Table not created in database using migration in laravel - laravel-5

When I type php artisan make:migration create_tasks_table --create=tasks only migrations table in database is created but not tasks table ?


Laravel. Difference between php artisan make:model and make:migration

I am new to Laravel and learning myself. I have confusion between Laravel commands "php artisan make:model" and "php artisan make:migration". What I understand is that both of these commands are used for creating table.
php artisan make:model is used to create a Model-Class, referring to the MVC Pattern.
php artisan make:migration is used to create a Migration-Class. A Migration is used to define a database-table schema. The Migrations will be executed when you run php artisan migrate, which will create the tables in your database of choice.
You can even combine these two tasks:
php artisan make:model Flight --migration
Will create a Model-Class called Flight and a migration with the filename 2022_08_01_162322_create_flights_table.
Those are two different commands.
php artisan make:model
This command will generate a Model. For exemple, you could generate a Listitem model if you build a to-do app.
php artisan make:migration
This command will generate a migration file. You will use this file to create your database table structure.
In everyday life, I prefer using the first command like this:
php artisan make:model -mc
The -mc option will ask Laravel to create a migration file and a controller file in addition to the model file. I recommend using this command to save time.
To be more clear in a simple word :
1️⃣ Model is a logic which transfers data between database and UI.
2️⃣ Database is is a collection of organised data and information. These databases contain many tables with multiple fields containing information on a company's clients or employees.
3️⃣ Migration is a logic which you can make your tables and columns programmatically and also you can have a type of version control on your database tables.
➡️ So :
While running
php artisan make:model
You have created a file to write logic to transfer data between database and UI
While running
php artisan make:migration
You have created a file which you can defining your table fields.
And after that you should run :
pho artisan migrate
Which will run your migrations and creates your tables.
🎁 Quick tip : there is also a command for creating Model, Controller and it’s migration with one command which I have mentioned below 👇
php artisan make:model -mcr
You need to first know the difference between Model and Migration:
Migration: represents the structure of an entity in your database schema.
That means that this migration when executed php artisan migrate will represent and create the table with that defined structure
Model: represents the domain logic. This logic is used to handle the data passed between the database and the user interface (View in MVC).
So, php artisan make:model Example will create a new model of Example and php artisan make:migration example_table will create a migration that refers a model.
First Do You Know What's Model And Migration
Model:Is Refer To Your Table Inside Your Database But If You Want To Refer to your table you should Make the name of the model like your Table name in database but : 1- The first letter is cabital 2-Remove 's' from the last
You Can Craete model using php artisan make:model YourModelName
Migration:is used to make rows inside your table like name,email,password
You Can Craete Migration using php artisan make:migration YourMigrationName

why "migrations" and "user" tables are created after running "php artisan migrate --env=local"

i am trying to insert data in database using laravel framework. but it gives me error like sqlstate hy000 access is denied. after that i run the command php artisan migrate --env=local. after that error is removed but it created two tables automatically name: "users" and "Migrations". now i don't know why these two tables are created automatically. please help me regarding these tables. Thankyou!
users table is a default migration that exists on a fresh install of Laravel. Many sites require some kind of user login, so Laravel includes a table for users by default.
You can find this migration in database/migrations/ folder inside your Laravel project folder.
This table is used for the Laravel Auth (basic user login / registration system) which can be set up simply by typing php artisan make:auth into your terminal inside the Laravel project folder.
This will create another migration for you for password resets.
The migrations table allows Laravel to know which migrations have already been executed, so for example if you were to run php artisan migrate again after running php artisan make:auth, it would know to only run the password resets migration, as the user migration had already been completed previously.
You can read more about Laravel's migrations in the Laravel Documentation

create php artisan migrate but not create new table in database

firstly I create a migration and in cmd, I run php artisan migrate but it didn't create a new table. it's showing this message. Do you have any answer, Senior Developers! please help me. Thanks a lot
Laravel Documentation for Migration
If you want to run the migration without saving any data in database you can :
php artisan migrate:fresh
// Refresh the database and run all database seeds...
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

How to create database using laravel auto generate?

php artisan make:migration create_users_table
This code does not generate a table on phpmyadmin.
What code should I use?

Can't migrate table in laravel 5.3

SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'users' already exists. I want to migrate posts table. When I do this, see the above error.
Here is my users and posts tables migration code [posts migration code][1]
You haven't showed your code but it seems your users table is already migrated. Assuming you are on localhost (no production development) you should try to run
php artisan migrate:refresh
or if it won't help you should include your migrations code
