Remove documents with Logstash - elasticsearch

I work on several log files that I process with logstash. I divide them into several documents (multiline) and then I extract the information I want.
The problem is that I find myself in the end with several documents where I have nothing interesting and that takes me up space.
Do you know a way to delete documents where there is no information extract by logstash ?
Thank you very much for your help !

In lower versions of ElasticSearch, when creating indexes you can specify a ttl field that indicates the expiry of a document in the index. You could set the ttl to a value of say 24 hours. Read more here
However ttl has been deprecated as of version 2.0 since its a clumsy way of removing stale data, personally, i create rolling indexes with logstash and have a cron job that simply drops the daily index at eod via curl.
Also refer to this article from ES


Setting up a daily partitioned index

I'm looking to setup my index such that it is partitioned into daily sub-indices that I can adjust the individual settings of depending on the age of that index, i.e. >= 30 days old should be moved to slower hardware etc. I am aware I can do this with a lifecycle policy.
What I'm unable to join-the-dots on is how to setup the original index to be partitioned by day. When adding data/querying, do I need to specify the individual daily indicies or is there something in Elasticsearch that will do this for me? If the later, how does it work with adding/querying (assuming they are different?) does it determine the partitions that are relevant for the query/partition to add a document to? (I'm assuming there is a timestamp field - but I can't see from the docs how its all linked together)
I'm using the base Elasticsearch OSS v7.7.1 without any plugins installed.
there's no such thing as sub indices or partitions in Elasticsearch. if you want to use ilm, which you should, then you are using aliases and multiple indices
you will need to upgrade from 7.7 - which is EOL - and use the default distribution to get access to ilm as well
getting back to your conceptual questions, and the following few chapters dive into it. but to your questions;
the major assumption of using ilm is that data being ingested is current, so on a rough level, data from today will end up in an index from today
if you are indexing historic data then you may want to put that into "traditional" index names, eg logs-2021.08.09 and then attach them to the ilm policy as per
when querying, Elasticsearch will handle accessing all the indices it needs based on the request it receives. it does this via

How to debug document not available for search in Elasticsearch

I am trying to search and fetch the documents from Elasticsearch but in some cases, I am not getting the updated documents. By updated I mean, we update the documents periodically in Elasticsearch. The documents in ElasticSearch are updated at an interval of 30 seconds, and the number of documents could range from 10-100 Thousand. I am aware that the update is generally a slow process in Elasticsearch.
I am suspecting it is happening because Elasticsearch though accepted the documents but the documents were not available for searching. Hence I have the following questions:
Is there a way to measure the time between indexing and the documents being available for search? There is setting in Elasticsearch which can log more information in Elasticsearch logs?
Is there a setting in Elasticsearch which enables logging whenever the merge operation happens?
Any other suggestion to help in optimizing the performance?
Thanks in advance for your help.
By default the refresh_interval parameter is set to 1 second, so unless you changed this parameter each update will be searchable after maximum 1 second.
If you want to make the results searchable as soon as you have performed the update operation you can use the refresh parameter.
Using refresh=wait_for the endpoint will respond once a refresh has occured. If you use refresh=true a refresh operation will be triggered. Be careful using refresh=true if you have many update since it can impact performances.

Ways to only process new(index after last run) data in Elasticsearch?

Is there a way to get the date and time that an elastic search document was written?
I am running es queries via spark and would prefer NOT to look through all documents that I have already processed. Instead I would like read the only documents that were ingested between the last time the program ran and now.
What is the best most efficient way to do this?
I have looked at;
updating to add a field with an array with booleans for if its been looked at by which analytic. The negative is waiting for the update to occur.
index per time frame method, which would be to break down the current indexes into smaller ones so by hour.The negative I see is the number of open file descriptors.
Elasticsearch version 5.6
I posted the question on the elasticsearch discussion board and it appears using the ingest pipeline is the best option.
I am running es queries via spark and would prefer NOT to look through
all documents that I have already processed. Instead I would like read
the only documents that were ingested between the last time the
program ran and now.
A workaround could be :
While inserting data using Logstash to Elasticsearch, Logstash appends a #timestamp key to the document which represents the time (in UTC) at which the document is created or we can use an ingest pipline
After that we can query based on the timestamp.
For more on this please have a look at :
Mapping changes
There is no way to ask ES to insert a timestamp at index time
Elasticsearch doesn't have such functionality.
You need manually save with each document date. In this case you will be able to search by date range.

Elasticseach & Kibana - best practice for visualizing one year's logs

I am using ElasticSearch with Kibana to store and visualize data from my logs. I know it is customary to use Logstash, but I just use the elasticsearch Rest API and POST new elements to it.
I am trying to look for best practices in terms of how I should manage my indices, given I have about 50k logs per day, and I want to visualize sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly and sometimes yearly data. And also I have no need for more than one node. I don't need a high available cluster.
So I am basically trying to determine:
-How should I store my indexes, by time? Monthly? Weekly? One index for everything?
-What are the disadvantages of a huge index (one index that contains all my data)? Does it mean that the entire index is in memory?
Thank you.
I like to match indexes to the data retention policy. Daily indexes work very well for log files, so you can expire one day's worth after X days of retention.
The fewer indexes/shards you have, the less RAM is used in overhead by Elasticsearch to manage them.
The mapping for a field is frozen when the field is added to the index. With a daily index, I can update the mapping and have it take effect for the new indexes, and wait for the old ones to expire. With a longer-term indexes, you'd probably need to reindex the data, which I always try to avoid.
The settings for shards and replicas are also frozen when you create the index.
You can visualize them in Kibana regardless of how they're stored. Use the #timestamp field as your X-axis and change the "interval" to the period you want.
Using logstash would be important if you wanted to alter your logs at all. We do a lot of normalization and creation of new fields, so it's very helpful. If it's not a requirement for you, you might also look into filebeats, which can write directly to elasticsearch.
Lots to consider...

Is it possible to limit a size of an Elasticsearch index?

I have an Elasticsearch instance for indexing log records. Naturally the data grows over time and I would like to limit its size(about 10GB). Something like a mongoDb capped collection.
I'm not interested in old log records anyway.
I haven't found any config for this and I'm not sure that I can just remove data files.
any suggestions ?
The Elasticsearch "way" of dealing with "old" data is to create time-based indices. Meaning, for each day or each week you create an index. Index everything belonging to that day/week in that index.
You decide how many days you want to keep around and stick to that number. Let's say that the data for 7 days counts as 10 GB. In the 8th day you create the new index, as usual, then you delete the index from 8 days before.
All the time you'll have in your cluster 7 indices.
Using ttl as the other poster suggested is not recommended, because is far more difficult and it creates additional pressure on the cluster. The ttl mechanism checks every indices.ttl.interval (60 seconds by default) for expired documents, it creates bulk requests out of them and deletes them. This means unnecessary requests coming to the cluster.
Instead, deleting an index is very easy and quick.
Take a look at this and how to easily manage time based indices with Curator.
From what I remember a capped collection in MongoDB was just a circular buffer type of collection that removes oldest entries when there's no more room? Unfortunately there's nothing like this out of the box in ElasticSearch, you have to add this functionality yourself either by removing single documents (or batches of documents) using ES's API. A more performant way is described in their documentation under retiring data.
You can provide a per index/type default _ttl(time to live) value as follows:
"tweet" : {
"_ttl" : { "enabled" : true, "default" : "1d" }
You will have more detail here:
