Outlook Email Template With Input Box - outlook

I wonder whether someone could help me please.
Firstly, I'm not even sure whether this is possible but I thought I'd ask.
I have a serious of Outlook Email templates which I want to adapt so that the operator can enter a recipients name, a user name and password.
Could someone tell me please whether this is possible and if so, how I would go about developing this.
Many thanks and kind regards

Outlook doesn't provide anything for that out of the box. But you can develop a VBA macro or COM add-in which can get the user's input and paste it to the email where required. See Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010.
You may find the How To: Create a new Outlook message based on a template article helpful.


How to show outlook add-in in the main pane instead of compose and read context

It's my first time developing add in for outlook, i'm tryng to do an add-in that interact with outlook calendar to find an appointment, but i can only show up the add-in when i create new appointment, is there any way to show it outside compose and read context? like viva insights do?
i found that this can be done with VSTO, but i need it to work also with web outlook and other os, if someone can help me to figure it out i will apreciate.
i tried to do it following the add-in doc
i can't find an extension point that fits my purpose.
Thank you
Add-ins are only valid in Mail/Calendar individual item context currently. Hence, if no item (email / event) is selected, addins do not show-up or work - it does not know in which context it is suppose to run.
If your scenario requires it to run without email/event context, we suggest you to file a feature request here: https://aka.ms/M365dev-suggestions

Replacing the "person" that links as contacts icon with another icon in MS Outlook

I was assigned for a client that needs and Outlook add-in and apparently, I don't know where to start but the client said that he wants that dollar icon to replace the person icon to create another function. I was wondering if that's possible, I mean, that has been pre-defined by the Microsoft team and they are the ones that have the source code. How am I supposed to do that?
PS. Sorry for bad english
Alright. I think I figured this out a little. I found a documentation of Microsoft here.

Providing feedback based on the names or emails addresses in the 'To:', 'CC:' and 'BCC:' text fields while composing an Outlook email message

When composing an outlook message, I would like to provide non-invasive feedback to the user regarding whether the email is being sent to email addresses on approved domains.
For example, if the user is sending an email where the 'To:', 'CC:' or 'BCC:' text fields contains an email address which does not end in '#AnEmailAddress.com' then a warning of some kind should be displayed appropriately.
The warning could be a single icon which shows red or green, or perhaps each name/email address can be formatted on the 'To:' et al text fields directly, in order to provide the feedback.
I've done some digging with no specific results. I'm not sure if this can be done with VBA or the scripting within Outlook forms. Or perhaps an add-in needs to be written via .net?
Any pointers greatly appreciated.
This is a good candidate for .NET add-in. Not sure if you can do that from VBA.
Depending on the range of Outlook versions you need to support, you may want to go for VSTO add-in (separate builds for different versions) or NetOffice (one build for nearly all versions). Both have pros and cons so you need to be more specific to make a choice.
If you already compose your outlook messages with for example C# than use it also to implement some kind of alerts you want..
You question is - VBA, scripting or .NET?
My answer: it depends on your skills and preferences

Search everyone's Outlook Calender

I've been asked if it's possible to write an application in C#, preferably ASP.net, that given a date and keyword can search through everyone's Outlook calendar on our Exchange server, and return a list of names.
Is this even possible?
If so, anyone point me in the right direction?

Visual Web Developer 2010 contact us form, need tutorial or example

I've googled, but I cannot find a good, short, easy-to-comprehend tutorial on how to make a contact us page in VWD 2010 Express.
I just want a simple form, say, contactengineering.aspx, and when they submit the form, the e-mail gets sent directly to an email addresses of one of our engineers. I'd like something easy-to-make and quick; the master pages are already made.
Could anybody point me in the right direction here?
Thanks a bunch!
Jason Weber
Try this for MVC: http://www.frederikvig.com/2010/05/creating-a-contact-form-with-asp-net-mvc/ in combination with this one: http://blog.bobcravens.com/2009/08/asp-net-mvc-contact-form/
