ffmpeg audio watermark at specific time - bash

I'm looking for a way to add an audio watermark, on specific time, to a video file (with existing audio) . something like: ffmpeg -i mainAVfile.mov -i audioWM.wav -filter_complex "[0:a][1:a] amix=inputs=2:enable='between(t,9,10)' [aud]; [0:v][aud]" -c:v libx264 -vf "scale=1280:720:sws_dither=ed:flags=lanczos, setdar=16:9" -c:a libfdk_aac -ac 2 -ab 96k -ar 48000 -af "aformat=channel_layouts=stereo, aresample=async=1000" -threads 0 -y output.mp4
The above command gives me this error Timeline ('enable' option) not supported with filter 'amix'. amerge didn't work as well. I kind of get lost with filter_complex syntax, specifically with the following conditions
On the main AV file, both audio and video tracks are filtered
Watermark should be between the 9th and 10th second (I already
generated a 1 second, 10k tone file)
The watermark need to survive the proceeding audio transcode

ffmpeg -i mainAVfile.mov -i audioWM.wav
-vf "scale=1280:720:sws_dither=ed:flags=lanczos,setdar=16:9" -c:v libx264
-c:a libfdk_aac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -b:a 96k
-threads 0 -y output.mp4
It's preferable to perform all filtering in a single filtergraph. But I've kept the video filter as-is.


How to Mute audio after 10 Seconds for 2 seconds with ffmpeg filter volume?

I am using this command to mute audio :
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -af "volume=enable ='between(t,10,15)':volume=0, volume=enable ='between(t,20,25)':volume=0, volume=enable ='between(t,30,35)':volume=0, volume=enable ='between(t,40,45)':volume=0, volume=enable ='between(t,50,55)':volume=0" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192K output.mp4
How can I repeat or loop this filter without writing it again and again?
For example, this commands zooms video after specific seconds :
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "zoompan=z='if(lte(mod(time,6),3),zoom+1.5,zoom-3)':x='iw/2-(iw/zoom)/2':y='ih/2-(ih/zoom)/2':d=1:fps=24" -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -preset:v ultrafast -profile:v high -g 60 -threads 2 -c:a aac -b:a 192K output.mp4
How can I use volume filter like this to mute audio after specific seconds?
Tip: you can target multiple time ranges or conditions in one enable expression by adding them, e.g.
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -af "volume=volume=0:enable ='between(t,10,15)+between(t,20,25)+between(t,30,35)+between(t,40,45)+between(t,50,55)'" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192K output.mp4
If the pattern is regular, like 'every 10 seconds, for 2 seconds', you generally use the mod function, which returns the remainder of the left operand by the right operand. Then you enclose this is a comparative function like lte (less than or equal to)
In this case,
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -af "volume=volume=0:enable ='lte(mod(t\,10)\,2)'" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192K output.mp4

Combine Two Commands (Get Video from Images)

I have 300 images and i wants to generate video from these images.
i am new to FFMPEG so now i am using two commands to generate video from images.
Command to generate video from images which also add Logo on video
ffmpeg -framerate 24 -i img_%d.jpg -i logo.png -filter_complex \
"[0:v][1:v] overlay=25:25:enable='between(t,0,20)'" \
-vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p test_video.mp4
After using above command i am getting the video to add audio to this video i am using below command
ffmpeg -i test_video.mp4 -i inputfile.mp3 -c:v libx264 -c:a libvorbis -shortest final_video.mp4
which generates video and i am getting below message
MPEG-4 AAC decoder is required to play the file
Help to combine this both command. if possible can we add sound without any decoder required
Log for command 1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zS7gvrPy69VK_MkyE4127FpX2kEziJHq/view?usp=sharing
and Log command 2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rHqVGzj7f003aWP6eISiyUjsES8_EWuw/view?usp=sharing
Try next command:
ffmpeg -framerate 24 -i img_%d.jpg -i logo.png -i inputfile.mp3 -filter_complex \
"[0:v][1:v] overlay=25:25:enable='between(t,0,20)'" \
-vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -map 2:a -c:a copy -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest test_video.mp4
-map 2:a is needed to skip image in case if there is cover image in track.
With -c:a copy track will not be re-encoded, so you will have mp3 inside of your video file.

ffmpeg - Convert MP4 to WebM, poor results

I am trying to encode a video to webm for playing through a HTML5 video tag. I have these settings...
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:a 128k -b:v 1M -c:a libopus output.webm
The results aren't great, video has lost lot's of it's sharpness. Looking at the original file I can see the bitrate is 1694kb/s.
Are there any settings I can add or change to improve the output? Would maybe a 2 pass encode improve things?
Try with
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 30 -b:v 0 -b:a 128k -c:a libopus output.webm
Adjust the CRF value till the quality/size tradeoff is ok. Lower values produce bigger but better files.
Try to run two passes:
ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -pass 1 -an -f webm -y /dev/null
ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -b:v 0 -crf 30 -pass 2 output.webm
From - https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/VP9

FFmpeg concat and then add soundtrack results in a soundtrack that stutters

I am trying to create a video composed of clips of images and videos. For the clips of images, I use ffmpeg to create a video file and then I add a silent audio stream through these two steps:
ffmpeg.exe -loop 1 -i MyImage.png -codec:v libx264 -t 4.0 -profile:v high -preset slow -r 25 -b:v 500k -maxrate 500k -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=1280:720 MyImageMovie.mp4
ffmpeg.exe -f lavfi -i anullsrc=r=48000 -i MyImageMovie.mp4 -shortest -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental -y MyImageMovieWithSilentAudioStream.mp4
Then I combine my video clips and image clips with
ffmpeg.exe -f concat -i videoList.txt -c copy -y concatVideo.mp4
At this point, the video looks good, any video clips that have audio streams seemed well synced to the video.
Now I add a soundtrack:
ffmpeg.exe -i concatVideo.mp4 -i soundtrack.mp3 -ar 48000 -filter_complex "[1:a]apad [b] ; [0:a][b]amerge=inputs=2[a]" -map 0:v -map "[a]" -c:v copy -ac 2 -shortest -y FinalVideo.mp4
The problem is that the soundtrack on FinalVideo.mp4 stutters at some (not all) of the concatenation joints.
I suspect it has to do with the audio stream and the video stream of the Image clips not being perfectly aligned. The aac has .0231s resolution and the video has 0.04s resolution. When I ffprobe the MyImageMovieWithSilentAudioStream.mp4 the duration is 4.00s but the start is 0.0213.
If my concatenated video has several of these image clips, the error can start to accumulate.
What can I do to keep the video and audio in sync and add a soundtrack that doesn't stutter?
Also, this is a little interesting, I don't hear the stutter when the final video is played on Windows Media Player, but it is there if I play it on VLC or via the html native video element.
Try adding the soundtrack in the same step as the concat.
ffmpeg -f concat -i videoList.txt -i soundtrack.mp3 \
-filter_complex "[1:a]apad[b];[0:a][b]amerge=inputs=2[a]" \
-map 0:v -map "[a]"
-c:v copy -c:a aac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -shortest -y FinalVideo.mp4
As an aside, you can also combine the image and silent stream generation,
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i MyImage.png -f lavfi -i anullsrc=r=48000 \
-vf scale=1280:720 \
-c:v libx264 -profile:v high -preset slow -r 25 -b:v 500k -maxrate 500k -pix_fmt yuv420p \
-c:a aac -strict experimental -t 4 -y MyImageMovieWithSilentAudioStream.mp4

Use FFmpeg to combine fdshow audio capture with still image

On windows I am trying to capture direct show audio and combine with a still image. I have come up with the following command:
ffmpeg -f dshow -i audio="Microphone (Conexant SmartAudio HD)" -loop 1 -i black2.png -b:a 30k -ac 1 -acodec libfdk_aac -vcodec libx264 -b:v 60k -shortest test.mp4
This nearly works, a video with image and audio are produced but the video output is created at a much faster rate that the captured audio. So if the audio is capturing for 1 minute a 5 minute video is produced instead of 1 minute. The audio plays for the 1st minute and there is no audio for the remaining 4 minutes, The images displays through out video.
Any help appreciated, Thank you.
ffmpeg -f dshow -i audio="Microphone (Conexant SmartAudio HD)" -loop 1 -re -i black2.png -b:a 30k -ac 1 -acodec libfdk_aac -vcodec libx264 -b:v 60k -shortest test.mp4
The -re limits the speed at which Ffmpeg processes the video - to realtime.
