JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - jmeter

I am now trying to use Apache JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, but I have a difficult problem!
I've done the following Settings in JMeter .
enter image description here
And I configured the proxy in firefox.
Then I recorded a simple script.
But when I replayed the script, it didn't work, and I got the following tips:
enter image description here
What should I do? Please give me some advice!Thanks!

I don't fully understand two things:
Why you are asking Badboy-related question in JMeter forum?
How it can be convenient to use 2 separate tools while JMeter has its own HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder?
So please retry recording using JMeter's Proxy Server and if the issue persists - come back here so we could take a look into the issue.
There is one more alternative solution for JMeter tests recording which used to work under any conditions: JMeter Chrome Extension, you can consider it as a fallback solution.

No one will ever read this or benefit from it, but just in case....
Right click your test plan and select Add > Listener > View Results Tree.
Re-run your script and read what's in the results tree.


Jmeter Recording xml issue

I am trying to record a script for web application (https protocol)using jmeter-5.3. The xml file in the view result tree of HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is capturing all the calls. but once I finished my recording and check the xml file doesn't have the calls(the first 3-4 transaction calls) in the beginning of the script in the xml. why its happening and how can I fix it?
According to JMeter Best Practices you should be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.4.3 (or whatever is the latest version which is available at JMeter Downloads page)
Check "Grouping" setting of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, it might be the case you have Store 1st sampler of each group only selected and it can discard important requests:
Make sure to use Recording Template as it generates good and valid recording test plan
Check jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries
Try alternative way of recording a JMeter test i.e. JMeter Chrome Extension and see whether all requests which should be captured are captured.

Can jmeter cli tools record a test script?

I am new to jmeter. Creating a simple script seems easy via browser actions recording. Can that be done without launching the jmeter IDE?
As per latest stable JMeter version 5.4.1 it's not possible to start HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder without starting JMeter GUI
If you cannot do this for any reason the options are in:
Use JMeter Chrome Extension
Use your browser developer tools to record your test request into a .HAR file, once done you can:
either use online conversion tool to convert .har file into a JMeter script
or manually create JMeter's HTTP Request samplers by looking into requests details in the browser developer tools. If you cannot launch JMeter GUI at this stage as well you can consider using Taurus automation framework which allows creation of JMeter test plans using YAML syntax
You need to start the JMeter proxy for recording the test and it is not possible to start the proxy through available options.
There is a number of ways available for building test plans including the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
Ten different ways to build JMeter Test Plans
The recording feature can be used even for complex scripts. You will have to use/add JMeter components and configure them once the recording is done to achieve the desired user actions.

JMeter HTTP Test Script Recorder randomly stops recording

I am creating recordings for a company website for performance tests. Normally this works fine though on occasion when starting a new test recording, HTTP Test Script Recorder will not record anything but returns the following error in the browser:
I have been using jmeter for a while now so I know the setup for HTTP Test Script Recorder is ok.
Clearing browser history, running in public or private mode doesn't help. Re-issuing jmeter proxy cert makes no difference either, the same for deleting proxyserver.jks.
Having experienced this before, I know that after a few days HTTP Test Script Recorder will start working again.
Happens for both jmeter v4 & v5.
I can think only of one situation when it can happen:
You have a JMeter test running in background (or a thread which failed to stop for some reason)
You're trying to record something at the same time
Make sure that nothing is running at the moment (you should see 0/0 in upper right corner of JMeter GUI)
Start clean recording session, to wit restart JMeter and create the test plan using Recording Template feature (From main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create"
Just in case be aware that you can also record your mobile application traffic using cloud-based proxy service, as a bonus you will get possibility to export recorded scripts in SmartJMX mode with automated detection and correlation of the dynamic parameters. Check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for more details if interested.
The issue you see is most probably a bug probably introduced by:
During recording, JMeter variables are null so we end up using an Unmodifiable version of them because of this:
I suggest you open a bug here, providing as much information as possible:
How you reproduce it
The jmeter.log with the stacktrace (not as an image)
The workaround is to avoid running a test and recording after that.
Edit on 3 december 2018:
You reported a bug:
The reproducer is:
Start a distributed test where Controller is in GUI mode and a jmeter-server
Once test is finished, start a Recording using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Hit a URL, you'll get the issue
The bug has been fixed today, it will be available in JMeter 5.1 and is already available in:

Error message when running jmeter test

When I run test in jmeter, error message is displayed as setRunning(false, local) and no result in shown in view results.
error message
i found the similar issue way back.. this helped me
you need to listener, for example Sampler-> HTTP Request
I fail to see any Sampler in your Test Plan. Samplers do the actual work so you need to have at least one to do something. Once done - you will see the result in the listener.
A good starting point would be recording your test scenario using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or JMeter Chrome Extension
See Building a Web Test Plan JMeter User Manual chapter for more details.

JMeter Recording - All actions cannot be performed

While recording a workflow through JMeter proxy, I am not able to click some items(like buttons), which otherwise are available when the website is getting loaded without JMeter proxy.
Now, needless to say, i have to click those buttons to perform certain activities essential as a part of the workflow whose performance I want to measure.
I am quite new to JMeter, so not sure how to proceed with the problem. Is there any Proxy settings i should change?
When I am checking the website source there is no difference between the page getting loaded via proxy and the page without it.
Please let me know if additional info is required. Thanks in advance!!!
Check jmeter.log file (usually lives in JMeter's "bin" folder or folder, you launched JMeter from if it's different) for anything suspicious. Log file should be the first place to look into as JMeter basically writes anything there.
You can increase verbosity if required by adding the next line to file (again lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
Try cleaning your browser history, it's better to delete everything, especially cache.
Try re-installing JMeter certificate. See Installing the JMeter CA certificate for HTTPS recording chapter of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (was: HTTP Proxy Server ) for instructions
If above steps won't help and you're absolutely sure you're doing everything right you can try raising a JMeter issue
Also be aware of JMeter Chrome Extension which is an alternative way of recording a JMeter test which doesn't require proxy server.
