Xamarin.Android WearableRecyclerView - xamarin

Is the WearableRecyclerView missing in Xamarin Android Wear Support Libraries 2.0.1?
I updated the Xamarin Android Wear Support Libraries nuget package to the latest version (2.0.1), but i cannot resolve the WearableRecyclerView.

it was a broken hint path’s in the Wearable support project
Fixed in version


How to create xamarin android project targeting specific android version?

How to create android project targeting specific android version e.g. v5.0?
it seems when creating new project it is auto picking latest installed target sdk version
it seems they forgot to add those options
This is a part of Android manifest that is available as part of the project properties.

Updating Xamarin Forms produces "invalid android support library configuration" error when building.

I updated Xamarin Forms to 3.4.0 on a Xamarin Forms Android project that was working fine. Now I am getting this error when attempting to build. The error is "invalid android support library configuration" and when I look at my Package Console I see this...
...saying that some of my Xamarin.Android.Support.xxx packages need a downgraded package for compatibility. Problems is, my project does not have any of this packages as you can see by my "Packages" folder here...
What am I missing or doing wrong?
This can happen if you update ALL of the nuget packages in a Xamarin.Forms Android project.
Xamarin.Forms has specific dependencies on specific versions of the Xamarin.Android.Support libraries, and if you update ALL of the nuget packages in the Android project, then the support libraries may update to versions later than the versions that the new Xamarin.Forms version supports.
At this point I would uninstall Xamarin.Forms package from the Android project and also uninstall all of the dependent support library packages, which are listed here under "Dependencies": https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Forms/
So in the Android project, uninstall the following nugets:
Once uninstalled, just re-install Xamarin.Forms and the correct versions of the support packages should be re-installed.
In the future, just update the Xamarin.Forms packages and that will automatically update the support library packages if necessary, and will not update the support libraries if the newer support library versions are not supported by the updated Xamarin.Forms version.
Updating Xamarin.Forms and all *.Support.* libraries to the latest version worked for me.
You have a version compatibility problem, if you have updated some packages recently, you must go to the package manager "NuGet/Update" you will find all Xamarin packages need update.

How to integrate Native ios and android sdk in Xamarin

I have to integrate one third party sdk in xamarin project.
They are providing the native sdk's for android and ios. I need to use them in Xamarin project to develop app for ios and android.
Xamarin offers in depth documentation for linking native libraries.
Linking native library iOS here and Binding a java Library here.
If you want to go further and use these sdk's in Xamarin.Forms you can make a wrapper in each platform dependent project and link them to your Forms project using Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.
To use Firebase Crashlytics in your application follow the steps:
Install packages: Xamarin.firebase.iOS.Crashlytics and Xamarin.firebase.iOS.Core
Download GoogleService-Info.Plist file and add it to your project.
Set the build action as "Bundle Resource".
Build the project and run.

Dependency issue when updating Xamarin (Android)

I have recently updated my Xamarin nuget packages. The update process to the latest version of all packages for Xamarin (core), Xamarin Forms and Xamarin for iOS went really well and everything has updated to the latest version.
Unfortunately most Xamarin.Android.Support.* and Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.* packages are not updating to the latest version because they don't seem compatible with the latest Xamarin version, which does not really make any sense to me.
I have also just detected the following:
Does that mean I have to update my MonoAndroid version? If so, how do I do that please?
Any suggestions?
I simply needed to update / install the latest Android SDKs using the Android SDK Manager. After installing API 24 and 25, all nuget packages updated successfully.

Xamarin Forms with Google Play Services

I created a XamarinForms app with latest version of XamarinForms stable v2.3.3.180 from NuGet in Visual Studio 2015.
Next, In NuGet manager I try to add latest stable version of Google Play Services Location https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location
which currently is 42.1001.0.
But Google Play Services says it needs XamarinForms
After hitting OK, the project explorer shows several references with yellow icons, and compiler gives warnings it couldn't find references:
Xamarin.Forms 23.3.180 has a dependency on the Android Support Library version 23.3.0. You have version 25.1.0 installed which isn't supported by Xamarin Forms.
Drop back your Android Support Library to version 23.3.0 and the issue should go away.
