I need to create an uneditable semicolon in Rails text field for a date.
For instance, the user can enter the hours and the minutes, while the semicolon already there and is not deletable.
<%= text_field_tag(:start_time, '', class: "timepicker four", size: 5,
maxlength: 5, placeholder: 'HH:MM', value:
#booking_item.start_time.strftime('%H') + ":"+
#booking_item.start_time.strftime('%M')) %>
Any solution for this in Ruby?
I have a kendo-dropdown list in which I want to localize the default text. Is there any way to escape the single curly brace required for [defaultItem]?
Already Tried [defaultItem]="{{'{ text: 'Product Line', value: null }'}}" gives Parser Error: Got interpolation ({{}})
<kendo-dropdownlist id="ddlProductLine" i18n-[defaultItem]="##productlinedefaultitem" [defaultItem]="{ text: 'Product Line', value: null }" [data]="productLines" textField="text"
valueField="value" [valuePrimitive]="true" [(ngModel)]="selectedProductLineId" class="gprListFacets"
<trans-unit id="productlinedefaultitem" datatype="html">
<source>{ text: 'Product Line', value: null }</source>
<target>{ text: 'Product Line', value: null }</target>
Angular i18n should identify kendo-dropdownlist [defaultItem] and pick a match from translation .xlf file.
first of all, excuse me if my english is not always very good.
I have a problem with the each_with_index... When I show a project, I display the offers for this project. I have to make appear a banner in third position of offers, so I use each_with_index for that.
The problem is that: if I have sixteen offers on a project, I have sixteen times the entirely list of offers, and I don't know why.
This is my code:
- #offers.each_with_index do |offer, index|
- if !user_signed_in? && (#project.published? || #project.pending_attribution?)
- if #offers.size >= 3 && index == 3
= render 'offer_cta'
- contact_bloc = user_contact_bloc(offer.user, viewer: current_user, display_contact_info: offer.display_contact_info?)
.card.offer-card.mt-4[offer]{ class: offer_class(offer) }
Offer filed on
= l(offer.created_at, format: '%d/%m/%Y à %Hh%M')
- if user_signed_in? && current_user.admin? && !offer.user.suspended_at.nil?
... exctera
Also, if I try this in my console, I don't have any problem...
Have you ever had this problem?
Don't hesitate to ask me if you need more information.
This is the code in my render 'offer_cta', a very basic code:
%p.text-muted blablabla
= link_to "Send a quote", "", class: "btn btn-primary px-3", data: { toggle: 'modal', target: '#modal-sign' }, onclick: "ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'Clic', 'Sign up');", tabindex: -1
#offers initialization:
#offers = #project.offers_accessible_by(current_ability, current_user)
#offers = #offers.includes(:offer_interactions, user: [:user_profile, :user_subscription, :user_contact])
I added this block to my deck.rb:
text(str: 'Gain 1 :tribute:') do |embed|
embed.svg key: ':tribute:', file: 'tribute.svg'
However, this puts "Gain 1 [my icon here]" into the top left of every card, but not where the card text says "Gain 1 tribute."
If I add this line, in an attempt to make it specify the "Ability" column in my .csv file:
%w(Ability).each do |key|
Then I get an error message:
"Syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end."
What do I need to add to my deck.rb, exactly, in order to make it use the tribute.svg icon wherever cards within the Ability column have the text, "Gain 1 tribute"?
Here's my current deck.rb:
require 'squib'
require 'game_icons'
Squib::Deck.new(cards: 4, layout: %w(hand.yml layout.yml)) do
background color: '#FFFFFF'
data = csv file: 'country.csv'
png file: data['Art'], layout: 'Art'
%w(Title Ability Quote Type Subtype).each do |key|
text str: data[key], layout: key, markup: true
%w(Tribute Power Dominion).each do |key|
svg file: "#{key.downcase}.svg", layout: "#{key}Icon"
text str: data[key], layout: key
text(str: 'Gain 1 :tribute:', x: 275, y: 745) do |embed|
embed.svg key: ':tribute:', file: 'tribute.svg'
save_png prefix: 'country_'
The text method needs to have x and y specified. Like this:
text(str: 'Gain 1 :tribute:', x: 300, y: 500) do |embed|
embed.svg key: ':tribute:', file: 'tribute.svg'
As for the syntax error, every do needs an end, because you're defining a block. Although that part seems unrelated to the first part of your question. The snipped %w(Ability).each seems silly to me because that's just iterating over a 1-element array.
I am trying to filter ActiveRecord_AssociationRelations to be unique by parent id.
So, I'd like a list like this:
[#<Message id: 25, posted_by_id: 3, posted_at: "2014-10-30 06:02:47", parent_id: 20, content: "This is a comment", created_at: "2014-10-30 06:02:47", updated_at: "2014-10-30 06:02:47">,
#<Message id: 23, posted_by_id: 3, posted_at: "2014-10-28 16:11:02", parent_id: 20, content: "This is another comment", created_at: "2014-10-28 16:11:02", updated_at: "2014-10-28 16:11:02">]}
to return this:
[#<Message id: 25, posted_by_id: 3, posted_at: "2014-10-30 06:02:47", parent_id: 20, content: "This is a comment", created_at: "2014-10-30 06:02:47", updated_at: "2014-10-30 06:02:47">]
I've tried various techniques including:
#messages.uniq(&:parent_id) # returns the same list (with duplicate parent_ids)
#messages.select(:parent_id).distinct # returns [#<Message id: nil, parent_id: 20>]
and uniq_by has been removed from Rails 4.1.
Have you tried
It sounds to me like that is what you are after. This does return the first entry with the given parent_id. If you want the last entry you will have to reorder the result in a subquery and then use the group.
For me in Rails 3.2 & Postgresql, Foo.group(:bar) works on simple queries but gives me an error if I have any where clauses on there, for instance
irb> Message.where(receiver_id: 434).group(:sender_id)
=> PG::GroupingError: ERROR: column "messages.id" must appear in the
GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
I ended up specifying an SQL 'DISTINCT ON' clause to select. In a Message class I have the following scope:
scope :latest_from_each_sender, -> { order("sender_id ASC, created_at DESC").select('DISTINCT ON ("sender_id") *') }
irb> Message.where(receiver_id: 434).latest_from_each_sender
We are trying to embed two simple form fields as columns in a table, we noticed that it takes about 4.5 seconds for simple fields to generate those tags. The table has 230 rows.
Performance with the simple_fields_for block commented out is .5 seconds, with simple fields for : 5 seconds
= simple_form_for :account,url: create_transactions_path, method: :put do |f|
- loans_view = loans_view(#loans)
- loans_view.each do |lv|
- loan = lv[:loan]
- account = loan.account
= lv[:amount_due]
= f.simple_fields_for :loan, index: loan.id do |al_f|
= al_f.simple_fields_for :account_transaction, index: account.id do |act_f|
= act_f.input :amount, label: false, input_html:{value: account.top_up_amount}
= act_f.input :include_for_update, as: :boolean, label: false, input_html: {checked: true}
We had enabled logging and made sure no db call goes out or any time consuming API is being called in the simple fields for block.