alias script is not running `source ~/.bash_profile` - bash

I have modified my .bash_profile script with the following command:
alias shortcuts-update='nano ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile && say profile shortcuts have been updated'
It's a great way to add aliases on the fly. The nano works well but the the source ~/.bash_profile does not! I must run it manually before any changes I have saved in .bash_profile take effect. Can anyone tell me why?


macOS Catalina 10.15(beta) - Why is ~/.bash_profile not sourced by my shell?

I want to set the environment variable I added below the line to ~/.bash_profile and ~/.profile but it didn't work.
export JBOSS_HOME=/Users/{USERNAME}/Desktop/jboss7
Afterward, exit the terminal and open it again when executing echo $JBOSS_HOME I get nothing.
Apple has changed the default shell to zsh. Therefore you have to rename your configuration files. .bashrc is now .zshrc and .bash_profile is now .zprofile.
If you for some reason (as me) don't want to rename/move your ~/.bash_profile file you can do the next things:
Create a new file ~/.zprofile
Type there source ~/.bash_profile
Save and close
Run a new terminal session
You can just copy your existing bash_profile and name it zprofile and it will work fine.
Run the below command in terminal and you are set after closing and opening new terminal.
cp ~/.bash_profile ~/.zprofile
I created a new file called
which contains a wrapper script:
/usr/local/bin/bash --init-file $HOME/.bashrc
I installed this local/bin/bash from HomeBrew.
Full Sequence of Events
brew install bash
echo "/usr/local/bin/bash --init-file $HOME/.bashrc" > /usr/local/bin/mybash
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mybash
Then I opened the settings for [cmd-comma]. Under the General Tab, select the radio button for Command (complete path)
In the text box change the text from /bin/zsh/ to /usr/local/bin/bash.
After you close a Terminal window, variables you set in that window are no longer available. If you want the value of a variable to persist across sessions and in all Terminal windows, you must set it in a shell startup script. For information about modifying your zsh shell startup script to keep variables and other settings across multiple sessions, see the “Invocation” section of the zsh man page.
You can use ~/.zlogin to add your variables.
Check out this reference.
changing the bash profile to zsh profile works and source it as well to see in action.
vikas#Vikas-Kumar ~ % mv .bash_profile .zsh_profile
vikas#Vikas-Kumar ~ % source .zsh_profile
You can create a simbolic link and keep your .bash_profile file with this:
ln -s .bash_profile .zsh_profile
source .zsh_profile
Any changes in .bash_profile will be reflected in .zsh_profile
Even with os Catalina /bin/bash comes for free, brew is not needed. Simply create your .bash_profile and set shell in terminal settings to /bin/bash. it automatically finds your .bash_profile. z-shell is not bash-shell and simply renaming will work in most cases but definitely is not correct.
you don't need to update the file, zsh is mac's default, put this in terminal. e.g.:
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
cp zprofile ~/.zprofile
Add to .zprofile:
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
eg. by >vi .zprofile

Why must I source .bashrc every time I open terminal for aliases to work?

Git was working fine. I have created an alias in Git but the issue is when I tried to reopen the terminal, then I need to run . ~/.bashrc every time in the terminal.
What is the best way I don't need to provide source every time when I reopen the terminal?
What I did?
I am trying to add source of the .bashrc file in this file but it is a read-only file. I am not able to add the source of the .bashrc file in this profile.
open /etc/profile
Added the permission to write in the profile as well, still not able to link the source file.
sudo chmod u+w /etc/profile
# System-wide .profile for sh(1)
if [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then
eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s`
if [ "${BASH-no}" != "no" ]; then
[ -r /etc/bashrc ] && . /etc/bashrc
It looks like your terminal emulator is launching bash as a login shell.
If that's the case, it will read /etc/profile for configuration as well as 1 of the following files, if they exist (listed in order of importance) :
It will thus ignore your .bashrc file. A correct fix for your situation would be to either configure your terminal emulator to run bash interactively and non-login, or add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile :
[ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ] && . "$HOME/.bashrc"
Here is a link to the documentation about which files are loaded depending of the type of shell you are running
As per #Aserre's answer i have followed this step to solve this issue
A typical install of OS won't create a .bash_profile for you. When you want to run functions from your command line, this is a must-have.
Start up Terminal
Type cd ~/ to go to your home folder
Type touch .bash_profile to create your new file.
Edit .bash_profile with your favorite editor (or you can just type open -e .bash_profile to open it in TextEdit.
[ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ] && source "$HOME/.bashrc" Save it and close it
Restart the terminal, It should work
You should write this line source .profile inside your .zshrc file. This is because default shell is zsh. If u don't want to do this solution than u can go for changing the default shell by typing the following command chsh -s /bin/bash then restart your machine or virtual machine. Then no need for source. I hope this will help :) TAKE CARE
If you are using Linux and you want variables set, to persist.
Follow the below steps.
Be the root user -> sudo su
go to etc folder -> cd /etc
open the file bashrc with the editor of your choice -> vi bashrc
set the variable with export command like here I am setting JAVA_HOME ->
export JAVA_HOME=pathHere
Load the bashrc file with command ->
. bashrc
remember to put the dot/period before bashrc.
now JAVA_HOME should be set permanently.

Appending bash alias to .bashrc doesn't work

I want to create a alias of my cd command. I have created the .bashrc file and append the command cd ...... to it. (Since the file was newly created, it just has this one line that I added).
After that, only after I typed . ~/.bashrc, can the alias works. If I close the terminal and open it again, I need to retype . ~/.bashrc.
It's really annoying to do this every time. Is there any way to solve this problem?
Thank you so much for help
When you login to linux system, only ~/.profile will be called:
$ cat ~/.profile
# if running bash
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.bashrc"
You need to source ~/.bashrc inside ~/.profile manaully.
Read this to learn more.
If you're using iTerm2 on mac, it actually start a login shell by default when open tabs.
But you can change it: Preferences > General > Command
If using OS X, append the alias to ~/.bash_profile.
You could also add alias to ~/.bashrc, then add source ~/.bashrc to ~/.bash_profile.
Better yet, put all your aliases in ~/.aliases, and source it in ~/.bash_profile.
By default, OS X first sources /etc/bashrc (which shouldn't be modified unless absolutely necessary), then sources the user's ~/.bash_profile at the start of every interactive session.

~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, and ~/.bash_profile not running on new terminal start up

I am trying to create a permanent alias for my terminal. I put the alias in my ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, and ~/.bash_profile files, previously empty. When I start a new terminal, bash does not recognize the alias, but if I source any of them, it does. Why are these not getting run when I open a terminal? I am on OSX.
Newer MacOS versions use zsh as the default shell for both Terminal and iTerm2. Run echo $SHELL to confirm if this is the case for you.
Zsh looks for a .zshrc file upon shell startup, so to continue using zsh while sourcing the contents of your bash profile, you can run the following:
echo "source ~/.bash_profile" >> ~/.zshrc
Open a new terminal window for the changes to take effect.
Two things need to happen here when using iTerm to get the loading of dotfiles to work.
First you should add the following to your .bash_profile
[[ -s ~/.bashrc ]] && source ~/.bashrc
Secondly you will need to ensure that in iTerm preferences your terminal is set to launch a login shell.
Hope this helps!
Using the default mac terminal, what worked for me was to add a command to run on start up to source my .bash_profile.
Preferences > Profile > Startup > Add command 'source ~/.bash_profile'
Mac terminal preferences window screenshot
Might be considered to be a bit hacky, but it does the trick.
Adding source ~/.profile to my .bash_profile worked for me.
As of High Sierra, both Terminal and iTerm want to load ~/.profile first. So I suggest you put one line in your .profile to make your Mac work like other Unixes:
source ~/.bash_profile
By editing this one file, you won't have to search through the menus of multiple apps to override Apple's bizarre behavior in each.
As of Catalina the default shell is now zsh. You can change it back to bash with chsh -s /bin/bash and that should load your .profile or .bash_profile
Why are your shell's initialization files not loading?
As with most things, It Depends ™
I recently experienced the same phenomenon and went through the following exercise to resolve it:
I use iTerm. iTerm runs a login shell by default. Verify in iTerm Preferences > General > Command > (*) Login Shell
Therefore, I know that ~/.bash_profile will always be called.
Knowing that, I put the following in my ~/.bash_profile file:
for file in ~/.{bashrc,bash_exports,bash_aliases,bash_functions}; do
[ -r "$file" ] && source "$file"
unset file
Notice that I use separate files for .bashrc, .bash_exports, etc. It keeps things separate and simple.
Note also that /etc/profile is loaded first, but since I have never used that system wide init file, I knew that that was not my problem. For details check out $ man bash
So, I started with my ~/.bash_profile file.
I found that when I installed Canopy Express that it's installer replaced the contents of my ~/.bash_profile file with the following content:
# Added by Canopy installer on 2017-04-19
# VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT can be set to '' to make the bash prompt show that Canopy is active, otherwise 1
alias activate_canopy="source '/Users/lex/dev/python/User/bin/activate'"
# VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 source '/Users/lex/dev/python/User/bin/activate'
p.s. Canopy is an excellent, free python IDE, that I highly recommend.
Fortunately, I backup my ~/.bash* files so restoring that was easy and quickly fixed my issue.
My advice would be to understand the order of calls to your initialization files and start with the first one and work your way through them until you find the problem.
Oh, and you may want to verify which shell you are using (I use bash):
~ $ echo $SHELL
I am guessing you may use another shell, such as bash, tcsh, sh, zsh etc.
Put source .bash_profile into your appropriate 'bashrc' file will make the auto loading recovered, i.e.
.login for tcsh, .bash_profile for bash, .zshrc for zsh
My issue was solved by unchecking Preferences > General > tmux >
Use "tmux" profile rather than profile of the connecting session
Most likely, you need to create the files yourself as they appear not to exist by default. You should give them execute permission to make them run.
~ % sudo chmod 700 ~/.bash_profile
Also, you should check the ownership of the files. They should belong to current user rather than root. Otherwise, you will get permission denied error.
~ % ls -a -l
~ % sudo chown <user_name> ~/.bash_profile
Finally, please note that bash looks in your home directory for .bash_profile, .bash_login, and .profile in order. Bash will stop looking if the first is found.
This means if you have both .bash_profile and .profile files, the .profile will not run.
For more information
Hope this would help you.
Little late to the party but it seems that the file .zprofile is the equivalent to that of .bash_profile when loading zsh. I used this instead to execute a few commands on startup. Of course this only valid for a specific iTerm setup with zsh.

How to load ~/.bash_profile when entering bash from within zsh?

I've used bash for two years, and just tried to switch to zsh shell on my OS X via homebrew. And I set my default (login) shell to zsh, and I confirmed it's set properly by seeing that when I launch my Terminal, it's zsh shell that is used in default.
However, when I try to enter bash shell from within zsh, it looks like not loading ~/.bash_profile, since I cannot run my command using aliases, which is defined in my ~/.bash_profile like alias julia="~/juila/julia", etc.. Also, the prompt is not what I set in the file and instead return bash-3.2$.
For some reasons, when I set my login shell to bash, and enter zsh from within bash, then ~/.zshrc is loaded properly.
So why is it not loaded whenever I run bash from within zsh? My ~/.bash_profile is symbolic linked to ~/Dropbox/.bash_profile in order to sync it with my other computers. Maybe does it cause the issue?
Open ~/.zshrc, and at the very bottom of the file, add the following:
if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]; then
. ~/.bash_profile;
Every time you open the terminal, it will load whatever is defined in ~/.bash_profile (if the file exist). With that, you can keep your custom settings for zsh (colors, and etc). And you get to keep your custom shell settings in .bash_profile file.
This is much cleaner than using bash -l IMO.
If you prefer putting your settings in .bashrc, or .bash_login, or .profile , you can do the same for them.
Similarly, you could also move the common profile settings to separate file, i.e. .my_common_profile, and add the following to both .bash_profile and .zshrc:
if [ -f ~/.my_common_profile ]; then
. ~/.my_common_profile;
An interactive bash reads your ~/.bash_profile if it's a login shell, or your ~/.bashrc if it's not a login shell.
A typical .bash_profile will contain something like:
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi
so .bashrc can contain commands to be executed by either login or non-login shells.
If you run bash -l rather than just bash, it should read your .bash_profile.
For those who have just installed zsh and want their alias from bash to work on zsh do the following
Open .zshrc file in vim like so
vi ~/.zshrc
Scroll to the bottom
click "i" to enable write mode
Tell zsh to load items from bash_profile when needed like so
source ~/.bash_profile
Write and quit like so
Refresh your zsh like so
source ~/.zshrc
That's it. Now all your saved alias in .bash_profile will be ready to use in zsh.
To complement #Keith Thompson's excellent answer:
As #chepner puts it succinctly (emphasis mine):
In OS X, bash is not used as part of the initial [at boot time] login process, and the (or other terminal emulators) process exists outside any pre-existing bash sessions, so each new window [or tab - read: interactive bash shell] (by default) treats itself as a new login session.
As a result, some OSX users only ever create ~/.bash_profile, and never bother with ~/.bashrc, because ALL interactive bash shells are login shells.
On Linux, the situation is typically reversed:
bash shells created interactively are [interactive] NON-login shells, so it is ~/.bashrc that matters.
As a result, many Linux users only ever deal with ~/.bashrc.
To maintain bash profiles that work on BOTH platforms, use the technique #Keith Thompson mentions:
Put your definitions (aliases, functions, ...) in ~/.bashrc
Add the following line to ~/.bash_profile
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
Copy the contents from ~/.bash_profile and paste them at the bottom of ~/.zshrc file.
For ZSH users on MacOs, I ended up with a one liner.
At the very bottom of the ~/.zshrc I added the following line :
bash -l
What it does is simply load the .bash_profile settings(aliases, function, export $PATH, ...)
If you decide to get rid of ZSH and go back to plain BASH, you'll be back to normal with no hassle at all.
If this is something that you do infrequently, or it just isn't appropriate to make changes, you can also 'source' the .bash_profile after launching the child bash shell.
. ~/.bash_profile
This will pull in the settings you make in the .bash_profile script for the life of that shell session. In most cases, you should be able to repeat that command, so it's also an easy way to test any changes that you make without needing to do a full login, as well as bring all of your existing shell sessions up-to-date if you make upgrades to the .bash_profile &/or .bashrc files.
For macOS Big Sur (Version 11.5.2)
Open .zshrc
For example: sudo nano ~/.zshrc
At the end of the file add source ~/.bash_profile
Every time you open the terminal the contents inside the bash profile will be loaded.
Recently I installed oh-my-zsh on OS X and set zsh as default shell and faced the same problem.
I solved this problem by adding source ~/.bash_profile at the end of .zshrc file.
I am using a zsh framework called oh my zsh and I have tried most of the solutions listed here and it broke the format for my custom theme. However, these steps worked for me.
Add new alias(es) at the bottom of my .bash_profile
vi ~/.bash_profile
Make zsh to load items from .bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Refresh zsh
source ~/.zshrc
Restart OSX Terminal app
Try your new alias!
If you'd like to be "profile-centric", you can create .profile as a single source of truth, then load it from both .bash_profile and .zprofile.
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"
# etc., etc.
.bash_profile and .zprofile
if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then
. ~/.profile;
I found this helped bash scripts find the right PATH, etc., and helped me keep configuration in one place.
