response "I am unable to reach the requested skill". The Endpoint URL is correct as well as the SSL Certificate Type Configuration in the Alexa Simulator. I did not change anything but suddenly it does not work but used to work fine before. Any ideas?
I tried to send the Launch Request as Manual JSON from the Alexa Simulator and received "Cannot establish SSL connection to your skill endpoint" as output JSON.
Furthermore I found the following from the Alexa Simulator logs:
"The SSL handshake to endpoint Resource [https://eugb.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/hhzStud_AIA_projekt/default/watson-alexa-hhz-skill.json], Type [HTTP], Region [DEFAULT] failed. Please check that your java keystore is correctly configured"
I checked my acttion using the following command ibmcloud fn activation list and got an application error (IBM Docs Link)
Why can't Alexa reach my Endpoint? It used to work before without any problems.
It appears to be an issue between Alexa and the endpoint deployed on IBM Cloud. Make sure to use https://eu-gb.functions.appdomain.cloud and not https://eugb.functions.appdomain.cloud as listed in the description.
I can access https://eu-gb.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/hhzStud_AIA_projekt/default/watson-alexa-hhz-skill.json and it uses a Let's Encrypt certificate with below details:
A similar issue was reported in https://forums.developer.amazon.com/questions/106526/getting-ssl-handshake-failed-error.html and a response pointed towards this list of requirements for your web service https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/host-a-custom-skill-as-a-web-service.html#requirements-for-your-web-service.
Maybe it helps as a starting point to verify what is missing.

How can I see configured rules for a Azure Service Bus topic subscription on Mac (or online)?

I have a forwarding subscription already configured/defined in Azure Service Bus and it has a filter rule which I want to see but the Azure Portal doesn't show filter, it doesn't even show what is 'forwardTo' property of the subscription is. I am using Mac, how can I check these?
There a few several cross-platform options, some are free and some are paid.
Cerulean Azure Service Bus

Unable to execute odata calls using S4Hana SDK in cloud foundry environment with oAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion authentication

I'm trying to connect to s4 hana system using s4 sdk. While executing calls via .execute() method in cloud foundry environment, i see below error logs:
Caused by: com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.exception.DestinationAccessException: Failed to get authentication headers. Destination service returned error: Missing private and public key for subaccount ******-****-****-***-*******.
Note: I've already configured trust between subaccount and S4Hana system and created respective communication and business user. The associated authentication method used in the destination is oAuth2SamlBearerAssertion. Note: The call executes fine in both local and cloud foundry environment with basic authentication.
Can someone please suggest what is wrong here.
As correctly pointed out by #Dennis H there was a problem in trust configuration between my subaccount and S4 Hana system, the configuration wrong in my case :
-> The certificate I downloaded for trust was using this URL:
This is incorrect we need to get the certificate from download trust button in destination tab at subaccount level
->Provider name was incorrect in the communication system.
We are developing a side-by-side extension app and deploying it to CF. Our app is trying to connect to S4HANA cloud system using oAUTH2SAMLBEARERASSERTION. But facing issues while doing it. We are getting below error in logs. Please be noted, we are able to connect to S4HANA Cloud using basic auth.
com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.exception.DestinationAccessException: Failed to access the configuration of destination
Our destination parameters look as attached screenshotenter image description here
Thank you.
