How to autowire Hibernate SessionFactory in Spring boot - spring

I've created a spring boot application, and I want to handle the Hibernate SessionFactory, so in my service class, I can just call the Hibernate SessionFactory as following :
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
I found a similar question in stackoverflow where I have to add the following line in :
but I'm getting this error :
Cannot resolve property 'current_session_context_class' in java.lang.String
How can I solve this ?
pom.xml dependencies :

Since version 2.0, JPA provides easy access to the APIs of the underlying implementations. The EntityManager and the EntityManagerFactory provide an unwrap method which returns the corresponding classes of the JPA implementation.
In the case of Hibernate, these are the Session and the SessionFactory.
SessionFactory sessionFactory = entityManagerFactory.unwrap(SessionFactory.class);

Try enabling HibernateJpaSessionFactoryBean in your Spring configuration.
public HibernateJpaSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory() {
return new HibernateJpaSessionFactoryBean();
Have a look at:
By Spring configuration I mean a class annotated with #Configuration annotation or #SpringBootApplication (it is implicitly annotated with #Configuration).


Unable to use HikariCP in Spring Boot 1.5.18 with multiple data source configuration

We are using multiple datasource configuration in our spring boot app.
both dataasources belongs to mysql only.
Configured multiple data source using:
pom.xml changes:
<!-- exclude tomcat jdbc connection pool, use HikariCP -->
<!-- exclude tomcat-jdbc, Spring Boot will use HikariCP automatically -->
Datasource Bean Config:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.db1.datasource")
public DataSource db1DataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.db2.datasource")
public DataSource db2Source() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
But when I ran it Got following exception:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaVendorAdapter]: Factory method 'jpaVendorAdapter' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName.
How to resolve this ?
You are missing driver dependencies in your pom
You need to add below lines to your pom.xml to include the database driver.

Error creating bean with name 'gemfireCache': FactoryBean threw exception on object creation

I am trying to create an "employee" Region and put some data into it. But, I am getting Exception below:
[warn 2018/12/27 17:15:46.518 IST tid=0x1] Exception
encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh
attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
Error creating bean with name 'gemfireConfiguration': Injection of
resource dependencies failed; nested exception is
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
creating bean with name 'gemfireCache': FactoryBean threw exception on
object creation; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
[warn 2018/12/27 17:15:46.519 IST tid=0x1] Invocation of
destroy method failed on bean with name 'gemfireCache':
org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException: A cache has not yet been
[error 2018/12/27 17:15:46.522 IST tid=0x1] Caught exception
while allowing TestExecutionListener
to prepare test instance
Domain class
public class Employee {
public String name;
public double salary;
Repository class
public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, String> {
Employee findByName(String name);
Configuration class
#EnableGemfireRepositories(basePackages = "com.gemfire.demo")
public class GemfireConfiguration {
EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;
Properties gemfireProperties() {
Properties gemfireProperties = new Properties();
gemfireProperties.setProperty("name", "SpringDataGemFireApplication");
gemfireProperties.setProperty("mcast-port", "0");
gemfireProperties.setProperty("log-level", "config");
return gemfireProperties;
CacheFactoryBean gemfireCache() {
CacheFactoryBean gemfireCache = new CacheFactoryBean();
return gemfireCache;
LocalRegionFactoryBean<String, Employee> getEmployee(final GemFireCache cache) {
LocalRegionFactoryBean<String, Employee> employeeRegion = new LocalRegionFactoryBean<String, Employee>();
return employeeRegion;
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Adding additional tips with your above GemFire/Spring JavaConfig configuration class above.
Given you are using Spring Data Kay (implied by your use of the Spring Boot 2.0.x parent POM, i.e. org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies; see here), then you could be using Spring Data GemFire's (relatively) new and convenient Annotation-based configuration model.
By doing so, your GemfireConfiguration class above would become...
#EnableGemfireRepositories(basePackages = "com.gemfire.demo")
class GemfireConfiguration {
LocalRegionFactoryBean<String, Employee> getEmployee(GemFireCache cache) {
LocalRegionFactoryBean<String, Employee> employeeRegion =
new LocalRegionFactoryBean<String, Employee>();
return employeeRegion;
A few things to keep in mind:
#PeerCacheApplication is meta-annotated with #Configuration so you do not need the explicit Spring #Configuration annotation on the configuration class.
#PeerCacheApplication allows you to adjust the GemFire log-level (along with other logging configuration) using the logLevel annotation attribute. Similarly, you can set the log-level using the corresponding property, in a Spring Boot file (see here). There are many other attributes and corresponding properties (e.g. name) you can use to adjust and customize other configuration.
While String-based package names are supported on #EnableGemfireRepositories and similar annotations, we generally prefer and recommend users to use the type-safe variant basePacakgeClasses. You only need to refer to a single type from each top-level package where your application Repositories are kept.
The explicit #Autowired annotation is not needed on your bean definitions. You do not need to explicit inject the EmployeeRepository in the configuration class to have it initialized; just inject it into the #Service class where it will be used.
For convenience, the name ("employee") of the Region bean definition on your LOCAL "employee" Region, will also be used as the name of the Region, so employeeRegion.setName("employee") is unnecessary.
You should not combine LocalRegionFactoryBean.setPersistent(:boolean) with LocalRegionFactoryBean.setDataPolicy(:DataPolicy) since the DataPolicy is going to take precedence.
While #ComponentScan is perfectly acceptable and even convenient in development, I generally do not prefer nor recommend users to use component-scanning. It is usually always better to be explicit.
As stated in the comments, you chould remove <relativePath/> from your parent definition in your application Maven POM file.
Final note, as of this post, Spring Boot 2.0.8.RELEASE is the latest release.
As for your classpath issues, if you are using Maven correctly, then Maven should take care of pulling in the correct transitive dependencies.
You can refer to the many examples I have in this repo for further clarification.
Hope this helps!
As mentioned in comments, the error shows some dependencies (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/Int2ObjectOpenHashMap) are missing. Please add corresponding dependencies in your pom.xml

Injecting Specific DataSource in Spring Boot 2.0.2 Release

When trying to autowire DataSource by using Spring Boot 2.0.2 RELEASE, it gives the following error and cannot manage to inject it:
'Could not autowire. There is more than one bean of 'DataSource' type.'
The beans are created in DataSourceConfiguration class for HikariDataSource, BasicDataSource and for Tomcat.
Is there a way of qualifying one of them and avoid creation of the remaining ones?
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public SecurityConfig() {
this.usersByUsernameQuery = // definitions here
this.authoritiesByUsernameQuery = //
this.allowedAuthorities = //
public void configureGlobal(final AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth, final DataSource dataSource) throws Exception {

ConnectionFactory get destroyed before camel

I'm using spring-boot with camel and ActiveMQ.
I'm using activemq autoconfiguration via #EnableJms annotation.
But creating my own ActiveMQComponent to enable "transacted(true)" on all queues.
#Bean(name = "activemq")
public ActiveMQComponent activeMQComponent(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
ActiveMQComponent activeMQComponent = new ActiveMQComponent();
return activeMQComponent;
It works well but when I try to gracefully shutdown the application.
The PooledConnectionFactory get destroyed before the camel graceful shutdown happens.
Leading to a tons of error and the route unable to correctly stops.
Like 20 times this error :
2017-05-04 18:21:59.748 WARN 12188 --- [er[test.queue]] o.a.activemq.jms.pool.PooledSession : Caught exception trying rollback() when putting session back into the pool, will invalidate. javax.jms.IllegalStateException: The Session is closed
Followed by:
2017-05-04 18:21:59.748 INFO 12188 --- [ Thread-18] o.a.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext : Apache Camel 2.18.3 (CamelContext: route) is shutting down
Then later :
2017-05-04 18:21:59.766 INFO 12188 --- [ - ShutdownTask] o.a.camel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy : Waiting as there are still 1 inflight and pending exchanges to complete, timeout in 300 seconds. Inflights per route: [test2 = 1]
Anyone can help me configuring spring-boot camel activemq all together with graceful shutdown ?
Update :
Here is a sample of my pom.xml:
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Camel -->
<!-- Camel BOM -->
<!-- Import dependency management from Spring Boot -->
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- ActiveMQ -->
<!-- Camel -->
Update 2:
After further investigation and the creation of a new project adding every modification one by one I have isolated the problem.
The shutdown works correcly until I add a specific endpoint :
#EndpointInject(uri = "direct:aaa")
private Endpoint errorHandling;
Using :
private String errorHandling = "direct:aaa";
Doesn't produce the bug.
It seems like using #EndpointInject is making the activemq close first
Update 3 :
Found that SpringCamelContext is not implementing ApplicationListener and thus its method "onApplicationEvent" its not called handling the "shutdownEager" of camel.
Important thing is to use Camel Spring Boot Starter.
How to enable Camel auto-configuration in my Spring Boot application?
Just drop camel-spring-boot jar into your classpath:
<version>${camel.version}</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
camel-spring-boot jar comes with the spring.factories file, so as soon as you add that dependency into your classpath, Spring Boot will automatically auto-configure the Camel for you. Yay! That was fast ;) .
Auto-configured Camel context
The most important piece of functionality provided by the Camel auto-configuration is the CamelContext instance.
Camel auto-configuration creates SpringCamelContext for your and take care of the proper initialization and shutdown of that context.
Created Camel context is also registered in the Spring application context (under camelContext bean name), so you can access it just as the any other Spring bean.
public class MyAppConfig {
CamelContext camelContext;
MyService myService() {
return new DefaultMyService(camelContext);
Apparently since
the SpringCamelContext doesn't implement ApplicationListener interface anymore.
Since I'm using spring-boot autoconfiguration, I am not using CamelContextFactoryBean which is adding the listener.
Has a temporary fix, I created a component which listen to ApplicationEvent and dispatch them to the SpringCamelContext method :
public class SpringCamelContextFix implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {
private SpringCamelContext camelContext;
public SpringCamelContextFix(SpringCamelContext camelContext) {
this.camelContext = camelContext;
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
I had this same problem running unit/integration tests with Spring Boot, ActiveMQ or A-MQ, and Camel (version 2.18.1.redhat-000012). Apparently, when Spring Boot shuts down, the JMS thread pool is closed before the Camel context is shutdown, which is the wrong order. #John D provided a code fix in a Camel users mailing list thread which is similar to what he provided in this thread. Here is the version of John D's code that worked for me:
public class SpringCamelContextFix implements
ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {
private SpringCamelContext camelContext;
public SpringCamelContextFix(SpringCamelContext camelContext) {
this.camelContext = camelContext;
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {

Unable to Inject EntityManager in JPA Integration Testing With Arquillian and WildFly

I'm trying do integration testing with the following stack:
App server: Embedded WildFly
CDI container: Weld
Database: In-memory H2
ORM: Hibernate/JPA
Platform: Java 8
OS: Mac OS X 10.10
I've setup basic integration testing with Arquillian (as done here) and I'm able to inject dependencies but injecting EntityManager proves to be a challenge. Dereferencing the entity manager field always results in a NullPointerException.
I've seen many articles (including this and this) but I'm still not able to get this seemingly simple thing to work.
Please see below my pom.xml
<!-- JUnit Container Implementation for the Arquillian Project -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns=""
<persistence-unit name="test" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
<property name="" value="update"/>
<!--<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect" />-->
Test case
public class GreeterTest {
private Greeter instance; // Injection works!
private EntityManager em; // Null pointer.
public GreeterTest() {
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
.addClasses(Greeter.class, PhraseBuilder.class, DummyInterceptor.class)
.addAsResource("", "META-INF/")
.addAsResource("test-persistence.xml", "META-INF/persistence.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml");
public void testCreateGreeting() {
assertEquals("Hello, Steve!", instance.createGreeting("Steve"));
public void testPersistence() {
DummyEntity de = new DummyEntity();
de.setName("Petr Cech");
Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT d.age FROM DummyEntity d");
assertEquals(10, q.getResultList().get(0));
Complete Maven project available on GitHub.
Please what am I doing wrong?
just don't use weld, sins data-sources is out of things that could be covered by CI and DI. probably you may mock it with Mokito and stay with light Weld,
But if you want to deal with real DB use managed jboss (ExampleDS is a demo jboss h2 datasource) or managed glassfish instead.
As stated by #Soloviev Dmitry, you use a CDI container for your integration test, which only enables CDI.
There are two options I see:
First one is to use a wildfly-embedded container configured in your maven project, so during maven phase running your integration-tests, wildfly will be downloaded and your test package will be deployed to it. So with ExampleDS it would work fine, as it comes with Wildfly out of the box.
See this post for details
Second one would consist in not using Arquillian for your integration test. So if your integration test only covers managed beans, (not session beans, Wildfly specific resources, ...), you could just instantiate a CDI container prior to your test execution (in #Before or #BeforeClass annotated method using Junit for example) and then instantiate your EntityManager by using the EntityManagerFactory class, referencing your persistence unit used for this integration test. With this method, you could also create CDI producers to inject other resources for your integration test, mocks, depending on the scope of your test.
maven dependency
The test class
import org.junit.*;
public class ExampleIT {
private EntityManager em;
protected static Weld weld;
protected static WeldContainer container;
public static void init() {
weld = new Weld();
container = weld.initialize();
public static void close() {
private void before(){
em = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("MyPersistenceUnit").createEntityManager();
public void testToto(){
// Do something with entity manager ...
I usually opt for second solution for Integration tests, because it's easier to setup than Arquillian tests, and faster to execute.
Use the application managed entitymanager.
EntityManagerFactory emf;
and create entityManager using
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
a container managed entitymanager is created and injected by container itself. If you are not under a server environment, then you need to use application managed persistence context.
I guess the transaction manager + Entity Manger Factory are missing in your context file. Configure both in test-persistence.xml, then make the entity manager factory a property of the transaction manager.
