Referencing css and js files in bootstrap - spring-boot

I am trying to reference to my css files as shown in the image. Since my index.html is in the templates folder, i have to go back 1 level up(../), and then go into static/css/{the file that i want}. However, this fails to render my css and js files. What am i doing wrong here? I am using thymelead templating engine for this spring boot application. Please help thank you

Spring-Boot and Thymeleaf works well together. By default Spring-Boot look up for static resources in those folders.
So you dont need to go back to any upper level. Your reference should normally work like that:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bootstrap.min.css" th:href="#{/css/bootstrap.min.css}" />


(WAR) Spring Boot Admin custom view not found

Once deployed as a WAR into Tomcat, my customized SBA dashboard fails at showing a custom view that was first doing fine into a JAR (but it also fails now, btw)
This is where is located the extension's directory into the WAR:
REM: I've also customized the login page and my picture is located at /WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/spring-boot-admin-server-ui/assets/img/ so I guess that the classpath isn't the issue.
Still, I've got an error into the web browser's console, though:
GET http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/extensions/customz/css/custom.fb3a4f29.css net::ERR_ABORTED 404
REM: according to my context path, the correct path should probably be that one:
But I couldn't figure out how to change the base path for my views in this case. I should just have to prefix somehow the system with my "customz/dashboard" context path (?)
Does anybody, please, know how to get out of this trap?
NB: Spring Boot 2.2.8, Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR5, SBA 2.2.3, Tomcat 9.0.36
AdminServerUiAutoConfiguration declares resource handlers for the extensions (mapping context-path/extensions/** to the above classpath, as figured out when I tried to visualize custom JS and CSS earlier.
Remember that spring.boot.admin.ui.extension-resource-locations default is classpath:/META-INF/spring-boot-admin-server-ui/extensions/ which seems fine in my case. That confirms that custom views are correctly exposed.
So that leads us to spring-boot-admin-server-ui/src/main/frontend/index.html where all paths appear to be ... absolute!
<th:block th:each="cssExtension : ${cssExtensions}">
<link rel="preload" th:href="'/extensions/' + ${cssExtension.resourcePath}" as="style">
<th:block th:each="jsExtension : ${jsExtensions}">
<link rel="preload" th:href="'/extensions/' + ${jsExtension.resourcePath}" as="script">
<th:block th:each="cssExtension : ${cssExtensions}">
<link th:href="'/extensions/' + ${cssExtension.resourcePath}" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="shortcut icon" th:href="${uiSettings.favicon}" type="image/png">
<title th:text="${uiSettings.title}">Spring Boot Admin</title>
<script lang="javascript" src="sba-settings.js"></script>
<th:block th:each="jsExtension : ${jsExtensions}">
<script lang="javascript" th:src="'/extensions/' + ${jsExtension.resourcePath}"></script>
I guess these are two points where both servlet and admin ui context paths should be added in order for extensions to be held. May be tehe quickest way would be to URls relative in index.html
So I did exactly that... git cloning SBA on tag 2.2.3, doing the changes and Maven installing it, changing my server's parent to SNAPSHOT, then rebuilding the WAR into Tomcat. Et voilĂ .

Spring Boot 2.0 Static content not using context path

I have a Spring Boot 2.0 application that I'm trying to deploy as a WAR file. This means that it will have a custom context path. To test as a Java application I added
to the In my index.html (located in src/main/resources/static) I try to include Javascript using something like this:
<script src="dist/main.js"</script>
Regardless of whether I am using the context path, this always tries to load the file from http://localhost:8080/dist/main.js completely ignoring the context path I have specified. The same is true if I try to deploy my application as a WAR. The file is really at http://localhost:8080/MyApplication/dist/main.js.
What do I need to change in my configuration to make Spring Boot use the context path when serving static content?
I just figured it out. In my index.html I had set a base href:
<base href="/">
I converted index.html to a JSP and set the base href using a JSP tag:
<base href='<c:url value="/" />'>
Modify the <base href="/"> in index.html to the following,
<base href="./">
This will try to load all the scripts from the context path that is specified and it fixed the issue for me.

Spring Web Flux cannot resolve path to static content

I am using Spring Boot 2.0.0 M1 with WebFlux to build my sample web application. After succeeding with REST endpoints I've decided to add some views to my application. I've decided to use Thymeleaf 3.x version. I know that Spring serves static content from 4 default location:
I've decided to go with second example so my css file is in /resources/static/css/. However after loading my page .css file was not found.
This is a screenshot from my IDE:
I am not providing my own configuration for static directory I just want to use default one. What might be important is the fact that templates are loading just fine from the /resources/templates/ directory.
Css file is loaded like this:
<link data-th-href="#{css/bootstrap.min.css}" rel="stylesheet">
App is not using normal Controller class instead I've provided function as a Bean to define my router:
RouterFunction<?> router(final GeneratorHandler generatorHandler) {
return route(GET("/generate"), handler::render);
Any ideas what's wrong here?
I've found the right solution. In your RouterFunction you need to use:
return resources("/**", new ClassPathResource("/static/"))
This will set your static directory to:

Primefaces graphicimage is not working in browser [duplicate]

I've done tutorial about Facelets templating.
Now I've tried to create a page that isn't in same directory as the template. I've got problems with page style, because of styles are referenced with relative path like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style_resource_path.css" />
I can use absolute referencing by starting with /:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/project_root_path/style_resource_path.css" />
But this will bring me troubles when I'll be moving application to a different context.
So I'm wondering what is best way to reference CSS (and JS and image) resources in Facelets?
The proper JSF 2.x way is using <h:outputStylesheet>, <h:outputScript> and <h:graphicImage> with a name referring the path relative to webapp's /resources folder. This way you don't need to worry about the context path as you would do in JSF 1.x. See also How to include CSS relative to context path in JSF 1.x?
Folder structure
Drop the CSS/JS/image files in /resources folder of the public webcontent as below (just create one if not already exist at the same level as /WEB-INF and /META-INF).
|-- resources
| |-- css
| | |-- other.css
| | `-- style.css
| |-- js
| | `-- script.js
| `-- images
| |-- background.png
| |-- favicon.ico
| `-- logo.png
| |-- faces-config.xml
| `-- web.xml
|-- page.xhtml
In case of Maven, it should be in /main/webapp/resources and thus not /main/resources (those are for Java resources (properties/xml/text/config files) which must end up in runtime classpath, not in webcontent). See also Maven and JSF webapp structure, where exactly to put JSF resources.
Referencing in Facelets
Ultimately, those resources are available as below everywhere without the need to fiddle with relative paths:
<h:outputStylesheet name="css/style.css" />
<h:outputScript name="js/script.js" />
<h:graphicImage name="images/logo.png" />
The name attribute must represent the full path relative to the /resources folder. It does not need to start with /. You do not need the library attribute as long as you aren't developing a component library like PrimeFaces or a common module JAR file which is shared by multiple webapps.
You can reference the <h:outputStylesheet> anywhere, also in <ui:define> of template clients without the need for an additional <h:head>. It will via the <h:head> component of master template automatically end up in generated <head>.
<ui:define name="...">
<h:outputStylesheet name="css/style.css" />
You can reference <h:outputScript> also anywhere, but it will by default end up in the HTML exactly there where you declared it. If you want it to end up in <head> via <h:head>, then add target="head" attribute.
<ui:define name="...">
<h:outputScript name="js/script.js" target="head" />
Or, if you want it to end up at the end of <body> (right before </body>, so that e.g. window.onload and $(document).ready() etc isn't necessary) via <h:body>, then add target="body" attribute.
<ui:define name="...">
<h:outputScript name="js/script.js" target="body" />
PrimeFaces HeadRenderer
In case you're using PrimeFaces, its HeadRenderer will messup the default <h:head> script ordering as described above. You're basically forced to force the order via PrimeFaces-specific <f:facet name="first|middle|last">, which may end up in messy and "untemplateable" code. You may want to turn off it as described in this answer.
Packaging in JAR
You can even package the resources in a JAR file. See also Structure for multiple JSF projects with shared code.
Referencing in EL
You can in EL use the #{resource} mapping to let JSF basically print a resource URL like /context/javax.faces.resource/folder/file.ext.xhtml?ln=library so that you could use it as e.g. CSS background image or favicon. Only requirement is that the CSS file itself should also be served as a JSF resource, otherwise EL expressions won't evaluate. See also How to reference JSF image resource as CSS background image url.
.some {
background-image: url("#{resource['images/background.png']}");
Here's the #import example.
#import url("#{resource['css/other.css']}");
Here's the favicon example. See also Add favicon to JSF project and reference it in <link>.
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#{resource['images/favicon.ico']}" />
In case you're using a SCSS compiler (e.g. Sass Compiler Plugin for Maven), keep in mind that the SCSS processor might interpret # as a special character. In that case you would need to escape it with \.
.some {
background-image: url("\#{resource['images/background.png']}");
Referencing third-party CSS files
Third party CSS files loaded via <h:outputStylesheet> which in turn reference fonts and/or images may need to be altered to use #{resource} expressions as described in previous section, otherwise an UnmappedResourceHandler needs to be installed in order to be able to serve those using JSF. See also a.o. Bootsfaces page shows up in browser without any styling and How to use Font Awesome 4.x CSS file with JSF? Browser can't find font files.
Hiding in /WEB-INF
If you intend to hide the resources from public access by moving the whole /resources folder into /WEB-INF, then you can since JSF 2.2 optionally change the webcontent-relative path via a new web.xml context parameter as follows:
In older JSF versions this is not possible.
See also:
Java EE 6 tutorial - Facelets - Resources (which is only 2 chapters away from your link)
What is the JSF resource library for and how should it be used?
How do I override default PrimeFaces CSS with custom styles?
Suppose that you are running the in the sub directories of the web application. You may try like this :
<link href="${facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
The '${facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/' link will help you to return immediately to the root of the context.
In relative URL's, the leading slash / points to the domain root. So if the JSF page is for example requested by, the CSS URL will absolutely point to To know the valid relative URL, you need to know the absolute URL of both the JSF page and the CSS file and extract the one from the other.
Let guess that your CSS file is actually located at, then you need to remove the leading slash so that it is relative to the current context (the one of the page.jsp):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/decoration.css" />
These answers helped me to fix the same issue. Although my problem was more complex since I was using SASS and GULP.
I had to change (please note the "\" in front of the #. Probably side effect from gulp:
<h:outputStylesheet library="my_theme" name="css/default.css"/>
background: $blue url("\#{resource['my_theme/images/background-homepage-h1.png']}");
The resourcehandlers.UnmappedResourceHandler helps to map JSF resources on an URL pattern of /javax.faces.resource/*.
For me these 2 xml configs in faces-config.xml:
and in web.xml:
helped with css and images.

How to import css/js in spring MVC application jsp page

I am new to spring mvc , I am creating a user registration page , there I need to put external css and import external js .
I put the script tag with src and link tag with href. But i think in Spring MVC application they will not work straight forward.
For this I added resourceservlet mapping but still it is not working
I am not able to find any way how I csn include these assets in my jsp file.
Please help me to get this one.
Put the CSS, JS, image files, etc., into a directory (which may contain subdirectories) in your web site, and than map the requests to that directory:
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/public-resources/"/>
In this example the files are in the public-resources directory, and you refer to them using /resources in the link in your JSP.
For more information see Spring docs
